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Here is the IOPCCardFamily file that I have worked on today. I complied the source files offered from Apple and also fixed some bugs. You do not have to edit the info.plist to match your machine. If your pccard shows "IOPCCardBridge::start failed", you can give it a try.


How to use?

  • Backup your original IOPCCardFamily driver (and IOPCIFamily driver)
  • Replace your IOPCCardFamily driver (and IOPCIFamily driver) with the attached one that contains all necessary modifications
  • Reboot
  • As root, type "dmesg | grep PC"; you should see something being found

Welcome to try it. Don't forget to backup the old files before trying it.



If you get the kernel panic, PLEASE check if you have replaced the following files to make your cardbus slot working before:






If you did, you probably need to find a way to restore those files first.

If you still get kernel panic, you can take the picture of it if possible. Thanks.



It may cause kernel panic with AGPGart installed.....

If you have the error message "IOPCCardBridge::checkBridgeBusIDs invalid sub/cardbus/pci settings of 0x0" before trying the tiger file, it still may not work after trying the tiger file.



Kext File: IOPCCardFamily_chunnan_Tiger.zip

Source Code: IOPCCardFamily_46_chunnan.zip



1/17/2008: rev1 and source code update

Please replace IOPCCardFamily and IOPCIFamily at the same time.

You DO NOT have to edit info.plist because it will use "ADP2,1" by default.

If possible, let me know the result. Thanks.





1/30/2008: rev2 and source code update

Please replace IOPCCardFamily and IOPCIFamily at the same time.

You DO NOT have to edit info.plist because it will use "ADP2,1" by default.

If you are using other revisions, please update to rev2.

If possible, let me know the result. Thanks.





2/7/2008: rev3 and source code update

Please replace IOPCCardFamily and IOPCIFamily at the same time.

You DO NOT have to edit info.plist because it will use "ADP2,1" by default.

If you are using other revisions, please update to rev3.

If possible, let me know the result. Thanks.





5/25/2008: beta3 installation package update

Please choose IOPCCardFamily and IOPCIFamily at the same time.

If possible, let me know the result. Thanks.



11/30/2008: beta IOPCMCIAFamily update





{ "Cirrus PD6729", IS_CIRRUS|IS_PCI, ID(CIRRUS, 6729) }


{ "Cirrus PD6832", IS_CIRRUS|IS_CARDBUS, ID(CIRRUS, 6832) }

{ "ENE 1211", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1211) } <= new added

{ "ENE 1225", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1225) } <= new added

{ "ENE 1410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1410) } <= new added

{ "ENE 710/2/4", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1411) } <= new added

{ "ENE 712/4", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1412) } <= new added

{ "ENE 1420", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1420) } <= new added

{ "ENE 720/2/4", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1421) } <= new added

{ "ENE 722/4", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(ENE, 1422) } <= new added

{ "O2Micro OZ6729", IS_O2MICRO|IS_PCI|IS_VG_PWR, ID(O2, 6729) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6730", IS_O2MICRO|IS_PCI|IS_VG_PWR, ID(O2, 6730) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6832/33", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6832) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6836/60", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6836) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6812", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6812) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6922", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6922) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6933/711E1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6933) }

{ "O2Micro OZ6912/711E0", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 6912) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711EC1/M1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7112) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711EC1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7113) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711M1/MC1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7114) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711MP1/MS1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7134) } <= new added

{ "O2Micro OZ711EZ1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7135) } <= new added

{ "O2Micro OZ711SP1", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7136) } <= new added

{ "O2Micro OZ711E2", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 71E2) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711M2", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7212) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711M3/MC3", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7223) }

{ "O2Micro OZ711MP3/MS3", IS_O2MICRO|IS_CARDBUS, ID(O2, 7233) } <= new added

{ "Ricoh RL5C465", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C465) }

{ "Ricoh RL5C466", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C466) }

{ "Ricoh RL5C475", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C475) }

{ "Ricoh RL5C476", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C476) }

{ "Ricoh RL5C477", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C477) } <= new added

