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New Kid on the Block: BOXD975XBX2KR


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So I know the 975BX.... board is a good choice for enthusiasts and a near native OSX install, but I'm wondering about this new board revision D975XBX2KR. If you run a comparison of the two boards on Intel website [2KR vs. LKR] the differences are subtle; the BX2 board supports ddr2 800, has a 16x PCIe lane, has 2 audio ICs, and if you look near the bottom of the chart the BX2 board supports TPM. I'm not sure if I should jump for joy or be mad :blink: . I don't think this TPM will work well in favor of an OSX86 install but I don't know, anybody else have any thoughts? Think an install on this board will be the same? Be 100% native? Be a pain in the :construction: ? Someone fill me in if they have any insights. This particular board is not on the wiki yet I'm pretty sure..


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The LAD975XBX2LKR has TPM, but the way more common BLKD975XBX2KR doesnt (instead it has firewire). Chances are you will only find the BLK to buy, the LAD seems more an OEM/direct-to-manufacturer type thing. My BLKD975XBX2KR shouldve been here yesterday but seems I have to wait a few more days, I'll let you know what its like with OSX then.


Also with the differences, there are reviews (not sure if its vr-zone.com or elsewhere) that show the XBX2 handles high FSB stupendously better (which apparently comes from improved track routing under the north bridge), and is a much better overclocker. Intel also states the XBX2 is the one to use with Kentsfield.


I read on another site (sorry I cant remember where, google should find it), that a few intel employees demonstrated a water cooled kentsfield on an xbx2 board running stable at a stupendous overclocks, which is really weird activity from intel who have traditionally put on a conservative persona.

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Just did a quick search and found the links to the stuff I mentioned.


The overclocking demonstration of XBX2 and QX6700 by two intel employees -> http://www.legitreviews.com/article/395/4/


Here is the vr-zone review/comparison between the XBX and XBX2 (link to page7 - overclocking) ->




And here is a vr-zone XBX and XBX2 comparison of the track routing between the northbridge and cpu->





It seems pretty consistent in all reviews on the web that the XBX2 is a better overclocker than the XBX. but I know your asking about OSX compatibility, Ill get back to you soon about that when I get mine.

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Awesome, thanks for the reply. Yeah the board looks sweet but I was worried about the OSX compatibility - its the main reason I'm considering the board (apart from its enthusiast appeal). Let me know how your OC'n goes and how your install goes. What processor and video card are you going to be using? I'm thinking E6600 and a x1900xt but now that 10.4.8 has better support for nV cards I might just keep my 7800gt and try and roll with it. My ultimate goal is to game on OSX86, WoW specifically. Keep me informed, thanks for the links. :)

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On a related note, TankGuys have an OEM version of the Bad Axe 2. The specs. they have listed on their page are wrong (they are the original Bad Axe specs.), so it is not clear exactly which version of the Bad Axe 2 they are selling. The TPM versions of the Bad Axe appear to be OEM versions so that might actually be what they have:



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the one on tankguys has firewire so it'd be the one without tpm..


i just got my bad axe 2 today (same as the one on tankguys). so far so good.


The onboard network worked immediately.. seems to detect both the intel (ich7r) and additional sata ports. onboard firewire seems to be working even better with my external firewire audio device than my old ADS Pyro64 card did (can run a more intensive session of "blue" within logic pro 7.2 without it crackling).


The "about this mac" dialogue which i never bothered to fix to show useful info hardware (it used to tell me it couldnt gather info about the system or something), now it seems to show useful info. so i'd say this board is looking like a nice pick for osx86 if one wanted to be ready for kentsfield.


i havent tried the onboard audio yet since i have an ediroll fa-66 firewire device, but ill try it next for the sake of completeness..

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also OEM versions of intel boards all have TPM.


Hey Kiko, according to the available configurations page, there are two versions of the bad axe 2 -: http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/bx2/bx2_available.htm


One has firewire and no tpm.. The other has tpm and no firewire. The one on tankguys has firewire and says OEM - unless theres a configuration you know about thats not mentioned on intels site, it wont have tpm.


Mine was definetly OEM - came in a generic cardboard box, and it ended up being the BLKD975XBX2KR (no tpm). Not sure where intel sell the LAD975XBX2LKR (with tpm), I did a search and found it hard to find any anywhere :/

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When I was looking around TigerDirect ( :P ) seemed to have the most reasonable price for the 2KR board; this one is retail --> TigerD - D975XBX2KR. I just ordered 2 opty 165s to see if I can breathe some new life into my current machine (this 4400+ has been very disappointing for OC'n), but if neither of these optys break 2.7 range I will be going Core 2. Just didn't want to get this board if the TPM was going to be an issue.


