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thanks much to the one person who stayed on topic :thumbsup_anim: , but to answer your question, i'm running x86 for the time being.... but in any case I tried getting to the folder through grabit, explorer, command prompt... nothing! the only way i have actually seen the folder is when i try to change the default folder and within that the download folder is actually there, very strange

thanks much to the one person who stayed on topic :) , but to answer your question, i'm running x86 for the time being.... but in any case I tried getting to the folder through grabit, explorer, command prompt... nothing! the only way i have actually seen the folder is when i try to change the default folder and within that the download folder is actually there, very strange





Hmm, I got flamed when I tried to moan about Vista's security a while back.


Back on topic - one thing I've found with some pre-Vista programs is that they try to write to directories that Vista protects, so they either fail with a warning or they try to write, silently give up, and you find that nothing was saved when you exit the program. One solution I've used to good effect is to create a symlink in the protected space which points to a directory in the normal space, and writes will then work.



I would like to express my annoyances expirience with Vista. I had (not have) been using Vista Ultimate X64. When I first installed it, I was quite pleased with the interface, quite clean and clear. As I kept using the OS, I kept feeling more and more lik in osx. The Sidebar felt to me like Dashboard, gadgets like widgets, heck, documents and settings was renamed to users and, like mac, there is no longer a "my" prefix on everything, its, computer, documents, pictures etc. Also, I knew I was in mac when it started asking me to authenticate to put things in program files, run things as admin etc. Also the fact that IE7 uses tabs is kinda taking Mozilla's creative idea isn't it? The one thing Microsoft forgot to steal port, as always is stability from mac and the ability to restore your internet session like firefox. Vista really started showing its colors when I tried to use Media Center. As it turns out the X1950XT is extremely incompatible with Vista and frequently crashes when changing clocks. This first of all means I can't use ati's ccc, and also I couldnt use anything opengl plus Media Center caused the PC to reboot on its own. Kind of odd that the Jccool Method (apple/homebrew) works better than (ATi/proffessionally codded) drivers. Even the Microsoft WDDM x1900 drivers caused this. After all these insane aannoyances, I said "censor" it and went to XP sp2 64 with vista skinning. Same look, 9x the stability and productivity :-)



To summerize how Vista T'ed me off:

-Most programs(64 and 32bit) and drivers arn't compatible with Vista or Aero

-Still same ugly "® Blue Screen of Death © 1997-2007 Microsoft Corporation *(you'd think they'd put more effort and style into their most frequently used/viewed feature)(but then again, a kernel panic in osx doesn't have much to it either)


-Very unstable

-Infringed Apple, Mozila and other's creativity

-Slower than previous Mirosoft OS's

-Too much security

-Ages below Mac OSX



Thank You for taking in my opinions and annoyances,



Edited by jccool

From the user experience perspective. I think Vista is pretty much the same as Windows XP. With just a cleaner more eye candy interface. If you turn off UAC is basically behaves the same way. I am not sure if I am too used to the Windows Explorer in 2K or XP. But I sortta dont like the explorer in Vista. I am still trying to find the reason.


I dont like Flip3D. But I love it that MS finally wrote the thumbnail Window API. No more taking screenshots of Windows anymore. Someday, someone will write a nice version of Exposed. And hopefully someday will write a *Fast* Beryl for Vista (unlikely though).


Love the Sleep function under Vista.


P.S. Beryl is awesome. Buggy as hell and extremely hard to configure. But really nice eye candy for the desktop.

Edited by ppan76
-Most programs(64 and 32bit) and drivers arn't compatible with Vista or Aero


I'm not sure what programs you are running, but most programs tend to work on Vista nowadays. If they don't XP Compatability mode works, with some cases. I mean the only problems I've experienced are with TortoiseSVN and I've found another product that works just as well that IS Vista compatible.


As with drivers, running Windows Update, or checking your manufacturers website generally yields Vista compatible drivers. When I installed Vista, it found drivers for everything except my webcam (Ironically, the webcam drivers for XP seem to work on Vista as well.)

