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10.5.2 for the AMD impatient


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I edited the CPUID file to patch the /System/InstallAtStartup/ files also




Thanks to max33 to remind me about the kernel and -aKy- for the system.kext



Thanks to -aKy-:

"macgirl, 9.2.0 kernel is out on TPB, maybe you could update your first post :-)"


here is the patches folder:


unpack in the root folder


read Netkas blog to prevent kernel panics on reboot:

http://netkas.org/?p=50 or



backup these extensions and your actual kernel




install 10.5.2 update with Pacifist (without AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext) or Installer (delete AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext when it appears)


put back the backup kexts (if they were overwrote)


reboot with -s option (single user mode)

mount your volume as writeable "mount -uw /"

go to your patches folder "cd /patches"

apply the patches with these 2 commands:


./patcher cpuid.txt


if you install the LeopardGraphicsUpdate1.0 run the CPUID patch

./patcher cpuid-graphics.txt


Run again the ./patcher cpuid.txt becaus the InstallAtStatup script overwrites some files after they were patched.

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I patched my AMD, it appears that it runs without probs except for Terminal:


I get this message: "login: PAM Error (line 396): System error"


Anyone has a clue?




Applied last CPUID to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CHUD.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CHUDCore.framework/Versions/A/CHUDCore rebooted and no more probs on Terminal, odd :o

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ok my hackmac is now 10.5.2!!i thougt i messed it up after it restarted itself after installation, but i just booted with the dvd and replaced the kernel, AppleSMBIOS.kext and APPLACPIPlatform. i didnt even have to replace system.kext or anything else. after reboot applied the patches et voila boot into leo 10.5.2 :) thanks a lot.

I patched my AMD, it appears that it runs without probs except for Terminal:I get this message: "login: PAM Error (line 396): System error"Anyone has a clue?EDIT:Applied last CPUID to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CHUD.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CHUDCore.framework/Versions/A/CHUDCore rebooted and no more probs on Terminal, odd :D
my terminal is working fine. dunno what it could be?
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If you dont replace system.kext programs like image mounter will not work.


I hope that soon wil be a new 9.2.0 kernel from ToH



thx for telling me! I probably wouldnt have found out. if I used it at some point i would have probably almost forgotten what the issue could be related to.


ohh yeah do you think it is also related to all those "family specific matching fails" errors for almost all my hardware? i mean the hardware works fine as before, but it still says it for almost every single piece of it during boot.


...thanks for reading and pace out...

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macgirl, i am about to give this a try on my AMD, but i was wondering - if we're using Pacifist to keep the update from installing AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext, couldn't we also do the same thing for the other kexts that we need to keep (AppleSMBIOS.kext, System.kext, etc...) instead of having to restore them from backup? (sorry I am new to Pacifist, so I don't know exactly how that works)...

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macgirl, i am about to give this a try on my AMD, but i was wondering - if we're using Pacifist to keep the update from installing AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext, couldn't we also do the same thing for the other kexts that we need to keep (AppleSMBIOS.kext, System.kext, etc...) instead of having to restore them from backup? (sorry I am new to Pacifist, so I don't know exactly how that works)...


Yes you can, mark all kexts except the ones that you want to keep. But this is not recommended, because if you forget one, you don't have a backup. It would be more safe to simply copy the whole system/library/extensions folder first to another location.


Another way is to edit the pkg with the flatpackage editor from the devtools, to edit the "1" script from there, and then save it and edit the rest with the packagemaker, by simply unchecking all the files you want to keep, plus the appleintelframebufferblahblah, that we do not want to see, too :)

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ok, so i did everything macgirl posted, and i too am having the long boot up problem. it takes a good 1-2 minutes to show the desktop. i've run the patcher script about 4 times now and booted up with -v every time, so i know that isn't the solution.


oh also, every time i run the patcher, i get this output at the end:


49 of 55 visited files were successfully patched.

139 of 169 found patches were successfully applied.


is this a problem? anyone else having this happen?

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10.5.2 works flawlessly, but as timmyj mentioned, it takes ages until desktop shows up. Booted with -v, everything seems to be fine, then display goes black, monitor goes standby and after some minutes desktop pops up. really would like to know why... weird...

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Before I run the update, I just need a little confirmation about Pacifist since I have never used it before.


Do I just load the .dmg with Pacifist and click install. Then as the install goes forward will it prompt to me to allow / deny processes that try to start or is there something I need to do to configure Pacifist before I click install from there?


Current system:

AMD X2 4200


10.5.1 Zeph's Rev 1 - runs perfect


Regards in advance,


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Ok, well...I was installing with Pacifst and half way through my comp freezes, I have to hard reset and now I get a kernel panic on the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext, which I had not realized was installed by now..Doh!

I can't even boot with -s without the panic... Any advice?

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@evomac: AFAIK, Pacifist just looks through your installer package and shows you what files are in it, and then you can choose which ones to install/not install. It's not a live-process accept/deny kind of thing. Again, AFAIK. You're trying to kill AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement, I assume? In that case, just use the netkas method in macgirl's original post above. It's a lot easier IMHO. Good luck, and let us know how your install works out.


@stealthmode: try booting with -f -s . I had success with that when I was trying to boot into -s mode and kernel panics were keeping me from doing it. -f simply re-initiates your kexts upon boot-up. good luck.

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@Agra - I think I just ran into a bit of a snag. I ran the install. Remove the Intel kext file within maybe 5 seconds of it showing up. Moved it to trash. Install completed. I stopped the script running in terminal. I went to open textedit. I went to file -> open and my entire desktop disappeared. All I see right now is my desktop background with a spinning pinwheel. What should I do? I didn't get to open the Installatstartup script to modify it or replace my kexts I backed up.Quick update. It is now stuck at a looping error saying the following:(current time/date) username-acpi /S/L/CS/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[34002]: Login Window Application Started" " " " configid[34105] allow_crash_reports task_set_exception_ports() failed: (os/kern) invalid argumentAnother update. I rebooted it and tried -f -s. It runs the extension verification, then the screen goes completely black and reboots. This happened 4 times so far.

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