EDIT: Hmm after looking at that comparison link from Avian it does seem that there are 2 XBX2 boards, one with TPM and one without. Fortunately the 2KR, the one I'm more interested in, doesn't have TPM (according to that link). The link I originally posted compares XBX vs XBX2 and said that XBX2 has TPM ;) ; gj Intel.

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When I was looking around TigerDirect ( :( ) seemed to have the most reasonable price for the 2KR board; this one is retail --> TigerD - D975XBX2KR.


I have been ordering quite a bit of hardware from TigerDirect lately. My stuff gets here in two days, they have some good deals and I have not had any problems with them.


The best price on the Bad Axe 2 I have seen is at ClubIT.com for $235 (plus $7 bucks shiping): http://www.clubit.com/product_detail.cfm?itemno=CA4838942 I may order one when they get back in stock, I have ordered some Corsair Micron D "fat body" RAM which need the higher vDIMM.


Otherwise, TankGuys has the OEM version for $240: http://www.tankguys.biz/intel-d975xbx2-sat...dio-p-1703.html


Just didn't want to get this board if the TPM was going to be an issue.


If TPM turns out to be an issue, we can always special order those versions. But I suspect that TPM will be getting integrated into the chipset anyways, so this might not even be an issue with the new X38 (BearLake-X) chipset which should appear on the BoneTrail motherboard next summer: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=35388

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

just bought this mobo (mine BOX version was in a plastic package, no box at all =)) ) XBX2 and intel Xeon 3050 CPU.

have a one issue - processor lags, like stuttering effect... also CPU temp in bios 49 degrees celsius... i think it's too big...

can anyone clarify me ??

maybe i missed any special bios settings ??


also i have TT Big typhoon - and it's fit on mobo not very good - main chipset radiator stand in the way of BT and my BT stand a little crookedly, but i think it fit good at all, just BT plate arrange in a little angle to CPU, so i don't think this is a problem.

but maybe it is !

Edited by boo50
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49C is a fine temperature.

a week ago i have Asrock 945g-dvi + e6300 and CPU temperature was over 38-39C !!!

also i've oveclocked it to 2.33 ghz.


and now i have stock 2.13ghz XEON CPU and w/o OC'ing it's HOTTER than previous OC'ed e6300 !!!


but Xeon's must be COOLER !!!

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I am realy sorry for the Off Topic, but, why you changed your Asrock board?

Did you had any problems with it?


I am about to buy it, in replacing my 965 Intel board.

I realy appreciate your reply.




EDIT: I just saw that you had answered that in another topic. Thank's a lot.

Edited by kle500
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hrm, didn't notice this thread before. So here's a PSA:


There's nothing wrong with the board with TPM. TPM itself is a feature, not evil. It's how you use it that makes it bad. More importantly however, I believe all current motherboards supporting TPM allow it to be disabled in the BIOS. So there you go, easy kill switch to stop those meddling **AAs.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a bad axe 2 here, but withvery very poor s-ata-performance . AHCI Mode, black connectors.

Any Chance to get that better ?

Results 121.53

System Info

Xbench Version 1.3

System Version 10.4.8 (8L2127)

Physical RAM 4096 MB

Model ADP2,1

Drive Type SAMSUNG SP2504C

CPU Test 124.39

GCD Loop 282.56 14.89 Mops/sec

Floating Point Basic 136.95 3.25 Gflop/sec

vecLib FFT 99.40 3.28 Gflop/sec

Floating Point Library 88.85 15.47 Mops/sec

Thread Test 480.14

Computation 439.35 8.90 Mops/sec, 4 threads

Lock Contention 529.26 22.77 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads

Memory Test 154.53

System 151.70

Allocate 124.05 455.54 Kalloc/sec

Fill 161.36 7845.81 MB/sec

Copy 181.26 3743.76 MB/sec

Stream 157.46

Copy 145.56 3006.40 MB/sec

Scale 144.39 2983.08 MB/sec

Add 172.67 3678.14 MB/sec

Triad 171.95 3678.41 MB/sec

Quartz Graphics Test 177.05

Line 145.00 9.65 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

Rectangle 182.69 54.54 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

Circle 176.89 14.42 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

Bezier 160.44 4.05 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

Text 251.00 15.70 Kchars/sec

OpenGL Graphics Test 167.95

Spinning Squares 167.95 213.05 frames/sec

User Interface Test 450.78

Elements 450.78 2.07 Krefresh/sec

Disk Test 36.79

Sequential 76.78

Uncached Write 93.39 57.34 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 84.39 47.75 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 55.46 16.23 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 86.90 43.67 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Random 24.19

Uncached Write 7.53 0.80 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 88.62 28.37 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 81.11 0.57 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 110.84 20.57 MB/sec [256K blocks]

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