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iPod touch Jailbroken, iPhone to follow


I am beginning to think that Apple isn't trying. The iPod touch with version 1.1.2 has already been jailbroken. Here is the first screenshot of the jailbroken device.




More details are coming on the new way to jailbreak the touch screen devices.


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Yay, Now I am for sure getting one for christmas.


Would you prefer apple make it so they cant be modified like this? Apple said they are not going to intentionally break jailbroken devices. They realize that the ability to modify them is resulting in MUCH higher sales than if they were to protect against it. People have said "I didn't realize how boring the iPhone was until I used it without modifications". Increased Sales = Happy Apple, they will likely never remove this ability.

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Considering the iPhone SDK will be released in about a month and a half, Apple won't have to deal with people hacking their iPhones much longer. So, perhaps it's not that surprising.

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Considering the iPhone SDK will be released in about a month and a half, Apple won't have to deal with people hacking their iPhones much longer. So, perhaps it's not that surprising.

That depends on what power the SDK gives the users. It will more than likely not allow for UI changes, which is one of the primary things people do to iPhones. Only time will tell.

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Sorry to ask a dumb question but exactly what is jailbreaking an iPhone or iPod Touch?


I couldn't really find a lot of clear information on and it so was hoping someone would quickly explain.


Thanks guys.

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The iPods and iPhones have their full filesystem that it can access and then a "user" area that you can normally access for putting things like Music, Video, Pictures and the like on.


The idea here is to prevent the user from being able to access the iPod/iPhone OS area.


What Jailbreaking does is it allows one to access the OS area instead of just being limited to the user area.


This is a very simplistic answer that glosses over most of what is really happening, but hopefully it will set the record strait for some of the newer members.

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The iPods and iPhones have their full filesystem that it can access and then a "user" area that you can normally access for putting things like Music, Video, Pictures and the like on.


The idea here is to prevent the user from being able to access the iPod/iPhone OS area.


What Jailbreaking does is it allows one to access the OS area instead of just being limited to the user area.


This is a very simplistic answer that glosses over most of what is really happening, but hopefully it will set the record strait for some of the newer members.

Thats a pretty good answer if you ask me, well summed up and dumbed-down.

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Yep, running 1.1.2 jail broken on iPhone right now. Only thing is we have to add code to springboard for the paging stuff because Apple seems to have *cough* removed it *cough*.

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That depends on what power the SDK gives the users. It will more than likely not allow for UI changes, which is one of the primary things people do to iPhones. Only time will tell.

True. Perhaps the SDK will give hackers more info on the iPhone/iPod touch frameworks, or maybe it will present other, easier ways for them to implement their apps. :(

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