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Beta Testers for an Internet-related app

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I'll take a shot at it if you need another tester. I do some web dev every once in a while, and I'm pretty sure I know what the app does from reading the thread.


Off-topic, does anyone know what happened to PCwiz?

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I was absent this days, and check your pm, testing now ^^


- Run Apache [OK]

- Run MySQL [ERROR]* The problem seems that the mysql didn't started and the program think it started.

- Installing now PHPMyAdmin.

- PHPMyAdmin installed


About the GUI! Very nice! I liked it a lot =) This program can be great


If I have suggestions to make one is a support for custom modules.

- Like the user can install postgresql etc...


But great work!


Suggestion: A option to choose the port you are going to run the server ^^

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Yeah. The server that I used for the dl is down. I don't know how to use the different mirror selection that sourceforge uses. I hope to get svn done soon.

gizmoarena - would you prefer multiple repositories each with their own project or one repo with multiple projects?


Sorry, I had NO internet connection for a whole week :)


I am back now. Downloading the beta6 right now (guessed the download link, and it's working ;) )

I'll test it for a while and let you know the results.


I prefer one repo with multiple/all projects needed for this app.

Sourceforge mirror selection is kind of weird. It always chooses the slowest mirror for me :wacko:

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Sourceforge selects the "fastest" mirror for the user automatically.

For example if you use this link


to download pidgin source.

It will automatically redirect to the fastest/nearest mirror.


I meant this redirecting thing chooses wrong mirror all the time.


I live in Bangladesh. My nearest mirrors are usually Japan or Singapore. But practically, I get better speed from any USA server and some European servers (Netherlands, Sweden).

Weird, isn't it?

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Few reports


1. First of all, ServerBOX is taking 97% of my CPU! (The Apache was running)

I stopped Apache, the ServerBOX took 99% of the CPU :S




2. Graphical issue. Clicking the PHPMyAdmin button pops up a warning message, where the last line does not appear properly.




3. When I clicked PHPMyAdmin for the first time, it showed "End of file" Error.


I tried it again. It worked fine! Still. I couldn't install it yet! [Possible reasons: a. My internet connection, b. Slow server]


4. While Downloading & Installing PHPMyAdmin, other functions of the applications were still usable. Which is alright I guess. But my opinion is "disable everything else when downloading/installing something".


Besides, the "Downloading" window is on "Always on top" mode, which is kind of annoying.


5. This is not a problem, just a question. Why PHPMyAdmin does not come with the application package?


6. ServerBOX menu bar item takes longer time to response.

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I don't get where sourceforge comes into the picture.


1. The app shouldn't be taking that much cpu, the services are separate the program. Try killing the app and restarting it.

2. Yeah, that dialog is going to be gone due to some coding changes to fix the problem little snitch causes.

3. Same kinda thing as #2, being fixed.

4. Thanks for the feedback.

5. Why? I haven't added it to the package, still trying to get everything working

6. How long?

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Leave the #6. That took long time because it was using 99% CPU at that moment (most probably).

The app is working normally now.


By the way, the Subversion section is still "TODO" right? I mean the buttons are not click-able.

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Yeah. subversion is still todo. I haven't done much lately as I have been trying to get mysql & phpmyadmin working properly.


I don't have any explanation of the high cpu use. I haven't run my app through instruments yet though....

Do mysql & phpmyadmin work properly for you?


Edit: I am now able to replication to high cpu. That stems from curl, which is what I used to download files.

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Yeah. subversion is still todo. I haven't done much lately as I have been trying to get mysql & phpmyadmin working properly.


I don't have any explanation of the high cpu use. I haven't run my app through instruments yet though....

Do mysql & phpmyadmin work properly for you?


Edit: I am now able to replication to high cpu. That stems from curl, which is what I used to download files.


Curl is OK, but I use the ftp command to download files:


do shell script "cd ; ftp "


I don't know if that's compatible with the progress bar code you are using though.

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Sorry it took me 3 days to get any kind of beta report in; I've been busy as hell. Great-looking app so far though.


Found a few things so far.

1. The username and password that servebox gives you when you click the PHPMyAdmin button ('pma' and 'pma4565pma') are not in fact configured as a username and password in the MySQL database. I can log in as root with an empty password though, and in browsing through the information_schema DB I can confirm that the 'pma' user does not exist.


2. Clicking the MySQL Log button results in a Console error in opening the log file. I'm thinking it might be looking in the wrong place.


3. PHPMyAdmin is bitching about being unable to load the mcrypt extension. Dunno if that would need to be added to the PHP install, or if it's even entirely necessary.


4. At the bottom of PMA, I get the error: "Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed." I have no idea what this means.


Couple suggestions.

1. When installing Apache, MySQL and what not, maybe either add those directories to $PATH or put them somewhere already in the path so they can be accessed directly from Terminal. I realize you're going for simplicity of management here, so that may not be the best idea.


2. Possibly make it so that the PHPMyAdmin button doesn't force-open Safari, but rather uses whatever the default browser is. It works fine in Firefox.


2 1/2. You misspelled "directory" in the file chooser popup for upload_tmp_dir.


And a few questions:

1. Why is it necessary to run that script after installation? I didn't check, but would just having Servebox install MySQL work as well? And if not, I think you could probably roll that script into the PKG as a post-install script instead of making the user run it manually.


2. Should the OpenSSL button be grayed out? I know I haven't consciously installed OpenSSL, so is it required or is it just still being worked on?




Yeah... long post. I'm done. Servebox shows a hell of a lot of promise, keep it up!

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Yes, CPU hits 99-100% only when downloading PHPMyAdmin files.

While installing PHPMyAdmin it shows this




I couldn't log in with username: pma and pass: pma4565pma.

it shows this


I tried with username: root and blank password, didn't work either.


Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration.

I do not have ideas about mcrypt. :D


PHPMyAdmin opens two Safari windows, if Safari was not running.

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For the second error, try stopping and restarting MySQL. I got that a few times, and restarting MySQL fixed it. Granted, it shouldn't happen in the first place but that's the quick fix. Looks like SQL occasionally doesn't start properly for some reason.

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And a few questions:

1. Why is it necessary to run that script after installation? I didn't check, but would just having Servebox install MySQL work as well? And if not, I think you could probably roll that script into the PKG as a post-install script instead of making the user run it manually.


I have the answer to that question :P skyhighmac included the script as a post install script in the first beta6 pkg, but the script kept erroring out and so the install wouldn't complete properly. Even running it manually, it has some errors but it does most of what its supposed to do.


BTW, for everyone here, clicking "start mysql" doesn't always start it. Click Show All, go back to MySQL and click start a second time, and if the installation is working as it should then it should start. To make sure that the MySQL process is running open up Activity Monitor, choose All processes from the list and filter out "mysqld". If the mysqld process is there that means its running, if not, then its messed. How to fix most of MySQL problems:


1) Go to the /tmp directory in your computer. If a file called "mysql.sock" doesn't exist, make an empty file called "mysql.sock" and put it there

2) If you are having problems installing PHPmyadmin or starting MySQL open Terminal and put in:


sudo -s

[enter password]

chmod -R 777 /Applications/servebox/htdocs

chown -R $USER:admin /Applications/servebox/htdocs

chmod -R 777 /Applications/servebox/services/dbdata/mysql

chown -R $USER:admin /Applications/servebox/services/dbdata/mysql


Most of these problems are related to bad permissions. Correcting the permissions usually solves most problems. HTH :thumbsup_anim:

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