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Al Gore's garbage further disproved

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Simply because he used CG footage does not mean that he is lying. One has nothing to do with the other. Some logic and some sociological reading would do you good.


I am not going to comment on global climate change since I don't have either the experience or the passion to argue it.


Just keep in mind that CG in a film about global warming does not translate to lies about the global warming.

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Firstly, the day after Tomorrow stuff is OLD. I'm amazed it took them this long to work that out. Secondly, just because in 24 America is under direct threat of terrorism, doesn't mean it really is.


Thirdly, CG is just being used in this case to illustrate a point. Religious films about the apocolypse coming, scam films about how "

" works all use CG. It's cheaper than full-scale models and more effective than diagrams. At least in this case you can do something about global warming, but you can't really do much about proliferation of get-rich-quick schemes or about religious beliefs that it'll all be right in the end.
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Seriously, we all are experiencing Global Warming today. I mean we had a Winter like never before in India. Now in the summer I think I am gonna spontaneously combust. All around the world Summer is a month late.


All you ignorant idiots manage is to make fun of Al Gore.


Sure some of his points may not be entirely correct. But he sure is right.

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So how does a colder winter = global warming?


I'm not a believer


The correct time is climate change, or to put it more precisely Global Climate Destabilisation


Al Gore has done a good job at giving the anti-protecting-mind-kind's-future-interests something to throw things at.

Yes, he makes a few little errors, but as you are aware, the science of climate change is difficult, and it's made no easier by the fact we keep changing things and exacerbating problems.


I'm still unsure whether we can stop it, but I, like many others that understand the science behind modern climate change, know that global temperatures are increasing - fact


Also, like many Hollywood films, the Day After Tomorrow is inaccurate, in the fact that such a change would happen over decades or years, rather than days. It does, however, include some nice CGI scenes of what could happen, and there's nothing wrong with Al Gore using that.


And wow, do you think that article was biased? It's normally good practise to provide sources that aren't biased...

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if i'm not mistaken, there was a global ice age around 10,000 years ago. if these things take years and years to recover from, then it seems reasonable to me that our temperature increase can be attributed to that, and nothing else

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if i'm not mistaken, there was a global ice age around 10,000 years ago. if these things take years and years to recover from, then it seems reasonable to me that our temperature increase can be attributed to that, and nothing else
So how does a colder winter = global warming?I'm not a believer


Dark4181 and JonTheSavage, there is ONE MAJOR problem that both of you have in your logic about global warming.


The problem is that you WANT the information to be false, so whenever any inconsistency in the data pops up, you immediately grab onto it and say "see, humans don't cause any climate change".


We can't ruin the Earth. It will be here long after we are long and dead as a species. The damage we do or do not do to the environment has less to do with the survival of Earth as it has to do with human beings surviving.


Global warming CAN cause an ice age, and it has before. For example Warm water currents flow from south to north, giving most of Europe the enjoyment of temperate weather. The problem is that these currents rely on the salinity of the water to flow (water in the north is more salty than water near the equator). When the Earth warms however, it causes ice in the north to melt. the ice is fresh water, so when it melts it makes the northern waters less salty, this effectively shuts down the pump, cutting off a tropical warm water current to the north and changing weather patterns to the point of causing an ice age.


It all boils down to the warming temperatures affecting overall weather patterns, causing a runaway effect of unpredictable changes. It's not so much "warming" as it is "inconsistency". Without consistency in the weather patterns we have a really hard time growing food, maintaining cities, etc. Bringing the entire human civilization down. That's what its all about.


From both of your posts, its obvious that neither of you know much about how ANY of this actually works. If you have some relevant data to show us, we'll listen. Until then, don't bother speaking. It would also do you some good to care about climate change, whether or not we are the cause.

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Dark4181 and JonTheSavage, there is ONE MAJOR problem that both of you have in your logic about global warming.


The problem is that you WANT the information to be false, so whenever any inconsistency in the data pops up, you immediately grab onto it and say "see, humans don't cause any climate change".


We can't ruin the Earth. It will be here long after we are long and dead as a species. The damage we do or do not do to the environment has less to do with the survival of Earth as it has to do with human beings surviving.


Global warming CAN cause an ice age, and it has before. For example Warm water currents flow from south to north, giving most of Europe the enjoyment of temperate weather. The problem is that these currents rely on the salinity of the water to flow (water in the north is more salty than water near the equator). When the Earth warms however, it causes ice in the north to melt. the ice is fresh water, so when it melts it makes the northern waters less salty, this effectively shuts down the pump, cutting off a tropical warm water current to the north and changing weather patterns to the point of causing an ice age.


It all boils down to the warming temperatures affecting overall weather patterns, causing a runaway effect of unpredictable changes. It's not so much "warming" as it is "inconsistency". Without consistency in the weather patterns we have a really hard time growing food, maintaining cities, etc. Bringing the entire human civilization down. That's what its all about.


