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What do you think about drugs?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about drugs?

    • All drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes) should be illegal
    • All drugs (including Meth and Heroine) should be legal
    • We should study the issue scientifically, find out which drugs are extemely harmful and which drugs are small potatoes, and act on that
    • We should not make drugs legal, but we should decriminalize
    • Keep it the way it is now, let the "war" on drugs continue indefinately

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Can you tell me the difference between the top two options please? It says the same thing both times, but with different drugs quoted in the option... =/


Anyway, hasn't "We should study the issue scientifically, find out which drugs are extemely harmful and which drugs are small potatoes, and act on that" already been done? Don't we already know what drugs are ok and which are bad?


I would have thought anyone with a bit of common sense wouldn't take drugs for anything else but medicinal purposes (excluding alcohol).

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Can you tell me the difference between the top two options please? It says the same thing both times, but with different drugs quoted in the option... =/


Anyway, hasn't "We should study the issue scientifically, find out which drugs are extemely harmful and which drugs are small potatoes, and act on that" already been done? Don't we already know what drugs are ok and which are bad?


I would have thought anyone with a bit of common sense wouldn't take drugs for anything else but medicinal purposes (excluding alcohol).


Yes, but i added the "and then act on that" If we had already acted on it, then marijuana would be legal.


read more carefully, one says all drugs should be legal, the other says all drugs should be illegal. The reason why I mentioned specific drugs is because a lot of people dont recognize that alcohol and nicotine are drugs, but they are.


And when people sometimes say that "all drugs should be legal" they sometimes forget extreme drugs such as heroine and Meth.

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our body naturally has receptors specifically for binding THC and nothing else...wonder why that is...heroin oddly has a medicinal use but should not be legal without proper prescription and monitoring. Meth and other 'illegal' drugs need to be studied more although I expect they will not be proven to have much medicinal use, but I could be wrong. I prefer to wait to pass judgement until I have proven science to back my opinions.

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A THC analog is produced in small quantities in the body.


I'm assuming that you're implying that because the human body has a capability to make use of THC, then Marijuana is somehow designed for it. Or some such.


It is perhaps more correct to state that marijuana has value only because the human body is capable of using it for some purpose. (it's not readily edible).


The cannabinoid receptor binds to other molecules, as well... not just THC.

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Make drugs legal and make people be responsible for their own lives.




Let industry advocate restricted use through denial of employment. Not tax dollars (prison, policing, court costs, campaigns etc).


I'll still require a drug test in the US even if it ever legalizes all narcotics.

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Make all drugs legal, and spend the money we currently spend on the War on Drugs to help treat the people that are addicted to the drugs. That should also elliminate much of the crime associated with drug dealers, and hoplefully elliminate the drug dealers completely.

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The Dutch model works quite well for a while now. For such a model to function properly though it also takes... well, Dutch mentality I suppose.



H and its derivatives are slow but sure killers (physically and socially) since physical dependence sets in quickly. They also more or less totally impede the addict of any responsible social and professional life. Most of the other heavily chemically processed drugs can also be potential killers in the hands of people who don't know their limits (coke, E, all sorts of pills etc). I reckon it also makes sense to differenciate between stuff (non physically addictive) that has a relaxing effect as opposed to stuff that makes the user aggressive and potentially violent, like crack and other nasty 'nervous makers'.


In one of the large hospitals in my area they grow their own skunk. People with chronic pain - rheumatism, arthritis etc - can choose to come in and have their daily spliff in a controlled environment. They've done a lot of research on cannabis and it has been found to be one of the most efficient naturally grown pain killers with the least negative side effects...


A spliff a day keeps the doctor away ;)

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Legalizing them would also make sure that people donot go overboard. They will become a passive and be taken for granted. The Dutch policy I guess is a proven policy. If countries adopted this policy, then maybe one day Hard drugs will become non existent. Also, drug trafficking, crime etc should go down considerably.


As an alternate, maybe a Cigarette's model could be adopted. Make soft drugs available easily through Cigarette Vendors, in a form that is easily acceptable such as gum or patches. Private companies will be responsible for production, sales, marketing etc. Governments profit by putting a heavy tax on them. Doctors can openly criticizes them and what not just like Cigarettes.

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All drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes) should be illegal


That would essentially make Asprin and stuff illegal. The majority of most doctors into "Drug Dealers" and 95% of people, if not more, criminals.

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Yes, but i added the "and then act on that" If we had already acted on it, then marijuana would be legal.


read more carefully, one says all drugs should be legal, the other says all drugs should be illegal. The reason why I mentioned specific drugs is because a lot of people dont recognize that alcohol and nicotine are drugs, but they are.


And when people sometimes say that "all drugs should be legal" they sometimes forget extreme drugs such as heroine and Meth.


Doh! Ok, my bad, I should've read more closely. :thumbsup_anim:

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Crime cannot possibly increase from the legalization of illegal drugs. If Heroine or Marijuana were legal to use, sell and produce, drug dealers would be out of business. No drug dealer can possibly compete with Rite Aid. And it would destroy the drug trafficing network in most of the world.


Contrarily, most people who would do drugs if they were legal are people who do them now while they're illegal. So, there is little if any net detrimental effect. If businesses don't want to hire people who do drugs, they should do random drug testing as a condition of employment. There are valid reasons why businesses and government would not want drug addicts working for them.


