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New Build of OS X Leopard


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Hi. for 10.5.2 update I should start update system from menu?

and how do you think, Do I run without problems 10.5.2 on AMD? I installed OSX from iso for AMD, and I don't know if I'll run it...

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*We have no new issues or anything pending that may negatively result in a malfunction caused by this point release, but we are going to let you try it to be sure before we finalize it for general OS X users to install.


This in no way means that the OS is perfect and pristine. In fact, we are sure there are issues that we have not yet discovered, as well as infinite ways to optimize the system further, and we also have a laundry list of things that will in no way effect the end user or developer so it's pretty pointless to list here so we won't. We will continue to make it better, faster, more efficient.



Mr. Prolix Logorrhea Pleonasticstein

@IT-Pro - no idea where you got that from, but it's definately not on the 9c31 seed note...

9c31 new fixes focus on the area of networking...


Areas of Change

New issues fixed in this seed:

- Networking connectivity issue

@Poe_ - If you install 10.5.2 on AMD it will break your system without a new hacked kernel and patched binaries. In other words don't do it!

Also, it's not even out yet so it won't be in System update. AMD users should never use system update to update their OS version, it will break it.



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@IT-Pro - no idea where you got that from, but it's definately not on the 9c31 seed note...

9c31 new fixes focus on the area of networking...

I got it from a forum thread at AppleInsider.

He seemed reliable to me, though I don't know what his relationship to ADC or Apple is.


Could we expect 10.5.2 this week or do you think there will be at least one new seed?

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I say another seed. Unless they release the new MBPs this week.

I'm going to agree with that one - I'd love to see the new MBP and 10.5.2 this Tuesday, but personally I doubt it will happen. I'm going with the 26th this month unless things change dramatically...



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Alright all you guys asking about 'Oh will this mess my {censored} up?!??!' I'll give you an answer.


Mod edit: Yes it will.


Now go to the OSx86 Installation part of the forum and stop clogging up the news feed!!

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They will probably release it with the new version of Safari 3.


@bedlight, this ain't something new. Been happening since a long long time, and happens at every forum. No point getting all worked up about it.

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What's the point of notifying us every time there's a new build? There's never much difference between them - at least nothing anyone would notice. 9C20 is aesthetically and functionally the same as 9C20, however just a couple of bug fixes may've been added (in other words, stop clogging up the news section).

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Are you guys getting this update for a hackintosh or for the real thing?


Goddamnit someone PM me please.

I've always been installing it on my Hackintosh... won't have a real Mac til the new MBP's are released :wacko: - hopefully tomorrow... well, I wish :(

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