{ "Ricoh RL5C478", IS_RICOH|IS_CARDBUS, ID(RICOH, RL5C478) }

{ "SMC 34C90", IS_CARDBUS, ID(SMC, 34C90) }

{ "TI 1130", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1130) }

{ "TI 1131", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1131) }

{ "TI 1031", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1031) }

{ "TI 1210", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1210) }

{ "TI 1211", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1211) }

{ "TI 1220", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1220) }

{ "TI 1221", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1221) }

{ "TI 1225", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1225) }

{ "TI 1250A", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1250A) }

{ "TI 1251A", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1251A) }

{ "TI 1251B", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1251B) }

{ "TI 1410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1410) }

{ "TI 1420", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1420) }

{ "TI 1450", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1450) }

{ "TI 1451", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1451) }

{ "TI 1510", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1510) }

{ "TI 1520", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1520) }

{ "TI 1620", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 1620) }

{ "TI 4410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4410) }

{ "TI 4450", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4450) }

{ "TI 4451", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4451) }

{ "TI 4510", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4510) }

{ "TI 4520", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 4520) }

{ "TI 7410", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 7410) }

{ "TI 7510", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 7510) }

{ "TI 7610", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 7610) }

{ "TI 7420", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 7510) } <= new added

{ "TI 7620", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 7610) } <= new added

{ "TI XX12", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, XX12) } <= new added

{ "TI XX21", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, XX21) } <= new added

{ "TI 6515", IS_TI|IS_CARDBUS, ID(TI, 6515) } <= new added






I don't know if the new added devices will work or not. However, you can give it a try and let me know the result. In addition, if your pccard slot works under linux and it is not listed on the above the list (and if you believe it may work under mac), let me know the device id and I will try to add it to the next revision.

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Hi Chun-Nan


i get iopccardfamily error on load, with tiger vanilla 10.4.11 (of course with copy and permissions repair )


do it needs a patched iopccardfamily also?







I will check it this week. I was working the one for Leopard. Thanks.



Hi guys,


I have updated rev1 of IOPCIFamily and IOPCCardFamily.



Hi Chun-Nan


my computer has ENE CB1410 cardbus and running 10.4.11, try to use various IOPCC & IOPCI with following results :

- got same kernel panic as Mariusz on yr rev1 of IOPCI & IOPCC

- got this on yr rev1 of IOPCC and gruntster IOPCI

Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(30, 0) pri 0 [2 - 2]
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(1, 0) pri 0 [1 - 1]
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: allocating register space for class-code 060700, MEM ec000000:00001000
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, I/O 0000a000:00001000
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, MEM ec001000:00100000
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060400, hdr = 0x2, parent [2 - 255], device(12, 0) pri 0 [0 - 0]
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: fixing bad primary bus setting, class-code = 060700, device(12, 0) - was 0 now 2
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad subordinate bus setting (subBus <= parentSecBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad secondary bus setting (secBus <= priBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: 14IOPCCardBridge is not compatible with its superclass, 15IOPCI2PCIBridge superclass changed?
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: ^[[33mFailed to load extension com.apple.iokit.IOPCCardFamily.
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: ^[[0mCouldn't alloc class "IOPCCardBridge"


- got "IOPCCardBridge::checkBridgeBusIDs invalid sub/cardbus/pci settings of 0x0" on manually hexedit stock IOPCC and stock IOPCI

- got working cardbus on manually hexedit stock IOPCC and gruntster IOPCI with the following message

Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(30, 0) pri 0 [2 - 2]
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(1, 0) pri 0 [1 - 1]
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: allocating register space for class-code 060700, MEM ec000000:00001000
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, I/O 0000a000:00001000
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, MEM ec001000:00100000
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060400, hdr = 0x2, parent [2 - 255], device(12, 0) pri 0 [0 - 0]
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: fixing bad primary bus setting, class-code = 060700, device(12, 0) - was 0 now 2
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad subordinate bus setting (subBus <= parentSecBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad secondary bus setting (secBus <= priBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   TI 1250A rev 01





Hi Chun-Nan!

I tried your kexts for Tiger to help your development.

Very dangerous!

Coudn't alloc class AppleACPIPlatformExpert

That's all.

I know the problem in MacOSX version. I have 10.4.6 but you write the driver for 10.4.8 and up.

Day by day I am trying to explain that the problem with PCMCI not with bus number, not with addresses, not with DeviceID.

Look once more.

Default IOPCCardFamily.kext

IOPCIFamily v2.0-2.2 - (yes, I can use its)

IOPCI2PCIBridge: bad bridge bus numbering, no room to fix, bailing out!