If nothing else, legalizing drugs would stop the billions of dollars currently being siphoned out of the united states into the hands of terrorists (including Al Qaeda) and criminals.

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I believe that at least cannabis should be leagalized, and less biased studies should be acted upon.


The government should use harm reduction instead of criminalization and propaganda.


That being said I put limits on myself on what i will and willnot do, and if you get what they say your getting, and you know the risks and study the effects, you can see pritty easially what will happen to you


(Lsd, P. Cubensis Mushrooms, Adderall perscribed which is an amphetamine, various opiate pain killers, Lots of Cannabis, Mdma aka ecstasy)


My track record, and im fine, no harm, no addiction, nothing, you just have to know what the drugs you do will do to you, and how to use them properly and that will keep you decently safe


I support http://www.Erowid.org Unbiased as possible (yes i know that nothing can truely be unbiased, but that site tries to be neutral, decide for YOURSELF)

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Anyone here concidering crime at all?

Anyone considering hypocrisy at all?


Alcohol directly kills as many people worldwide as tobacco and cardiovascular diseases. The latter mostly due to overweight due to poor eating habits (too fast and too fatty) and stress-related disorders (hello corporate pressure passed through from the share holders...)


The deaths directly accounted to cannabis consumption still make headlines as extremely rare, isolated freak cases.


Food and stress kill many more people than skunk, proportionally. So what to do? Make food illegal? Ban stress from the workplace?

The tired old legal way again where we have the nanny state enforce repression?


How about teaching responsible use of everything we consume?

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Anyone considering hypocrisy at all?


How about teaching responsible use of everything we consume?



thank you, i agree with him



although no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose, its the stuff they do when high or an allergic reaction that causes death (i threw that in because im sure at least someone is allergic.... )



No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose. Animal tests have revealed that extremely high doses of cannabinoids are needed to have lethal effect. This has led scientists to conclude that the ratio of the amount of cannabinoids necessary to get a person intoxicated (i.e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40,000. In other words, to overdose, you would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned. In contrast, the ratio for alcohol varies between 1 to 4 and 1 to 10. It is easy to see how upwards of 5000 people die from alcohol overdoses every year and no one EVER dies of marijuana overdoses.

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The ingestion of cannabis, either by smoking or eating, has never directly killed anybody. The active psychotropic effects of marijuana can not kill, weed is not even toxic. If anybody has died from weed it was because of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by the burning of the weed and thats all, even that has never been documented. Death from carbon monoxide means smoking as much weed as a telephone pole in one sitting. Which is a lot and is almost impossible.

People who have either gotten hurt or killed while high were simply immature and abusive. They did not take the drug safely and put themselves in stupid situations, much like drunk drivers. The drug that is marijuana has never killed anybody because of over-dose or anything related.

Even allergic reactions can almost always be controlled with medicine, and the amount of people who are actually allergic to marijuana is extremely low.

Honestly, maybe we should leave weed out of this discussion about drugs. Every other drug has lead to direct cases of death, marijuana has never. It's the dangerous drugs that we should be worried about. On that note, I trully wonder how many people here have even done drugs other than weed, booze, cigs and prescribed pills from their docs...

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Marijuana (hashish, resin, liquid THC), alcohol, nicotine (lots), caffeine, a rainbow of musle relaxants, ecstacy, cocaine (cut with anything from meth to nothing), anti-depressants, acid, mushrooms, opium, and of course, beloved candied sugar. Now usually, as any experienced drug user who is probably an addict will tell you, you ain't done drugs until you've tried drugs in combination. Poly-substance abusing is the mixing of two or more drugs at one time, and it is what many people do often. I've tried most combinations possible with the above list, it definitely is unique every time.

However I've never tried crack, heroine, pcp, mescaline, steroids, or the other hundreds of different drugs that exist all over the world today. I'm not very into drugs, every so often I'll do them again, but it's been a while. Besides crack-heads telling me I should smoke rocks and people continuously grouping me in with all drug abusers, I've lost interest in anything other that weed, alcohol, caffeine or cigarettes. Pretty long list still.

Either way the point is doing drugs and not getting hopelessly addicted is possible, and treating all the hundreds of thousands of different combinations of drug users the same is just wrong and over-simplistic.The point is that most drug users know more than any of us about the negative sides of drugs, in fact they do know better than any of us. Because of that all drug users are as varied as the drugs they take and should be regarded as different types of people at least.

Unfortunately, like with most problems that many people are involved in and think about, the issues can become extremely generalized and marginalized. This isn't about the drugs, they are just substances no more important to this earth than any other weeds that we might cut from our garden. It's about the people who use drugs, and it always has been. All the laws on drugs have been based on people and enacted because of threats to people. It's about the criminals and addicts, and the friends and families who have to watch their loved ones just fall to something so stupid. It's about the people not working or learning, living lives of constant intoxication until, eventually, the hurt themselves and others.

Legalizing drugs will not solve the problems that they cause, just look at alcohol or tobacco. It will of course cause our crime rates to decrease, but it might be at the cost of more people seeing drugs as not too harmful, and if that becomes the case then use will go up. Even the people who know most about drugs have a tendency to under-estimate their destructive power.

The people that don't get caught in the drug world are the people who catch themselves and realize that all drugs can be harmful and damaging. The people who realize that having a real life is impossible if your always {censored}ed. However even those people have a tendency to never quite stop.

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