Mysticus C* Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 NEWBIES (NOOBS STAY AWAY) Guide to Basic Stuffs: Read/Learn This Before You Jump/Install Any Version of OS X ====================================================================== ALL NFORCE OWNERS: READ THIS MESSAGE (DONT GO ANYSTEPS BEFORE YOU READ THIS PART): ====================================================================== I stopped coming back to supporting this topic... From Now On You Can Continue getting support on Verdant's topic... You can still find many usefull information here, but I wont be coming to this topic frequently... ☻ FOR GOD'S SAKE DONT PM ME!!! YOUR PERSONAL ISSUES ABOUT NFORCE MOBO!!! THIS IS AN NFORCE TOPIC AND IT IS MADE TO DISCUSS ISSUES. SO EVERYONE CAN READ AND LEARN FROM EACHOTHER! MOST COMMON PROBLEMS/SOLUTIONS ARE PROVIDED IN POST#2 SO PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THE DAMN POST ENTIRELY, NOT JUST ONE SENTENCE OR SKIM READ... READ IT CAREFULY, PROPARLY! ☻ MAKE A SIGNATURE OF YOUR HARDWARE PROFILE [/b]THIS IS ONE OF FIRST MOST NEEDED INFO BEFORE ANYONE CAN START HELPING YOU! READ BELOW, THERE IS INFO HOW TO DO IT! ☻ BIOS SETTINGS TO CHECK A-) EXECUTE DISABLE BIT: ENABLED B-) USB KEYBOARD/MOUSE: ENABLED C-) ACPI MODE: S3 OR S1 OR BOTH D-) IF YOU HAVE AHCI SETTING FOR YOUR SATA/IDE PORTS: ENABLE AHCI FOR THOSE PORTS... ☻ PS/2 KEYBOARD & MOUSE OWNERS BEWARE OF THE PS/2 ISSUES... IT IS ALWAYS HEADACHE TO OWN PS/2 KB AND MOUSE...GET YOURSELF A USB VERSION AND SAVE SOME COUNTLESS HOURS OF HEADACHE... ☻ SAM MULTIMEDIA READ/WRITE ERRORS ARE INDICATION OF 3 POSSIBLE SCENERIO!!! 1) MOST POSSIBLE ONE IS THAT NFORCE ATA DRIVERS ARE NOT WORKING WELL ON YOUR SATA DVD (THIS IS A KNOWN ISSUE AND HAS ANOTHER TEST DRIVER WHICH HELPS IT WORK A BIT BUT NOT TOO MUCH COMPATIBILITY, SO GET YOURSELF AN IDE DVD) 2) YOU BURNED YOUR ISO TO DVD WITH MORE THAN 4X SPEED (NEVER BURN MORE THAN 4X!!!, USE 4X OR LESS SPEED) 3) YOUR DVD MEDIA IS NOT VERY GOOD TO BE READ OR DVD WRITE IS NOT GOOD IN READING ALL MEDIA TYPES... ☻ ON BOARD LAN ON NFORCE MOTHERBOARDS DO NOT WORK!!!! THERE IS A DRIVER BUT CAUSES MORE HARM THAN GOOD SO READ POST#2 FOR SUGGESTED WIFI/LANs FOR HASSLE FREE NETWORK ON NFORCE ☻2 x NVIDIA GFX CARD (SLI OR SINGLE MODE DOESNT MATTER) DOES NOT WORK ON ANY CHIPSET AS OF YET... NO OFFICIAL OR PATCHED DRIVER SUPPORT AS OF YET!!! SO YOU HAVE ONE OPTION == TAKE ONE CARD OFF IF YOU WANNA RUN OSX ON THAT PC!! ☻RAID HDD Configs with built in soft-raid controller (this applies to only built-in soft-raid==not apple's soft raid solution, which is different) SOFT-RAID DOES NOT WORK ON ANY CHIPSET with soft-raid (there are some sis raid versions which is hardware-raid and has driver, apart from that no other soft-raid works... You have to run OSX in single drive configs! ☻4GB RAM 4 GB CAUSES RANDOM FREEZES DUE TO INCOMPATIBILITY IN THE NFORCE ATA DRIVERS FOR 64 BIT MODE! NO PROPER SOLUTION FOR THIS ISSUE. ONLY TWO WORK AROUNDS. 1) USE ONLY 2GB RAM LEFT IN THE PC, 2) USE MAXMEM=3072 VALUE IN THE COM.APPLE.BOOT.PLIST FILE FOR START UP... ☻ USB NOT MOUNTING ISSUE THIS ISSUE IS CAUSED BY SIMPLE MISMATCHED KERNEL VERSION AND SYSTEM.KEXT VERSION... SOLUTION IS VERY SIMPLE IN FACT... JUST USE THE CORRECT SYSTEM.KEXT VERSION WITH YOUR KERNEL VERSION. THERE IS A SIMPLE INSTALLER IN POST#2 READ IT, YOU WILL FIND IT... ====================================================================== Purpose of the iAtkos R3 or any other OSX86 distros: Main purpose of the R3 project was to fix previous problems with the original release, so that people with nforce chipsets (of course intel chipsets as well) can test the OSX out on their mobo to get a feeling of OSX, and get familiar with it, before they go out to buy an original MAC Computer. So keep in mind, that none of the projects here, is to bring piracy, but to make people get familiar with OSX, and later to buy original MACs. There is no way you can make everything work perfect as Apple do not release/license OSX for 3rd party distribution and installation on other hardwares other than its own in the near future? SO, the real feeling of MAC will come with real MAC. There is no guarantee that Apple will let OSX being installed the way it is right now forever. So treat these OSX versions as a demo into real MAC world, not main intention of piracy. Introduction Speech : Why I added this Paragraph? Most people do not like to read long stuffs... New people come and go everyday to the scene, but not all of them are very successful. Why? Because they are noobs, they are stupid. Why start too harsh? Well I didnt start harsh actually, check the title? It says "newbie", i would say NOOB, but