Edited by Universe_JDJ

I'm posting here mainly because I'm furious and happen to be on this site... Anywho, I've been playing around on my new copy of Vista for a few days now and am absolutely in love with it. I've gotten well used to the security preferences and don't mind them a bit. However, I was just downloading something from Usenet with Grabit as my reader... I haven't checked around the preferences or anything and just got done completely downloading a 4 GB file only to find that the default download folder (...Grabit/download) was nowhere to be found?!? I can only assume this is some bit of Vista's "security" and that I just wasted a ton of my alloted download block for nothing.. I know that I probably should have checked it out while before downloading, but still. Has anyone else had a similar problem?


Scott Hanselman had the same problem a while ago, check hist post here


HTH, Robert

Mac user disapointed with Vista.

Cancel or Allow?


Personally, I haven't seen it since the Beta 2! - I don't get out often, I think!


I don't reall have the hardware to install it on - I doubt it would run well on 256mb of RAM or intergrated graphics. I suppose it would run faster on than than on a G4 :P

They should have named Vista XP-NVWSNI


XP New Version, Worse Security, No Improvement



I agree with you completely (although long name woulda been bad for marketing) exept the "worse security part is from a user point of view as in its too crazy but "technically" the security is more secure but when you go as nutz as Mikroesawft, it feels more like your guarding a vault of gold rather than protecting a user from advare and malware,



actually the flip3d is NOT totally useless...

it does give the user visual feedback in regards to which folder/app they wanna go to..

and u can still just click on it and it'll come up...

u DON'T NEED TO SCROLL through the whole thing.


anyway back to the topic..

i find alot of things annoying..

mainly compatibility with hardware and some software.. then there's the DRM protection..

half my mp3's won't even play under windows media player 11 now.

o well.. at least I'm still using my OSX ;)


From the user experience perspective. I think Vista is pretty much the same as Windows XP. With just a cleaner more eye candy interface. If you turn off UAC is basically behaves the same way. I am not sure if I am too used to the Windows Explorer in 2K or XP. But I sortta dont like the explorer in Vista. I am still trying to find the reason.


I dont like Flip3D. But I love it that MS finally wrote the thumbnail Window API. No more taking screenshots of Windows anymore. Someday, someone will write a nice version of Exposed. And hopefully someday will write a *Fast* Beryl for Vista (unlikely though).


Love the Sleep function under Vista.


P.S. Beryl is awesome. Buggy as hell and extremely hard to configure. But really nice eye candy for the desktop.


it's been done already..

it's called myexpose (if i remember correctly)

it's fast too.. but quite limited as it can only show all windows.

I have spent many happy (?) hours knocking XP about to get a system that I can use without too much irritation. and I use XP most of the time, even more than I use OSX*. I have a whole list of customisations which I apply to an XP build and basically I'm happy with the results.


I'm slowly building up a list of Vista customisations to get to the same happy state. So far I'm doing quite well at killing stuff I don't like and adding the features I do like. I still have a long way to go but when I arrive at a comprehensive list of 'fixes' I'll share it with everyone here.


* Actually I have a list of customisations for OSX too, since there's plenty that irritates me about the standard build...

Why the heck do you have to bring Bush into this? :)


lol sorry, I was just trying to make a comparison of some users. And I mean all user types that favour one OS claiming its perfection over another even when proved wrong who still refuse to believe it.

There are evangelists for every cause, persuasion or operating system ... and sadly they sometimes rely on the opinion of others instead of using rational examination of the facts to form their views. Bottom line here is that every OS sucks in some way or other. And the things that p*ss me off may well be the very things that other people like.

it's been done already..

it's called myexpose (if i remember correctly)

it's fast too.. but quite limited as it can only show all windows.


I said when they write a "NICE" version of Expose. MyExpose is not finished and it's extremely buggy. I believe it has not been updated since November or December.


But it does show a nice feature of Flip3D... Live Thumbnails.

thanks much to the one person who stayed on topic :P , but to answer your question, i'm running x86 for the time being.... but in any case I tried getting to the folder through grabit, explorer, command prompt... nothing! the only way i have actually seen the folder is when i try to change the default folder and within that the download folder is actually there, very strange



lol getting back on point then,


care to take some screengrabs?

also, could you export your grabit registry details (hklm - local machine - software - schemes i think) and post them in a text file. dont attach the .reg file someone will open it :)


to the rest of you, go get your own thread :P

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