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When I try to boot the install dvd for 5308 it gets to the black and white boot screen that scrolls across like in xp, then it freezes the computer. I also tried starting the install from in xp but when it gets to the part where it needs to restart it freezes at the same spot again. All the other builds of Vista worked fine on my computer. Anyone have any suggestions?



ECS PM800-M2 Motherboard

Socket 478 Celeron D 335



VIA® PM800 & VT8237

North Bridge: VIA® PM800

South Bridge: VIA® VT8237


200 GB Maxtor IDE Hard drive


SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS soundcard


Sapphire Radeon 9600xt Graphics Card

I get the damned 5308 OS to install ... but so far it is just frustrating me to the point of wanting to trash it. I thought I'd disabled all the $@*& security services, firewall, alerts, defender and all that {censored} but the stupid popups won't go away, they just keep 'warning' me that I've disabled all the security and I still have to OK them. There must be a new service lurking somewhere monitoring everything - I thought I'd killed all of that but I'll keep searching.


Vista looks pretty, but it's unstable, slow, and royally pissing me off so far. Think yourself lucky you can't get it to install! You'd probably be hurling your machine out of the window if you'd got it running. OSX is *much* easier!


Edit - no reason for it to be slow apart from bloat - I'm running a Pentium D with lots of DDR2 and striped disk ... and I'm using the latest 64 bit drivers ... bah.

Works here. Maybe it's your download source (ie: corrupt download)?

thats what i was going to suggest. The only installs I've gotten to work are the ones i got directly from M$.. I've had bad luck with Vista torrents so i just wait for the technet releases.

Perfect reason for it to be slow, your running a pentium :)


Lol! But it's a Pentium D 950 Presler running at 3.48 GHz, which theoretically should be about as fast as you can get Intel-wise without spending $1,000+... it flies with XP. This is the 'super machine' construction effort that I've been describing in my web pages.


I used a copy of Vista acquired from somewhere that sounds like the occupants of Hell - no problems with the burn or install. Used Nero 7 to write the iso on an 8x Teon DVD-R burned at 4x and verified. Install was painless and nearly all the hardware was recognised though obviously I had to use the 64-bit RAID driver during the install process and curiously it wouldn't read it off floppy, I had to copy it to USB stick on another machine.

I "acquired" vista 5308 from 2 different locations and even tried burning the dvd at 4X but nothing works. Pretty strange since my computer is made up of pretty standard hardware. Oh well, what can I expect from Microsoft...

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