I didnt. Because some people are clever, although they are new to the stuffs. They first read what is said before they jump to conclusion. What does it mean? When you read through this topic, or any topic through the forum, you will understand why, when you understand the whole osx project concept... It usually takes no longer than 2-3 weeks to get familiar with OSX, after couple of installations and bricks... But it doesnt mean you will be expert, you will only be familiar and will be able to do some stuffs on your own, or with little guidance... I am no where near being expert, just an experienced user... Because I also take advices and guidance at times from other experienced users or experts as well... How do you become experienced? You must know what hardware you have on your PC in the first place, like check my signature to see how to learn some of them. ALSO THIS IS AN NFORCE CHIPSET WITH INTEL CPUS ON IT SUPPORT TOPIC. IF YOU DONT HAVE NFORCE CHIPSET WITH INTEL CPU ON IT, DO NOT ASK FOR HELP, RATHER PM ME or ANY OTHER PERSON YOU LIKE YOU THINK THAT MAY HELP YOU, SO THIS TOPIC KEEPS CLEAN... BUT DO NOT MAKE PM AS A HABIT AS I M NOT ANYONE'S PERSONAL ASSISTANT. IF YOU PM TOO MUCH IT MEANS YOU DONT READ MUCH, SO I WILL IGNORE YOUR PMs Now Lets Get Back to Business: In POST#1, I provided the most common thing any new user should know/understand before jumping anything here. You will not understand everything, but you will at least have an idea about what is going on... It is long, but very usefull later and at least you will know where to look for, when you see some of these terms on topics... In POST#2, I provide the information about "What To Knows" before during and after installation. I usually update this post, as much as I can to reflect more problems/solutions. So check back this post#2 regularly as well... POST#2 is very important for all newbies, and must be read and understood before jumping to installation. Read it carefully couple of times! When you are confident enough, continue to installations/updates... What is Next - What to do before you ask for HELP? In POST#2 at the very beginning I colorized a message, people usually ignores it when they encounter problems and ask for help. Here is the statement again: Make a Signature of your Hardware Profile/Specs. How? Go to my control panel/edit signature/copy paste anyones signature(for example mine)/update my signature Why Do I Make This Annoying Task? Because, you specs if posted on the message, after couple of messages on top of your message, your message will be forgotten, and I am trying to help as much people as possible, but I cant remember always what you have on your pc... It is too much time consuming for me to scroll back and forth to be able to write a reply to you... Another thing, is that, when other people with same specs see your profile, you may be helpfull to overcome some obstackles those people may have... So you can help others as well, unless you are not willing to? Then why are you here, anyway? Also If you dont make signature, you will be scolded/insulted or best case asked to provide information about it anyway... OK, Finished Installed, Have/Had Problems/Concerns, Made Signature, and Ready to Ask for Help? Now, In this stage, please provide/explain as much details as possible and screen caps if you can about every single thing/step you have done, and what happened next after each of these instances... The clearer and informative your problem statement, the easier to identify the problem and help for solution... Now You Can Continue with Reading the Rest If You Are Confident and Ready to Get on the Bus ============================ What is Kernel? (from wiki) ============================ In computer science, the kernel is the central component of most computer operating systems (OS). Its responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware and software components). It works between your OS, and your hardwares, and device drivers located around kernel so that they can communicate with your os, and everything understand eachother's language. Path for kernel: "/" or you can call root of the partition you are working on,and if you are working on different partition than the one you are trying to fix, than the path is: "/volumes/your_other_osxpartitionname/" In OSX it is named "mach_kernel" ===================================== what is a device driver? (from wiki) ===================================== A device driver, or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a computer hardware device. Basically it is the software that allows your devices to be recognized by and to work on any operating system. That