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In Safari 2.0.4 (419.3), open up the package contents, pop open "resources" and look at the tif files.









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they look like something that has to do with dashboard



edit: i took a look at the files and they look like the feature in leopard where you can open a web page and view it from dashboard


the pics are even named openindashboard.tif, openindashboarddisabled.tif, and openindashboardpressed.tif

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Yeah, it's in Leopard's Safari 3.0. I wonder why Apple included it in Tiger...




I wonder if we got the leopard widget for dashboard and installed it on tiger if it would work

I've already tried that. The Dashboard crashes whenever I tried to use it.

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Yeah, that much is known, but I didn't downgrade.


This is a different computer-leopard's never touched it...

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