IOPCCardBridge::checkBridgeBusIDs invalid sub/cardbus/pci settings of 0x0

IOPCIFamily v1.6-1.7

IOPCCard info: Intel PCIC probe: Ricoh RL5C475 rev b8

In this case I can insert Adaptec SlimSCSI 1480 and use it. It works!

Now I use my compilation of Apple's opensource IOPCIFamily-32. It works fine without any tunings.


What is happen? I compare sources and found a great difference in Interrupt resolver.

Moreover sound and graphis work with delays if IOPCIFamily 2.x but perfectly if IOPCIFamily 1.x.

Sound sorces explicitly uses DMA. So as ATIRadeon9700 driver, so as in IOPCCardFamily

	if (has_dma > 0) {
	strcat(buf, " [dma]");
	mask &= ~0x0600;

But in new AppleACPIPlatform there are changes about DMA.

The same problem I observe from other users reports with more recent Tiger and Leo.

The new interrupt policy might works with some users at some motherboard with some BIOS.

But I dunno it is common solution.

Hi guys,I have uploaded the rev1_fix. Hope the kernel panic will disappear. Give it a try and let me know the result. Thanks.Chun-Nan

Hi Chun-Nan!I tried your kexts for Tiger to help your development. Very dangerous!That's all.I know the problem in MacOSX version. I have 10.4.6 but you write the driver for 10.4.8 and up.Day by day I am trying to explain that the problem with PCMCI not with bus number, not with addresses, not with DeviceID.Look once more. Default IOPCCardFamily.kextIOPCIFamily v2.0-2.2 - (yes, I can use its)IOPCIFamily v1.6-1.7In this case I can insert Adaptec SlimSCSI 1480 and use it. It works!Now I use my compilation of Apple's opensource IOPCIFamily-32. It works fine without any tunings.What is happen? I compare sources and found a great difference in Interrupt resolver.Moreover sound and graphis work with delays if IOPCIFamily 2.x but perfectly if IOPCIFamily 1.x.Sound sorces explicitly uses DMA. So as ATIRadeon9700 driver, so as in IOPCCardFamily
	if (has_dma > 0) {		 strcat(buf, " [dma]");		 mask &= ~0x0600;

But in new AppleACPIPlatform there are changes about DMA. The same problem I observe from other users reports with more recent Tiger and Leo.The new interrupt policy might works with some users at some motherboard with some BIOS.But I dunno it is common solution.

Hi Slice,As far as I know, the reason why the roginal IOPCIFamily doesn't work with IOPCCardFamily is because the arrangment of BUS Numbering & Memory/IO resource that IOPCIFamily offers to IOPCCardFamily is somehow not accurate. Apple has changed the way they wrote IOPCIFamily after version of 79.1. (You can compare the source code, you will know the difference) Honestly, I haven't found the reason why the arrangement is not accurate. Right now what I do is try to correct the wrong arrangement.I am using Tiger 10.4.11 and the reason you got kernel panic is because I used the wrong kernel to compile (Sorry about that). I have recompiled the file with Tiger Kernel and have tested it on my machine. It works.Chun-Nan
Hi Chun-Nanmy computer has ENE CB1410 cardbus and running 10.4.11, try to use various IOPCC & IOPCI with following results :- got same kernel panic as Mariusz on yr rev1 of IOPCI & IOPCC- got this on yr rev1 of IOPCC and gruntster IOPCI
Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(30, 0) pri 0 [2 - 2]Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(1, 0) pri 0 [1 - 1]Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: allocating register space for class-code 060700, MEM ec000000:00001000Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, I/O 0000a000:00001000Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, MEM ec001000:00100000Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060400, hdr = 0x2, parent [2 - 255], device(12, 0) pri 0 [0 - 0]Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: fixing bad primary bus setting, class-code = 060700, device(12, 0) - was 0 now 2Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad subordinate bus setting (subBus <= parentSecBus) - was 0 now 3Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad secondary bus setting (secBus <= priBus) - was 0 now 3Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: 14IOPCCardBridge is not compatible with its superclass, 15IOPCI2PCIBridge superclass changed?Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: ^[[33mFailed to load extension com.apple.iokit.IOPCCardFamily.Jan 18 15:02:12 localhost kernel[0]: ^[[0mCouldn't alloc class "IOPCCardBridge"