means, most of the time, your devices will not work out of the box or will work with troubles, as OS X has very limited hardware devices support built in it. Why? ask Jobs about it why he choose that path not me. Drivers in OS X has extension of .kext and are located in a folder named "extensions". Full path for it is: /System/Library/Extensions if you are trying to locate on your own working partition, or if you are working in a different partition to fix another one, to locate another osx's driver folder, you should look for: /volumes/your_other_osxpartitionname/System/Library/Extensions ===================== What is permissions? ===================== Ok you have found kernel/drivers from different sources, and want it to work, what should you know/do next? You need to place the kernel (mach_kernel) / driver (kext file) into the folder location I mentioned above, and need to fix the permissions (its characteristics). Why? OS X requires all files to have certain characteristics so it can identify things like, what user files are, what system files are and how to treat them in short. If you do not define this characteristics, it will refuse to run them or treat them as normal user files or such... The most common permissions you will need to know are driver permissions, and kernel permission for kernel and driver's ownership permission level is "0:0" or "root:wheel" for kernel access/mod permission level is "644" for driver access/mod permission level is "755" ======================= What is mkext / caches? ======================= Ok you placed everything in right place, but it still doesnt want to work, what is wrong? OSX has sort of (i call it this way for easy understanding) disaster recovery and/or fast boot operation. And when you load the system as it is, the opreation i just mentioned, will prevent new drivers from loading at boot. These operations are done by two files: In Tiger; Extensions.mkext, and Extensions.kextcache (full path for both files: "/system/library/" ) In Leopard; Extensions.mkext, and caches/ (full path for mkext files: "/system/library/" ) (full path for both info file: "/system/library/extensions/caches/" ) So, if you do not delete these two files or do some special operations, osx will ignore your changes and in the next boot, it will load original ones, which means whatever you copied, or fixed, will not work. ================= What is Terminal? ================= It is the place where you speak and listen Unix commands some of which are explained below. terminal is equivalent of dos prompt in windows you can say... It is located in Applications/Utilities/Terminal when you run the terminal most of the time you will want to do changes in the system. To be able to make changes you will need to have root access (admin mode you can say). For this, when you start the terminaltype; sudo su or sudo -s (you can learn the difference by reading around) after these command system will ask you to enter you password, just type your password and there you go now you can do many things that you cant do/see in GUI. when you are finished enter exit twice... ============================ USING TERMINAL, or SAFE MODE ============================================================ How to //go up/down in folders // delete / move / copy / fix / edit files? ============================================================ + Navigate through folders/directories ============================= cd is used for going up and down in folders and also going straight to paths... some important locations:: cd / : goes straight to your root (where your kernel is) cd /System/Library : to find your Extensions.mkext (Extensions.kextcache for tiger as well) cd /System/Library/Extensions : to go to your drivers folder cd /System/Library/Extensions/Caches : to locate your caches cd .. : to go one folder down/back in hierarcy cd /users/your_account_name/Desktop : to go to your desktop cd /volumes/another_osx_partition/ : to go to another osx installed partition =============================== + Copying / Moving files around =============================== cp/mv are used for copying files around for your own reasons, you can normally do gui type of copy/move as well, but somefiles are not shown in gui but in terminal, so you would need it manually... cp leaves original files in the source, unlike mv command, that renames the source or moves the files from source to the destination folder/file name usage is pretty much same... using -R in any command, will apply to folders and files within the folders recursively... so you wont get annoyed by the messages... some important usage: cp -R /path/of/source/file /path/of/destination/ cp /mach_kernel /users/your_account/desktop ==================== + Fixing Permissions ==================== chown and chmod are for fixing permissions (changing attributes of your files)and u will always use it together one after the other one... some important ones: chown -R 0:0 ABC.kext (if you are in the same folder as the kexts) chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/ABC.kext (if you are not sure where you are) chown -R 0:0 mach_kernel (if you are in root) chown -R 0:0 /mach_kernel (if you are not sure where you are) chmod -R 755 ABC.kext (if you are in the drivers folder) chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ABC.kext (if you dont know where you are) chmod -R 644 mach_kernel ================================= + Deleting/Removing Files/Folders ================================= rm is used to delete/remove files and folders some important examples: rm -R /System/Library/Extensions.* (when you exchange or add new drivers you need to delete the Extensions.mkext file to make sure it will load next time you reboot) rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/caches/com.* (same as above, but this is for fast booting, needs be removed in order for your new drivers to take effect in your next boot) rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/ABC.kext (when some drivers cause trouble this is how you get rid of it completely, but to stay safe use m command rm -R /mach_kernel ================================================= How to Edit plist files to add your Dev IDs or change Boot preferences ================================================= nano is the command to edit plist files to do things like adding your device ids, or changing boot preferences. when you are done, press "ctrl+o" to save changes and press "enter" as it will ask to confirm and press "ctrl+x" to quit editing. important usagefor drivers to add dev id: nano info.plist (if you navigated to the right folder) nano ABC.kext/Contents/info.plist (if you are in the drivers folder) nano /System/Library/Extensions/ABC.kext/Contents/info.plist (if you are not where you are) ======================= + Listing files/folders ======================= ls is short for list and used to list folders/files which is "dirs" equavalent of dos "important examples: ls : list all files and folders in current location ls -a ABC* : lists files/folders starting with names of ABC learn other ls usages by reading (good exercise to learn things) ================== What is Safe Mode? ================== safe mode is the place to fix stuff when you run into trouble, like your system refuses to load, due to some drivers... you will use above mentioned commands here as well as in terminal, once you load your system properly important things to know: /sbin/fsck -fy (when you first got into the safe mode, you need to make sure all files and your partitions in good condition, this commands checks them) /sbin/mount -uw / (you need to mount your partition with write permissions, to be able to make changes, otherwise read-only system wont bring you anywher... this is a must!) exit (when you are done with deleting or fixing some stuff, sometimes u can use this command in order to continue booting without restarting, until you learn how do not use it... shutdown -r now (when you are done with everything helps your system to shutdown) reboot (when you are done it helps you to restart) ============================================ What to Know Before Booting off a DVD or HDD ============================================ You placed your OSX DVD, or booting off from your hdd and it is saying please press F8 to install OSX, so what are you waiting, press F8 to see what is inside If it is DVD you are booting off; it will wait for you to enter or type some flags to boot with as below: If it is HDD you are booting off; it will wait for you to choose partition and/or flags below (not that choosing partition is scrolling with arrow keys on your keyboard and do not press enter after that if you are intending to use flags as well -v : verbose mode to see all system messages to see what is loading and what errors u are receiving. -x : safe GUI mode to disable some trouble drivers and still enables you to boot -s : safe text mode (like terminal) if -x doesnt work or u need to make some major changes -f : after replacing some drivers in your system, boot with this in order to make sure it will reload evertyhing in drivers folder... cpus=1 : if you get error/panic after some loading saying anything about cpu as this is needed for some chipsets and or kernels that are not patched to work on multicores for those chipsets or drivers. It enables only one core on your