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blackosx last won the day on December 29 2021

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  1. Hey @kevpatts What do you currently see when using the supplied background image? Can you take a screenshot? You will need CrScreenshotDxe.efi in \EFI\OC\Drivers then can press F10 in the UI to save an image to the root of your EFI System Partition. Thanks
  2. Another theme for the collection BsxTexturedSquare
  3. Here's another theme BsxDarkUpLight
  4. I've added another OpenCanopy theme BsxDarkRed to my repo which follows OpenCore's flavour system.
  5. Merry Christmas to everyone I've added BsxSet4Revisted OpenCanopy theme to my repo which follows OpenCore's flavour system. It's based on the icon style from Set4 where the light comes from the top right producing a deep shadow (well deep enough to fit within the icon frame while trying to keep the icon a decent size). The icons are on a transparent background so can be used on other backgrounds.
  6. I've added OpenCanopy theme BsxOsIcons3D to my repo. It's a simple clean theme with rendered icons which follows OpenCore's flavour system. I will next work to generate alternative themes based on these 3D models....
  7. Excellent work @canemdormienti
  8. Thanks for your keen approach but no rush as these new icons have not been pushed to the repo yet. 😀
  9. Just to show I've not disappeared, I've been working on bringing up-to-date my previously rendered 3D icons set from older sets in the OpenCanopyIcons repo to put together a new theme to complement OpenCore's flavour system. I'm almost there but unfortunately have run out of time. I hope to get this finished soon but for now this is where I'm at with the current icon set for the theme.. Once I have the icon set complete, I can then move forward to generate set versions in different colours, for example mono, at different angles with different lighting to create various themes....
  10. Thanks @antuneddu 😀 @Jingu - I've created the Set2 Monterey icons and added them to the OpenCanopyIcons repo. Here's a preview image.
  11. Thanks to @Irish_Man for bringing back the concept from older themes, I've added two new OpenCanopy themes to my GitHub repo. Both have identical icon sets but one has as a plain 5K background and the other a sky and water 5K background image. BsxDebossBluePlain BsxDebossBlueSkyWater I haven't generated multiple colour options of this set as I've done in the past with other icon sets, but if there's enough interest in doing so then I can definitely consider it.
  12. Thanks @Jingu Set2 evolved to Set3 so I never went back to update the icons in Set2. I added many more icons to Set3 since then so to bring Set2 up to date would take a lot of work. But I could add. Monterey icon for you.. give me a few days and I’ll see what I can do. Hey @BuXb I’ve been out of the loop too though still lurking. Now winter is drawing in I’m sure I’ll spend more time here again. AFAIK, there has been no change with font support in OpenCanopy.
  13. Just a quick post to say I've added MacOS 12 Monterey and Windows11 icons to Set3 and Windows11 icons to Set5 at the OpenCanopyIcons repo.
  14. You say you are using 1920x1200 and from your screenshot I see black bars top and bottom so this says to me that the background in that theme is only 1920x1080 (I’m guessing and have not checked). OpenCanopy does not scale background images so you need to use a background image the same size (or larger) as your display resolution. The designer of any theme needs to ensure they either create one large image that’s suitable for all resolutions which OpenCanopy will centre in the display, or supply multiple background images at different resolutions for the user to choose for their system.
  15. Nice job @ghost8282
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