- got "IOPCCardBridge::checkBridgeBusIDs invalid sub/cardbus/pci settings of 0x0" on manually hexedit stock IOPCC and stock IOPCI- got working cardbus on manually hexedit stock IOPCC and gruntster IOPCI with the following message

Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(30, 0) pri 0 [2 - 2]Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(1, 0) pri 0 [1 - 1]Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: allocating register space for class-code 060700, MEM ec000000:00001000Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, I/O 0000a000:00001000Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, MEM ec001000:00100000Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060400, hdr = 0x2, parent [2 - 255], device(12, 0) pri 0 [0 - 0]Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: fixing bad primary bus setting, class-code = 060700, device(12, 0) - was 0 now 2Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad subordinate bus setting (subBus <= parentSecBus) - was 0 now 3Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad secondary bus setting (secBus <= priBus) - was 0 now 3Jan 18 15:18:21 localhost kernel[0]: IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   TI 1250A rev 01


Hi barbie,I have uploaded rev1_fix. You can give it a try and let me know the result.Chun-Nan

Hi Chun-Nan,


your rev1 fix works like a charm for me.

Here is dmesg:


hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
PAE enabled
standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
vm_page_bootstrap: 510725 free pages
mig_table_max_displ = 71
Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
ACPI CA 20060421
AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: ready
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
Copyright © 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

using 10485 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Started CPU 01
IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
Security auditing service present
BSM auditing present
From path: "uuid", 
Waiting for boot volume with UUID B682126F-86CF-38CA-95BF-F6AF0061BE18
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
PCI configuration changed (BUS free=0 needed=1 added=1)
PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=3 yenta=1)
USB caused wake event (EHCI)
IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   TI XX12 rev 00
FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 803a PCI now active, GUID 00080da0d13f83df; max speed s400.
IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
IOBluetoothHCIController::configurePM Start Idle Timer
Registering For 802.11 Events
[HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
Extension "com.apple.driver.iTunesPhoneDriver" has no kernel dependency.
Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPIIXATARoot/PRID@0/AppleIntelICHxSATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/TOSHIBA MK1237GSX Media/IOFDiskPartitionScheme/Untitled 4@4
BSD root: disk0s4, major 14, minor 4
IOPCCard info:   cs: cb_alloc(bus 8): vendor 0x1106, device 0x3038
IOPCCard info:   cs: cb_alloc(bus 8): found 3 functions
IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 0 to card services.
IOPCCard info:   cs: cb_config(bus 8)
IOPCCard info:     fn 0 bar 2: mem 0xa0004000-0xa00040ff
IOPCCard info:     fn 0 bar 5: io 0x120-0x13f
IOPCCard info:     fn 1 bar 2: mem 0xa0003000-0xa00030ff
IOPCCard info:     fn 1 bar 5: io 0x100-0x11f
IOPCCard info:     fn 2 bar 1: mem 0xa0002000-0xa00020ff
IOPCCard info:     fn 2 bar 2: mem 0xa0001000-0xa00010ff
IOPCCard info:     irq 18
IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 1 to card services.
IOCardBusDevice: binding socket 0 function 2 to card services.
USBF:	108.655	AppleUSBUHCI: controller reset failed
USBF:	108.699	AppleUSBUHCI: controller reset failed
USBF:	108.724	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b0000]::HandleInteUSBF:	108.r7r25u	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]::HandleInterrupt - Host controller process errorpt - Host controller process error
USBF:	108.725	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b0000]::HandleInterrupt - Host controller system error(CMD:0xffff STS:0xffff INTR:0xffff PORTSC1:0xffff PORTSC2:0xffff FRBASEADDR:0xffffffff ConfigCMD:0x7)

USBF:	108.871	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]::HandleInterrupt - Host controller system error(CMD:0xffff STS:0xffff INTR:0xffff PORTSC1:0xffff PORTSC2:0xffff FRBASEADDR:0xffffffff ConfigCMD:0x7)
USBF:	109.726	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b0000]::HandleInterrupt - Resetting controller due to errors detected at interrupt time (0xffff)USBF:	109.947	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]::HandleInterrupt - Resetting controller due to errors detected at interrupt time (0xffff)
USBF:	110. 47	AppleUSBUHCI: controller reset failed
USBF:	110. 67	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]: attempt to resume during global suspend
USBF:	110. 67	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]: attempt to resume during global suspend
USBF:	110. 68	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]::HandleInterrupt - Host controller process error
USBF:	110. 68	AppleUSBUHCI[0x44b7000]::HandleInterrupt - Host controller system error(CMD:0xffff STS:0xffff INTR:0xffff PORTSC1:0xffff PORTSC2:0xffff 



last mesages are related to mine PCMCIA USB adpter (EHCI and UHCI) problem ... like in Leo


Great work Chun-Nan!!