system though. some important usage: -v -s : to go into safe text mode -v -x : to go into safe gui mode to ignore majority of the drivers from loading, but not all of them beware -v -f : it reloads/creates the archive of the drivers folder, good to start with after replacing some drivers you can also add cpus=1 to any of these usages if you are having problems with the kernelfor example: -v -f cpus=1 ================================================== There many more things to know obviously, but these are the most needed things for newbies to start from. This way you willgive less headache to others. Please read it and refer to it, when you are doing simple tasks, like driver changing, kernel changing, deleting files etc... so do not ask questions about these simpletasks unless you really cannot solve byjust doing so ================================================== Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 15, 2008 Author Share Posted February 15, 2008 ============================== INSTALLATION - STEP BY STEP GUIDE ============================== MOD NOTE: WAREZ LINKS REMOVED DON'T EVER TRY THAT {censored} HERE AGAIN. AUTHOR'S NOTE: THAT {censored} WAS HERE ALMOST A YEAR, NOONE WARNED OR SAID ANYTHING. MD5 iAtkos 1.0i R3 regular= 3F3D063873469A5357F392D027843C10 (if you got it from the Bus Driver by ringing the bell) MD5 iAtkos 1.0i R3 bad bios patched = d65285f10c625310ecc93f6ee3d928b1 (if you get the equate's last patch) MD5 Kalyway 10.5.2 = E03AF401CC9E0BAAB1401199170DDF99 MD5 iAtkos 2.0i = f1ad86417c16c1ea873abb8114989d3e (this is testing on NForce systems although it will work for some other people as well) please ask and discuss issues with NForce Chipsets here... Special Note to Everyone Who Seeks Help After/Before Installation: if you want help: give description of the problem, and read the FIRST TWO POSTS regarding what to knows and what you should know before, during and after installation only then you can get nice answers and we can find a solution, it is not my job to tell people what to put in their signature, "I will ignore the posts saying "help me install Leo, I have a laptop,desktop". This kind of post will be ignored if no/proper hardware profile is given. We are not mediums to guess what you have what you dont, and what you did... Also please do not PM me for specific hardware needs/questions, Post them on the topic!!! thats the whole idea of having topic... And please learn to wait as well, so that dont post on the topic and PM at the same things until you get an answer... ==================================================== Frequently Reported Common Problems Regarding Certain Hardwares: ==================================================== # On board or Any network card: on board nic is a dream to work right now, and other nics that has a driver made around 10.4.8 or earlier doesnt work on Leopard correctly and has either freeze problems or network drops under heavy usage!!!! These network cards, are RTL 8139,8169 and some other models, as I said , have drivers but all these drivers made around 10.4.8 or earlier version of OSX. Although they work fine on normal usage, they drop network, under heavy usage, or can give freeze problem on some mobos while using programs like azureus or similar... below two wireless network cards, are quite new and they have official driver from manufacturer and their drivers are compiled to work on Leopard and they work fine under heavy usage or with network programs and doesnt cause drops or freeze (unlike other cards are made for 10.4.8 or earlier) + Linksys WUSB54GC (reported OK) there are official drivers for this + Netgear WG111V3 wireless card (My suggestion for wifi) (there are official drivers for this) + Apple USB to Ethernet (reported OK) (My suggestion for lan) works OTB # Nvidia GFX cards: (SLI mode and/or 2 same gfx card in the slots is a no go for OSX so dont bother even trying before you take out one of the cards) Most of the 8 series started working after 10.5.2 system and gfx update, however on nforce chipset, they need small fix in the driver which I included on this guide if you follow to bottom. However some cards may still have problem, like some 7 series, which requires video bios flashing, but make sure you check the nvinject web site first before you do anytg this serious... # For USB/FW not mounting: I am not sure what causes it, but you can try updating to 10.5.2 and see if it makes any difference, also, if you restart with the usb device plugged, it should mount and work ok... Cause & Solution to USB/FW Problem: The problem usually caused by changing kernel version that is not matched to system.kext version. To solve