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Hey, I'm just curious what you all think is the best *nix environment to run a server on.


This server runs on Debian, and we've been very happy with it (our uptime goes back to August).


Also, let us know what your favorite server admin resources/links/secrets/shortcuts etc are!

http://www.slackware.com/ :excl:


if you must use gnome (osX people seem to) there are a few dedicated gnome on slackware projects.


i use (when i go through a gnome phase, grrrrr Havoc Pennington!) Dropline Gnome, compiled for i686.



Edited by quixos

I started developing sites again so jusy for trips, I decided to install Ubuntu Server and ISPConfig (GPL Control Panel Application) on my sandbox. I'm very happy with the size and alot less bloatware and rescource utilization than some web servers I have used, including Debian, Slack, FC, and especially RH.

i'm running two servers (one web/php/dns and one for mailz) with Gentoo and it rocks despite the installation process.. !!! i've learned more things using gentoo than any other distribution! :D




p.s.= sorry for my bad english

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