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If you have a GAME store, are you in South Africa?





ps yes it will work natively!



So I switched to Mac on Tuesday, and im a avid xbox player, and because im only using a mac mini, I heared that the Xbox Live ext. Cam works "plug+play" with Leopard and most macs, is this true?!


If so, Ill run down to the local Game and buy one :)

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I won't even install Office 2004 on my Mac



Wow no offense but thats a bit of an overkill. There is no doubt about it that Microsoft has the best word processing management/spreadsheet software available thats why your favorite company "Apple" wants it on there OS. You must not do alot of documents or you just might be an avid Pages user but the fact still remains Microsoft does make the best Office Suite software for the Mac hands down. Also to answer the question about the webcam. Yes the Xbox Live Cam would work natively but the fact of the matter is it has no audio and thats gonna be a big problem later on. I would suggest spend a few dollars and get a Logitec QuickCam Ultra SE and use that because it has audio and visual capabilities built in. Or maybe you could just by and iSight Camera which is amazing and works with Leopard natively also. :P I've had several webcams but the Logitec QuickCam Ultra SE was the best until i decided to get an iSight camera. Hope this helps :withstupid:

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Overkil. Yes, i suppose it is. I love iWork though my tutor hates me using it :withstupid: {censored} him lol

Keynote kicks powerpoint arse though... nothing beats a bit of gradient black.

Used Office on my hack though... which is sadly no longer with us..

Think Mark

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You could buy one from Apple though (albeit £90) to work natively and not have the MS hassle or logo anywhere near it ;)

I won't even install Office 2004 on my Mac


Think Mark


Dude, I don't want to start fights, but seriously? I have seen some of your posts, and they are pretty ignorant. Maybe people want something cheap, something they can buy that is at a store nearby, and that will work. Who CARES it it has Microsoft on it. Heck, The MacBooks in my Apple Store have XP dual-booting on them. Apple Stores are not the only good stores. I hate huge Apple Fanboys. I am not a Microsoft fan either, I actually dont lik them one bit, but I'll buy their cam. Why? It WORKS! I don't wanna pay $100+ to get an APPLE LABELED iSight. NO! I buy that little cam thats in the bargin bin up at Game Stop, and use it. I don't care I like Apple, but if it means I cannot use products that DON'T have an Apple on them, then who wants that? Guess I gotta wait for that Apple Camera. Or the Apple Speakers.

I think you need to keep your personal ways of not using Microsoft stuff and using ONLY Apple products or products sold at an Apple Store, to yourself.


My 2 cents right there.

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Think Mark - I think your being a prime example of that "Apple users are snobs" report a few weeks back, maybe not a snob, but a over-the-top child/apple enthusiast in a rather unhealthy way xD ;)


There isn't a MS logo on it, there IS a Xbox live logo on it, but i play xbox live as-well... ;p


I have a mic so thats fine ;D

The Xbox Live cam is quite a good cam, my friend has it and it works fine.

Edit - As your such a fan, surely you have more than enough Apple Stickers to put over the much hated Xbox live logo :l

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Wow. I mean, Really. Wow. Looks like this little thread has started a fan boy war!

I agree that my fan boy-ness is a little more than expected but i just hate MS so much i don't want it to come anywhere near an Apple product lol.

As for the sticker remark, i have one on my cooker, front door and TV. Had a few of those old Apple logo stickers on my hackintosh a few times :D

I utterly and totally accept and agree that i am an Apple snob. I wouldn't try to deny it.

I know their the is no MS logo on the Xbox Cam, but Xbox is mommy is MS..


Think Mark ;)

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I'll admit that I am a Mac Fanboy, I wouldn't think twice to switching back to Windows.. but you take the biscuit with it to be perfectly honest.


Why would I spend £150 pound on A webcam with the Apple logo on it, When I could spend £30 pound on a cam which does the same job.... and could spend around 15/20 pound on a decent mic...


Yeah, reading some of your posts you are very obnoxious.

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I am not extremely unpleasant. I Think i am quiet nice TBH. Saying i take the biscuit does not offend me, not even int he slightest.

Yes i would spend £15 on something probably worth £50, but it is from Apple, and i know it is quality i can trust.


Think Mark


I also sense a hint of flame-baiting...

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Please, dont treat me like im a "noob" to forums, I have been visiting forums for years and know the rules here, Im not flamebaiting at all.



Saying "taking the biscuit" wernt meant to offend you, Im just saying your being overly enthusiastic to apple. Almost too much.


But thats just my opinion.


If apple still made iChat cameras, or they were a bit more affordable and easy to get hold of, I would get one.


But they are now past EOL, I cant get one very easy, the price is too much for my budget. Therefore i'll go for a product which is another reliable name, does the same job as Apple's... its simple.


Am I harming anyone by using MS products... that reminds me, let me put this new album on my Zune. [sarc].



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Please, dont treat me like im a "noob" to forums, I have been visiting forums for years and know the rules here, Im not flamebaiting at all.

Saying "taking the biscuit" wernt meant to offend you, Im just saying your being overly enthusiastic to apple. Almost too much.


But thats just my opinion.


If apple still made iChat cameras, or they were a bit more affordable and easy to get hold of, I would get one.


But they are now past EOL, I cant get one very easy, the price is too much for my budget. Therefore i'll go for a product which is another reliable name, does the same job as Apple's... its simple.


Am I harming anyone by using MS products... that reminds me, let me put this new album on my Zune. [sarc].



Love the Zune remark. Yes i am overly enthusiastic about Apple and Mr Jobs, but thats OCD for ya ;)

So... you do realize we are sooooo :offtopic::(

Anything else you wanna get off your chest about me before this thread gets closed?


Think Mark

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Think Mark, seriously, Microsoft isn't that bad.. I know this may be hard news for you to understand, but it's true. Heck, even Steve himself uses MS Office. I'd rather use my Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse over any other Apple kb+mouse any day. There's nothing wrong with using MS hardware, you'd just rather be a fanboy to the max and use only Apple hardware and software because "omgz Micro$oftz r teh devilz!!!!11"!!"

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