YUJUUUULLL!!! ... Thank you Chun-Nan, rev1_fix works for my Acer 5634WLMi, again many thanks Chun-Nam you are the MEN.


Greetings MacOff


PD I have instaled Uphuck 10.4.9 v1.3


dmesg | grep PC

LPC Bridge Vendor ID 0x8086, Device ID 0x27b9

PCI configuration changed (BUS free=1 needed=1 added=0)

PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=5 yenta=1)

IOPCCard info: Intel PCIC probe: ENE 712/4 rev 10

IOPCCard info: cs: cb_alloc(bus 7): vendor 0x1106, device 0x3044

IOPCCard info: cs: cb_alloc(bus 7): found 1 functions

IOPCCard info: cs: cb_config(bus 7)

IOPCCard info: fn 0 bar 1: mem 0xa0001000-0xa00017ff

IOPCCard info: fn 0 bar 2: io 0x100-0x17f

IOPCCard info: fn 0 bar 3: mem 0xa0000000-0xa00000ff

IOPCCard info: irq 16

Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/


IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Hitachi HTS541212H9AT00 Media/IOFDiskPartitionScheme/

Untitled 1@1

Cheer Chun-Nan!

You made that I dream! I use only IOPCIFamily.kext that you fix.

PCI configuration changed (BUS free=0 needed=1 added=1)
PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=5 yenta=1)
Security auditing service present
BSM auditing present
From path: "uuid", 
Waiting for boot volume with UUID 9CC40CE1-BF73-35EC-B1D3-5CA85DBA141A
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   Ricoh RL5C475 rev b8
AppleATIIXPATA: ATI ATA (CMD 0x170, CTR 0x374, IRQ 15, BM 0x8078)
AppleATIIXPATA: ATI ATA (CMD 0x1f0, CTR 0x3f4, IRQ 14, BM 0x8070)


But more essencial for me that now I can set OpenGL memory more then f..g 3Mb and its works!

My Radeon 9000IGP (devID=5835) never works before!


I still have a problems with sound. May be you look at my ioreg to find remaining mistake?

I admire you :wacko:


One more problem. My AGPGart works with IOPCIFamily 2.0-2.1, but not works with IOPCIFamily 1.6-1.7 and your rev1. Help!

Cheer Chun-Nan!

You made that I dream! I use only IOPCIFamily.kext that you fix.

PCI configuration changed (BUS free=0 needed=1 added=1)
PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=5 yenta=1)
Security auditing service present
BSM auditing present
From path: "uuid", 
Waiting for boot volume with UUID 9CC40CE1-BF73-35EC-B1D3-5CA85DBA141A
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   Ricoh RL5C475 rev b8
AppleATIIXPATA: ATI ATA (CMD 0x170, CTR 0x374, IRQ 15, BM 0x8078)
AppleATIIXPATA: ATI ATA (CMD 0x1f0, CTR 0x3f4, IRQ 14, BM 0x8070)


But more essencial for me that now I can set OpenGL memory more then f..g 3Mb and its works!

My Radeon 9000IGP (devID=5835) never works before!


I still have a problems with sound. May be you look at my ioreg to find remaining mistake?

I admire you :(


One more problem. My AGPGart works with IOPCIFamily 2.0-2.1, but not works with IOPCIFamily 1.6-1.7 and your rev1. Help!


Hi Slice,


Congratulations that your pccard is working now. If you find any bugs after using rev1_fix, please let me know.


I am sorry to say that I wish I could help you with the sound. I don't think Apple has released all the audio source code, especially the HDA ,AC97, etc. If I had the source code, I might look at it. I know Taruga has been working on it. Maybe you can check this link to see if you can get any help.






