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  • 4 weeks later...

Some studies of our "powerful" antivirus programs,

for example MS Essentials.


Thank you for your trust.

In our case, basically, the anti-virus software don't like the coincidence of several conditions:

  1. The executable file is compressed using UPX utility,
  2. The executable file contains "harmful attachments" - other executable files (7zip,. dll, etc.)

If we remove one of the conditions, MS Essentials immediately ceases "to swear".

Check BDU you can just (for example MS Essentials):

  1. Disable antivirus "Real time Protection" - (it is safe - we do not start BDU now)
  2. Extract BootDiskUtility.exe from BDU_v2.1.2015.015b.zip
  3. Unpack BootDiskUtility.exe using UPX.exe :
    upx -d -o BootDiskUtility.unpacked.exe BootDiskUtility.exe
  4. Enable antivirus "Real time Protection"
  5. Try to first run the original file BootDiskUtility.exe then unpacked his counterpart - BootDiskUtility.unpacked.exe
  6. Sure BootDiskUtility.unpacked.exe not disabled MS Essentials.

Especially advanced and curious users can re-pack BootDiskUtility.unpacked.exe and try to run it again  :) - the effect of reward your efforts:

upx.exe --brute --8mib-ram -v -f -o BootDiskUtility.packed.exe BootDiskUtility.unpacked.exe



Scan result: 


BootDiskUtility.exe (upx-packed version)




Hi CVAD - I love your utility - it has helped me many times.

That comes at a price though -- I have found things that need improvement, and I hope my criticism as well as this bug report are teken positively because I LOVE THIS TOOL!!! (for 2 years now)


First: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE document ALL the options and why you created them, and how best to use them for each case.

Why have a "Boot records" area to choose from (Windows? XPC?) I am sure they are useful for some cases -- SO PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT FOR!!!!


Next in your screenshot, you show a virtual disk in windows... knowing you can boot from a virtual disk now with BCD, SHOW US HOW TO USE THIS THAT WAY!!! PLEASE!



When in Options, hitting the Windows close button in the top right corner instead of Ok button in the options screen (in the case of looking at options, and not wanting to adjust anything) CLOSES BDU! AAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!~



Selecting DL Recovery

This is a {censored}ign awesome feature CVAD! Shall we make it better? ;-)

First, why not make it a checkbox in options so that when you hit format, it creates the EFI partition with the recovery DMG running from clover instead of it being manually restored to a partition? Or if you dont want to do all that, then at lease automate the recovery resore proicedure a little better as opening a folder in TEMP and showing it to the user with a *.hfs file can be pretty disconcerting. Also, there is no way of knowing what the restore button will do with it... there is no button to that says "Restore the extracted .hfs file"... you know?


Found a bug with the Lion recovery update download image for restoring procedure:


First, it downloads the wrong file.. this is the right file: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1464?locale=en_US

Second, this annoying (feature) problem of deleting all the stuff used to extract the .hfs file may keep TEMP directory a little cleaner, but is really really irritating for me.. you clean up all the tools needed to give you this bug report for instance. Luckily I am quick reaction time with Copy directory while your script was attempting to extract (and failing to) the hfs file! 


So, I fixed your script a bit by adding REM to all the del \Q lines so I could troubleshoot...


REM This bat-file is extracting HFS-image for using it with
REM Boot Disk Utility (BDU) by cvad: http://cvad-mac.narod.ru/index/0-5
REM from Apple LION HD Recovery package:
REM (You need have installed 7zip archivator)
REM Created by cvad on 02/04/2015.
if "%1"=="" goto noparm
if not exist %1 goto notfound
7z e -r %1 RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg
if not errorlevel 0 goto error
7z e -r -txar RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg RecoveryHDMeta.dmg
if not errorlevel 0 goto error
rem del /Q RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg
7z e -r RecoveryHDMeta.dmg BaseSystem.dmg
if not errorlevel 0 goto error
rem del /Q RecoveryHDMeta.dmg
7z e -tdmg BaseSystem.dmg 5.hfs
if not errorlevel 0 goto error
rem del /Q BaseSystem.dmg
exit /b 0
echo Usage: This.bat RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg
exit /b 1
echo File "%1" not found
exit /b 2
echo Extract Error
exit /b 3
In short, please dont delete the temp directory.. it makes useful files... let ppl delete those, OR even better, allow the downloading of all recoveries to the same folder BDU is in, and automate the booting of each type of recovery from clover... after that I'll donate BTC to you -- (I already owe you) 

BTW those privacy {censored} government leaking suckups have disabled access to your website... did you know? Use Chrome/SRWare/Chromium and go to your site....
  • Like 1



Thanks for the feedback, I will consider your suggestions.





Google removed the lock from the website as a false positive.

Please anyone who likes BDU and simply not indifferent people to vote here.


Thank You All in advance!



  • Like 1

BootDiskUtility.exe v2.1.2015

  • Now You can Download "El Capitan" Apple's HD Recovery package, 
    Extract of HFS-Image and Save it to the selected directory for the Next [Restore] using the BDU.
  • The ability to specify a Different directory for Saving the Clover BDU-Ready archives and BDUImage files.
  • Brief help in the About window.


Don't forget to vote for BDU.

  • Like 1

BootDiskUtility.exe v2.1.2015


  • Now You can Download "El Capitan" Apple's HD Recovery package, 

    Extract of HFS-Image and Save it to the selected directory for the Next [Restore] using the BDU.

  • The ability to specify a Different directory for Saving the Clover BDU-Ready archives and BDUImage files.
  • Brief help in the About window.



Don't forget to vote for BDU.



CVAD I love you man! (well, your utility mostly hahah) VOTING!

  • 1 month later...



Great program! Thanks so much for writing it!


