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Salve volevo installare osx M.L ma, mi è stato detto che è inutile con i requisiti che mi ritrovo inquanto AMD e Nvidia non vanno daccordo (questione di Ktx etc.)

Volevo sapere se la cosa si estende anche alle versioni precedenti come Snow Leopard o se è solo un discorso riguardante Mountain.


Inoltre se possibile volevo sapere se potete linkarmi una guida del forum in cui c'è il procedimento per installare il tutto via HD senza pennetta poichè non la ho.

Ho cercato e ricercato ma non trovo la discussione. Grazie mille.

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il discorso

vale solo per mlion


lion si istalla perfettamente

e anche mLion dp1


Guida lion http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/287929-guida-lion-1074-5-su-amd/


guida mLion dp1 http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/288354-guida-mountain-lion-dp1-su-amd-phenom-e-fx/


tutto testato sul mio hardware


ma devi usare per forza una usb


per snow puoi usare una distro gia completa


come hazard o iatkos s3 v2

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hello my friend, you give us their exact hardware information, then it may be possible for us to answer them specifically to your questions to help them.


Furthermore, it does not matter how you do their installation, it is recommended to install first successfully snow leopard, then subsequently to open with disk utility or Lion or Mountain Lion and install it on the other partition (the easy way). furthermore, you can if you should have a real Mac or a intel hackintosh than make with CCC or SuperDuper! a clone, after you have done this successfully clone than pack the Chipset driver for your Hardware into S / L / E, than the amd_kernel (Sinetek or either of Andy) more information see here http://www.insanelym...working-builds/



oups, sory, i see your Hardware Information


this is your spezifikation http://www.asrock.com/mb/NVIDIA/N68-S3%20UCC/?cat=Specifications


you should install the tool SystemInfo, look here, then you take a picture and upload it here, then we'll see

Edited by spakk
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yeye, but unfortunatly i can't see a unix download.

I'm using Linux ubuntu ATM so i can't install it.


see here with tutorials and a Version for Linux http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/219584-system-info-an-app-to-get-hardware-and-kexts-info/

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