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Google Chrome


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How has Chrome been working for everyone? I installed it and it wont work. It will claim " oops, try reloading the page" and I will and nothing. Then I will try and go to another website and nothing. It is as if chrome is not connecting to the interweb. any ideas? Thanks

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I am using 10.6.3 now, Vanilla install.


Firefox takes 15 seconds to show its home page, I have 4 Extensions installed,

Adblock, Download Statusbar, FEBE, NoScript, and Firefox sometimes locks up

my hackintosh.


Google Chrome loads its home page in a second or two, I have 3 Extensions installed,

Adblock, Browser Button for AdBlock, Weather Watcher Live, and if I leave a web page

open all night it will lock up my hackintosh.


I am using Google Chrome

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