I figured out that, by modifying the BootDiskUtility.ini file (changing "EnableFixedDisks = 0" to "EnableFixedDisks = 1"), I am able to install Clover directly to a hard disk, which is what I hope to do. However, the process seems to have changed the target hard drive from using GPT to MBR, which isn't what I hope to do.


QUESTION: Is there a way to configure BootDiskUtility.ini so that BootDiskUtility.exe will install Clover to a target hard drive in such a way that GPT is retained and that will allow booting Clover from the target GPT hard drive on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine?


Usage scenario: I want to dual boot Linux and Windows (and maybe someday add OS X for a triple boot) on a BIOS-based laptop using a GPT hard drive.  As I'm sure you know, Windows doesn't natively boot from GPT when using BIOS. However, as I'm sure you also know, most Linux distributions will happily boot from a GPT disk when using BIOS. Using a USB created with your program, I was able to install Windows to, and boot Windows from, a GPT hard disk on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine. However, I'd like to avoid using the USB, and so that's why I'd like to use your program to install Clover to a target hard drive in such a way that GPT is retained and that will allow booting Clover from the target GPT hard drive on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine. (I can probably accomplish this in Linux from a command line, but I like the convenience of your program.)

If I download Clover.pkg and RecoveryHDUpdate.dmg, can I use this tool completely offline?


many thanks for a wonderful utility!

Unfortunately, unpacking the Clover.pkg is possible only during of the it downloading.





Great program! Thanks so much for writing it!


I figured out that, by modifying the BootDiskUtility.ini file (changing "EnableFixedDisks = 0" to "EnableFixedDisks = 1"), I am able to install Clover directly to a hard disk, which is what I hope to do. However, the process seems to have changed the target hard drive from using GPT to MBR, which isn't what I hope to do.


QUESTION: Is there a way to configure BootDiskUtility.ini so that BootDiskUtility.exe will install Clover to a target hard drive in such a way that GPT is retained and that will allow booting Clover from the target GPT hard drive on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine?


Usage scenario: I want to dual boot Linux and Windows (and maybe someday add OS X for a triple boot) on a BIOS-based laptop using a GPT hard drive.  As I'm sure you know, Windows doesn't natively boot from GPT when using BIOS. However, as I'm sure you also know, most Linux distributions will happily boot from a GPT disk when using BIOS. Using a USB created with your program, I was able to install Windows to, and boot Windows from, a GPT hard disk on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine. However, I'd like to avoid using the USB, and so that's why I'd like to use your program to install Clover to a target hard drive in such a way that GPT is retained and that will allow booting Clover from the target GPT hard drive on a BIOS (non-UEFI) machine. (I can probably accomplish this in Linux from a command line, but I like the convenience of your program.)


The BDU not allows to work with GPT disks and Mac OS X cannot be installed without a valid EFI partition (on a hybrid partition table).


P.S. I was surprised, but EnableFixedDisks can be activated not only in the BootDiskUtility.ini, but in the configuration menu, too. :)

I was surprised, but EnableFixedDisks can be activated not only in the BootDiskUtility.ini, but in the configuration menu, too. :)


Good to know.  I was looking in the .ini file for other options when I noticed the EnableFixedDisks option there.


Mac OS X cannot be installed without a valid EFI partition (on a hybrid partition table).

Hmm, maybe I'm missing something, but....


Yes, in order to boot various OSs (such as Linux, Windows and OS X) in UEFI mode, I would certainly want to install those OSs to a GPT disk having a valid EFI partition.  However, because my target laptop only has BIOS (not UEFI), I want to boot to Clover under BIOS using a non-UEFI boot loader.  Then, once Clover has booted, I will use Clover (and its ability to emulate UEFI) to install and boot the various OSs in UEFI mode from the GPT disk having the valid EFI partition.


But here's the problem:  Windows won't install to an MBR disk (nor to a hybrid MBR disk) under UEFI.  So even after installing Clover (along with its EFI boot partition) to a target disk using your program, Windows won't  install to that target disk under Clover's emulated UEFI.  So again, I'm hoping that your program can include an option to install Clover to a GPT disk in such a way that Clover can be booted under BIOS.  Such an option may require co-installation and configuration of a boot loader such as Grub2 or Syslinux.  (Or maybe Clover itself has such an ability, and won't need Grub2 or Syslinux.  I'm not sure about that.)


For what its worth, what I'm proposing is not new.  Many have used DUET to boot OSs under UEFI on BIOS machines.  See  http://www.rodsbooks.com/bios2uefi/  But the setup is complicated, and so I had hoped to make use of your program to circumvent several of the steps.  Also, and I'm not sure about this because I haven't used it, but I think that Clover's Mac-based USB installer allows for installing Clover to a pure GPT (not hybrid MBR) disk, which would then allow installing Windows under Clover's emulated UEFI.  (Although I want to install OS X, I haven't done so yet, and so I am looking for an altrernative to the Mac-based USB Clover installer, to get past the "chicken or egg" situation.)


And as long as I am making BIG requests, here's a real doozy....


How about a Linux-based version of your program that could be run from a live Linux (USB stick) environment?  Such an option would  allow installing Clover to a clean hard disk without the need for having an already installed version of Windows (as your Windows-based program requires) or an already installed version of OS X (as the Mac-based Clover OS X installer requires).

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

All these two programms are malware - why no-one found this.

best regards 




All these two programms are malware - why no-one found this.

best regards 




Thanks for the feedback. You really helped the hakintosh community.

  • Like 5

Hi guys, I'm getting a http 500 error pop up when i try to format, then the application crashes. Is there something I've missed? I tried to search for an answer but i've come up short.

Can't repeat your error - everything works fine.



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