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About This File

AMD Installer for 10.7.x, 10.8.x, 10.9.x, 10.10.x and 10.11.x

All credits for the kernel goes to the AMD Development team of Andy Vandijck, Bronya, Sinetek and Tora Chi Yo.


Packaged with the latest kernels and some needed kexts. This package makes it easier for AMD users to install the latest kernels and some fixes for their systems.

What's New in Version 2.2.1   See changelog


  • 1.0.0 - Initial Release
  • 1.1.0 - Fixed bug where custom install didn't work.
  • 1.1.1 - Updated Mavericks Kernel and changed Applications path to /Applications/Utilities.
  • 2.0.0 - Fully updated installer. Now supports Yosemite. Permissions are repaired upon completion.
  • 2.0.1 - Yosemite kernel update to latest xnu source.
  • 2.1.0 - Yosemite kernel updated to latest version from Bronya. Updated FakeSMC. Added VoodooPState.kext and App.
  • 2.2.0 - Support for El Capitan 10.11.x added.
  • 2.2.1 - Fixed wrong kernel directory.

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lorenzo l.v.


How would I test if this worked? I am a little new to this and I clicked continue on everything. My processor information appears to be the same though.



please release amd install helper with updatet kernel :-)



Can you put this on the installer thumb drive?



plz any instructions how to go with it ???? and will it work with amd fx 6300 ???????



plz any instructions how to go with it ???? and will it work with amd fx 6300 ???????


It works like any other installer adding files for applications to work. It should work with FX6300 yes. Simply point the installer to the HDD you need to install on and choose the options you need.



Is this kernel "universal X86" -kernel, which can boot new or future skylake based processor ?

I do not like osx future, and I ponder, if I can use older system with the most new hardware ?

Btw. This kernel works well with Intel Core2Quad 9400.



Is this kernel "universal X86" -kernel, which can boot new or future skylake based processor ?

I do not like osx future, and I ponder, if I can use older system with the most new hardware ?

Btw. This kernel works well with Intel Core2Quad 9400.


I'm not sure about skylake as it hasn't been patched for it... It has the necessary kernel patches for an AMD CPU.

Mr. Xtreme


Looks good Shanee, I'm going to try it to make my El Cappy install drive.

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Merci Shaneee

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@tle88, you are confusing this thread. Skylake is Intel 6th gen CPU and this is exclusively for AMD CPU. Anyways, this AMD installer will not work for Intel CPU.

There is a separate bigger forum for Intel CPU. I don't have any AMD CPU at the moment but because of CPU price difference and what I need from a CPU, maybe AMD CPU is a better value oveall for me for my future use.



Is there supposed to be a destination select on this?  When I try running this, it won't let me pick anything other than the current boot volume.  I would think that cross-volume installation would be expected, no?

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