From both of your posts, its obvious that neither of you know much about how ANY of this actually works. If you have some relevant data to show us, we'll listen. Until then, don't bother speaking. It would also do you some good to care about climate change, whether or not we are the cause.



No, the world is getting cooler! U see! Its now spring, so its warming now!

Think of the polar bears! CO2 emmissions. :(

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No, the world is getting cooler! U see! Its now spring, so its warming now!

Think of the polar bears! CO2 emmissions. :P


You just helped killbot's argument. Glad to have you on our side! :(


While we were busy destroying the ozone layer, we were also masking global warming by contributing to global dimming. Scientists believed that the earth was going to cool its way into another ice age.

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As I read elsewhere: “The planet is fine. The people are f*^#ed ... the planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.”


In the end, the planet, that big lump of spinning rock will still be big, still be spinning, and still be made up mostly of rock.


Whether there's a bunch of apes clinging to its surface or not is really up to how the apes interact with their environment. And they've been pumping out gases that would make Venus proud.

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Has anyone concidered SOLAR climate change? I dont have the links on me but NASA has been saying for a long time in dribs and drabs that the solar system as a whole is getting much warmer.

Personaly I dont think it matters too much. We cant really stop it much any how.

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Has anyone concidered SOLAR climate change? I dont have the links on me but NASA has been saying for a long time in dribs and drabs that the solar system as a whole is getting much warmer.

Personaly I dont think it matters too much. We cant really stop it much any how.


Thats what i've been saying all along, over, and over again. Plus, with the ex-owner of the Weather Channel coming out, along with tens of thousands of scientists, saying that all this man-made-ozone {censored} is a fraud. Global warming/cooling is a fraud. Its just an excuse for lunatics in power to control your lives, and tax you dry. The idiots, and Rothschild worshipers, that believe all this polar bear loving hippie {censored} are dumb enough to go along with it.

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I just find Al Gore to be a hypocrite, spouting about "save the earth" and "become green" while his ridiculously sized mansion uses more energy in a day than I do in a year, and his "save the earth" concerts use more energy and create more waste and do everything they're crying against.


Or is this another instance of "do what I say, not what I do?"


And killbot, shoosh :-p I just don't feel like reading your wall of text tonight

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Global warming/cooling is a fraud.


Right, and you *know* that for a fact? Beyond reasonable doubt? You have absolute proof of this?


Or are you just posturing, trying to shout louder than the others, not in order to have any kind of reasonable discussion and debate about the scientific findings, but just to drown out anyone who opposes you?


Thank god for the scientific process. If it were up to the likes of you, we'd all still be living in caves, scrabbling around in our own {censored}.


And killbot, shoosh :-p I just don't feel like reading your wall of text tonight


yeah, way to go on the reasonable debate front there. so you expect us to swallow your point of view without question, but you wont even READ your opponents argument?

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Right, and you *know* that for a fact? Beyond reasonable doubt? You have absolute proof of this?


Or are you just posturing, trying to shout louder than the others, not in order to have any kind of reasonable discussion and debate about the scientific findings, but just to drown out anyone who opposes you?


Thank god for the scientific process. If it were up to the likes of you, we'd all still be living in caves, scrabbling around in our own {censored}.




yeah, way to go on the reasonable debate front there. so you expect us to swallow your point of view without question, but you wont even READ your opponents argument?




I know we had an Ice Age before man invented the car, or train. The tempature changes, the sun changes. It always has, and always will and there is nothing you can do about it. Its called common sense.


The thing you should be concerned about is the {censored} that is being dumped in our water supply, and getting into our food. You actually bathe in this cancer causing {censored} that is being dumped in there. Something can be done about that.


I used believe the same stupid {censored} you did, until I looked at the facts.

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I know Jonthesavage.. the goverment dumps DHMO into our water and lives every day! DMHO is the only molecular compound found in EVERY cancerous tumor... Global warning is a farce as well, just an excuse for the hippie liberals to take my money!

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I thought by now more or less every educated and uneducated person in the world agreed global warming (or Global Climate Destabilisation as PM puts it nicely) was a fact. The one person I thought still wasn't sure was President Busy. And even he'll probably realise when he gets the chance to think for a moment once he finishes his Harry Potter book.


Anyway something is clearly wrong with the world I'm sure no one can doubt that. I mean look, people now have OS X on PCs? :(

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I thought by now more or less every educated and uneducated person in the world agreed global warming (or Global Climate Destabilisation as PM puts it nicely) was a fact. The one person I thought still wasn't sure was President Busy. And even he'll probably realise when he gets the chance to think for a moment once he finishes his Harry Potter book.


Anyway something is clearly wrong with the world I'm sure no one can doubt that. I mean look, people now have OS X on PCs? B)

Have you ever stopped to realize that maybe people on the internet aren't smart? -_-

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