I have installed this REV6 in my Hp Notebook nx7300 loaded with kalyway 10.5.1 and after installation the PCARD driver and on rebooting OS Crashed. Power botton image came in to transparent shade and asking to press and hold the switch ...like.


I copied back the backed up old pc card kexts and tried re booting and same result only ... its permenantly crashed.


In kalyway I had another incident too, Installed the Intel wireless Driver for 3945 and on reboot same way it crashed.

Infact I am afried to install anything on Kaly way..!


I had tried many things in other versions of leopard - Hotfix, 9a5.....(I forgot the patch number) and there was no this kind of issue yet. I will try this pc card rev 6 in hotfix leopard version and let me see what will happen.


If anybody can give a suggestion on this matter would be apreciated. I am still not decided which version of leopard to be finalised. Once it loaded then I have to run my day to day functionality




Hi Slice,


Congratulations that your pccard is working now. If you find any bugs after using rev1_fix, please let me know.


I am sorry to say that I wish I could help you with the sound. I don't think Apple has released all the audio source code, especially the HDA ,AC97, etc. If I had the source code, I might look at it. I know Taruga has been working on it. Maybe you can check this link to see if you can get any help.




Hi Chun-Nan!

I have the sources of AC97 sound. But I think another developers working on it. I want to say you that it works good with IOPCIFamily 1.6 compiled from sources-32. As you are deep in the project you can find what is change. Why it becomes buggy with your IOPCIFamily? QuickTime Player doesn't play music.

And more.

I didn't understand yet why AGPGart doesn't work with your IOPCIFamily. It calls createNub many times and ATA becomes non-working

Still waiting for root device

I'll try to rewrite the AGPGart but what about other users that uses other AGP driver?

Hi Chun-Nan!

I made an analysis and found mistakes.

The main is that IOPCIFamily 2.2r1 make ("IOPCIConfigured" = Yes) for PCI bus as whole while Apple driver make it for individual devices! That is why AGPGart try to configure FireWire, USB, ATA and so on that it can't.

I made ioregs in single boot mode with three different IOPCIFamily.kext v1.6, v2.0 by Apple and your v2.2r1.

The results:


v1.6 & v2.2r1 good

"Bridge Memory Ranges" = (0xffffffffc0202900,0xffffffffc0202fff,0xffffffffc0206000,0xffffffffc02fffff,0xfffffffffff00000,0xfffff)

v2.0 - bad

"Bridge Memory Ranges" = (0xffffffffc0202900,0xffffffffc0202fff,0xffffffffc0205000,0xffffffffc02fffff,0xfffffffffff00000,0xfffff)



v1.6 good

| "assigned-addresses" =

v2.2r1 bad

| "assigned-addresses" =

BTW v2.0 & 2.2r1 have "IODeviceMemory" - it is good while not used


ATI Radeon

V1.6 - no delays, OGLMemory=0

| | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=0xffffffffd0000000,"length"=0x10000000}),



| | | "assigned-addresses" =


v2.0 - delays. OGLMemory=0

| | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=0xffffffffd0000000,"length"=0x10000000}),({"address"=0xffffffffc0100000,"length"=0x10000}))

| | | "assigned-addresses" =


v2.2r1 no delays, good OGLMemory, but no DMA translations

| | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=0xffffffffd0000000,"length"=0x10000000}),({"address"=0xffffffffc0100000,"length"=0x10000}))

| | | "assigned-addresses" =


I think best values in v1.6


AGP host controller


| | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=0xffffffffc4000000,"length"=0x4000000}),({"address"=0xffffffffc0000000,"length"=0x1000}))

| | | "reg" =

| | | "assigned-addresses" =


v2.0 - good, but IODeviceMemory will be corrected later by AGPGart

| | "IOPCIConfigured" = Yes

| | "acpi-reg" =

| | "reg" =


| | "reg" =

| | "IOPCIResourced" = Yes


I can't compile your sources because with XCode 2.4.1 I have no i386/cpu_number.h

I hope you correct all mistakes.


