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so that was the yesterday's "i guess".. i see :)


well pal, i could say several stupid things like.. time heals every wound and so on

but i won't.. i know how you feel, i just hate when others say such things :).

but at least try to hang out with friends and don't stand still, you'll enjoy your time again ;)

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I feel your pain Colonel, man. But remember that misery is God's way of letting us know that we're on track!


No, but seriously, hang around with the people that care for you and don't stay in the past. One thing that always kept me going after a break up was to have nice no strings attached sex with another girl. It may sound crazy, but it really helps.


Rock on, dude. I send you good vibes and strength to help you get over this difficult time.



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Thanks guys, I really do appreciate it.. :P


I was that way myself a few months ago. Let it pass, and as the hecker and l_m_d said hang around with friends and laugh. If the breakup was for some stupid reason then maybe it was for the better. Feel better Colonel, it will eventually pass as hard as it may seem.


Good Luck,



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I was that way myself a few days ago. Let it pass, and as the hecker and l_m_d said hang around with friends and {censored}. If the breakup was for some good reason then maybe it was for the best. Feel better Colonel, and remember, GET SOME!






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How about giving us her e-mail adress ;) then we can ALL talk with her or post it to ADD-Bot! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:




"Don't get SAD, get EVEN!"


My girlfriend dumped me... I'm all depressed now and was hoping you guys could cheer me up a bit. :(
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Good advice from all the others. Go out with your best mates as much as you can. Absolutely avoid staying at home alone. If you have a friend, regardless of gender or age, who is a good listener, talk to them, it really helps.

Also remember that we are a family here, and many of us appreciate you, we really do ;)

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I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen....


Very good idea...


Also remember that we are a family here, and many of us appreciate you, we really do ;)


Yeah, never forget about us ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
My girlfriend dumped me... I'm all depressed now and was hoping you guys could cheer me up a bit. :blink:


Well, this situation is very familiar for me as I were in your shoes couple of times... And as I am very sensitive it was very hard to overcome breakups... But I have worked up some rules for me:

1. Try to find something positive in this break-up. (I.e. this breakup means that this girl is not for me and I'm going to meet another one soon :blink: )

2. Take a diary and write your feelings and emotions about this break-up. If you release them outside you will feel better.

3. Yeah, spend more time with your friends to let this situation go from your mind and to draw away from it...

If nothing of this helps... and you still can't overcome... Well.. Try another recipe.. You can try to return her.. Once when I try to return GF it did work..

You should invent some interesting way to attract her again.. For example, I sent my GF flowers at home.. I knew that it would work for her as she was rather young and didn't have such surprises before.. This action has returned our relations but not for a long time..

By the way, how long have you been dating?

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