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Hello all,


This is just a statement to confirm the nature of today's downtime. Due to DNS issues we had many users who were being redirected to a GoDaddy Placeholder Page. Luckily a few members spotted the error and reported it and using this information and with a little help from the Fubra Devs we are up and running once again. We are very sorry about the Downtime and will strive to ensure that it does not occur again.


Sincere thanks to the users who reported the Issue and big thanks to Fubra for solving the issue


Thanks for your Patience

- Suhail and the InsanelyMac Staff and Administration

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It would seem so, this is due to the the previous owners of the site registering it initially at GoDaddy. And its nothing to be shamed off. I know many large scale sites which have their domains at GoDaddy.

That WHOIS data is probably a cached version then...or maybe they forgot to update the info :D

Well, i contacted them when the website was down (fubra that is) and they renewed the domain for the next few years. Initially it expired today, which ended in the DNS problems then.

whois insanelymac.com



Fubra limited


Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)


Created on: 05-May-06

Expires on: 05-May-17

Last Updated on: 05-May-08


it's our anniversary! :(



Happy Anniversary!

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