Here is all 3 my ioregs for additional informations if you need

:)Chun-Nan Nice work man made my PCMCIA "Alive" weeeeeeee



CherokeeNMac:~ ***$ sudo dmesg | grep PCPCI configuration changed (BUS free=0 needed=1 added=1)PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=3 yenta=1)IOPCCard info: Intel PCIC probe: TI XX12 rev 00FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 803a PCI now active, GUID 5300385641411000; max speed s400.Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPIIXATARoot/PRID@0/AppleIntelICHxSATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/FUJITSU MHV2080BH Media/IOFDiskPartitionScheme/Untitled 2@2

CherokeeNMac:~ ***$

Hi barbie,I have uploaded rev1_fix. You can give it a try and let me know the result.Chun-Nan

Hi Chun-Nan,

I've try yr rev1-fix with result as follow

-first attemp causing computer freeze with messages asf:

Jan 21 09:46:01 localhost kernel[0]: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	41.828	AppleUSBUHCI[0x2baa000]::UIMInitialize - ioMap is NULL
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	41.835	AppleUSBUHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: AGP: Found Intel 82845 host to AGP bridge
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::configurePM Start Idle Timer
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: Registering For 802.11 Events
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: PCI configuration changed (BUS free=1 needed=1 added=0)
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: PCI configuration changed (bridge=0 device=4 yenta=1)
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.199	AppleUSBEHCI[0x2d61800]::UIMInitialize - unable to get device memory
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.206	AppleUSBEHCI[0x2d61800]::UIMInitialize - Error occurred (0xe00002be)
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.216	AppleUSBEHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.230	AppleUSBUHCI[0x2b97000]::UIMInitialize - ioMap is NULL
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.237	AppleUSBUHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.252	AppleUSBUHCI[0x2b93000]::UIMInitialize - ioMap is NULL
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.259	AppleUSBUHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.273	AppleUSBUHCI[0x2b90000]::UIMInitialize - ioMap is NULL
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	46.280	AppleUSBUHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Jan 21 09:46:02 localhost kernel[0]: AGP: Found Intel 82845 host to AGP bridge


-second attemp : seems that yr IOPCI causing a kernel panic with messages similar to above/about AppleUSBUHCI (sorry can't give you dispaly pic as i have no digital camera around)


Anyhow, yr IOPCC success in detecting my PC Card as ENE 1410 when combined with gruntster IOPCI with message asf

Jan 21 11:54:22 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(30, 0) pri 0 [2 - 2]
Jan 21 11:54:22 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060000, hdr = 0x1, parent [0 - 255], device(1, 0) pri 0 [1 - 1]
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: allocating register space for class-code 060700, MEM ec000000:00001000
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, I/O 0000a000:00001000
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: pciYentaProbeRanges: class-code 060700, MEM ec001000:00100000
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: class-code = 060400, hdr = 0x2, parent [2 - 255], device(12, 0) pri 0 [0 - 0]
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: fixing bad primary bus setting, class-code = 060700, device(12, 0) - was 0 now 2
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad subordinate bus setting (subBus <= parentSecBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: checkCardBusNumbering: bad secondary bus setting (secBus <= priBus) - was 0 now 3
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: AGP: Found Intel 82845 host to AGP bridge
Jan 21 11:54:23 localhost kernel[0]: IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   ENE 1410 rev 01





Just so people know, Chun-Nan is not available at the moment - he'll be back in a few days.


Don't despair! :D

Chun-nan resolve only the problem with PCMCI bus but his IOPCIFamily.kext give rise to many problem with another devices. May be we resolve its all together?

If you have two version of IOPCIFamily that not crash your system.

For example located in folders /Old and /New at root of your hdd. Make the follow:

boot with -v -s

/sbin/fsck -fy

/sbim/mount -uw /

ioreg -l -x -w 2048 >ioregYourName-1.txt

rm -r -v /S*/L*/E*/IOPCIF*

cp -r -v /New/IOPCIFamily.kext /S*/L*/E*/


boot with -v -s

/sbin/fsck -fy

/sbim/mount -uw /

ioreg -l -x -w 2048 >ioregYourName-2.txt

rm -r -v /S*/L*/E*/IOPCIF*

cp -r -v /Old/IOPCIFamily.kext /S*/L*/E*/


Now compare these txt files and found differencies for your problem devices

Publish differences only!

Hi I am new at this, could someone tell me how I replace kext files? I tried the chmod -R 755 and chown -R root: wheel in the terminal and crashed my system. Can you delete the kext files in the extensions folder and drag the new ones in? I have the TI PCIxx12 cardbus here would love to get it working.


thx for any help



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