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Linux is going DOWN!

A Nonny Moose

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Ballmer says that Linux infringes on Microsoft patents and needs to be sued into the ground.


Yuck, i despise Ballmer. He has Microsoft s**t shoved so far up him that hes gone completely pyscho. Wait he already is just for being Ballmer :o. I can imagine what he'll do at the next conference.


"SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! SuSE! " or --v




I hope he does try and sue Linux, every open source advocate, except SuSE people I guess will fight to bring him down. He underestimates 2 things, that Linux is not part of Microsoft products as its been deemed legal for almost 20 years I think, and that the open-source community is strong.


Ballmer go poof :P.

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The only balls Ballmer has is in his name, he's an idiot.


I don't think Gates would have "sued" linux, or maybe he would. But how can you sue open-source free-ware? Why would ballmer sue linux? To fulfill his inadequacies?

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Hmm sounds as some more strange things will ahppen in the future. This smelsl abit like the beginning of a offensive tactics to force competitioners down to the kenees with patent rights. We will see what the future will bring to us but, I may remember Gates just promoted software patents in europe and my belive is M$ has found it to be a really good weapon to figth "bad stuff" like Linux. M$ will be more bad, SCO was just a beginning.


Etiam nunc regredi possumus; quod si ponticulum transierimus, omnia armis agenda erunt. :P


To sad to see SuSE has become a part of the whole mess now. I used it in the old 3/4.x days and it was really my first Linux. Now it's the middle finger of the left hand of evil.

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