it, you can either find correct system.kext with the kernel version or, by updating to 10.5.2 using my update package and do not change default setting: System.kext and kernel that are choosen matched versions already! You can change kernel to kabyls as well, but if you wanna keep your old kernel, back up your old system kext as well... Alternatively you can use my usb mount fix installer for 10.5.2 systems as well (use this only when you are in 10.5.2 already, and dont use this under 10.5.1) . DOWNLOAD Use custom window in it, to check/select your needs correctly!!! By default, it installs USB family driver restore (for fixing Kalyway 10.5.2 pcgenusb2) and 9.2.0 system.kext for (all 9.2.0 kernels) # For Sata DVD: There is known problems regarding reading/writing DVDs on Nforce chipsets as the driver is still not very mature yet... Therefore I would suggest getting a PATA DVD if you can... # For Big File Size File Transfers/or Working on Them Cause Freeze: This is usually caused bcoz of 4gb memory issue... If you take out 2gb off of the slots, and run the system 2gb left on board, you will see it will not have the issue of freezing in most cases... # For Burning Causing Freeze or other Problems on Toast: This is specificly Toast program related I think, changing the burning software to other than Toast solved the burning problem in some cases, so give it a try with another software... =========== PRECAUTIONS =========== Also not limited to this DVD, there is a PS/2 keyboard problem, which can be avoided by buying a PS/2 to USB converter, or it is time to buy a USB keyboard anyway approach. Some NForce chipsets are known to be problematic. If you are desperate to install Leopard on your PC, grab yourself a PATA (IDE) HDD and PATA (IDE) DVD Drive in handy distance, so incase you get HDD or DVD read / write errors. The guide is educational only and specific to install iAtkos v1.0i R3 Leopard versions 10.5.1, and does not mention individual about other non-nforce related drivers although there are some drivers in the Install Disk. So for individual devices to work, click on appropriate drivers in the Drivers section if you find any, if you cannot find any, just ask nicely and share your thoughts in this topic or wherever is appropriate for that device. Also keep in mind, there is no rule that your particular device(s) is (are) definitely going to work. So you may end up buying particular devices of your choice by looking at HCL lists. So no complaints that your system is not working and blame anyone who tries to guide you. ======================================================================== If you understand these precautions, you may continue reading the guide, else your answer may not be here. ======================================================================== 1) Make sure your bios is set to boot from DVD drive. If it is not set, set it to boot from DVD drive first. 2) Place your DVD in the DVD Drive (PATA or SATA doesn't matter at the moment as you do not know yet if it will work or not) 3) It will ask you to press F8 if you want to install OS X. So Press F8 4) It will bring a command prompt. Type the following and press enter 4-a-) -v (if you do not have ATI 2000 series graphics card) 4-b-) -v -x (if you have ATI 2000 series graphics card) 5) Wait while drivers and system is booting, and keep and eye on error messages. 5-a-) If you see an error message saying "SAM MEDIA READ / WRITE failed and continued with Still waiting for root device" or something similar during the DVD boot, it means nforceata driver that is supplied on this DVD is not compatible if you used a SATA DVD Drive, which means you will have to exchange it with PATA (IDE) one. 5-b-) If it just says "Still waiting for root device" it is your SATA HDD, is not recognized due to missing DEV ICE id or incompatibility as the SATA DVD drive. Fixing this involves two installations and some editing, no direct solution unless you inject edited nforceata driver to the DVD. 6) OK you passed the previous step safely without error, or you exchanged your SATA DVD and/or SATA HDD, with PATA versions, and boots fine to the INSTALLATION windows asking you to click this button to continue... Press The Button Shown on above Picture and You will see the following Screen Side Note: If you have decided how to partition your HDD, go to Utilities / Disk Utility and Make appropriate partitions as you will use. I'm not going to mention how to partition here, and how you will dual boot the system, as it is another subject that will make others bored, so learn partitioning and getting ready for dual booting by reading other forum topics. Of course you can discuss it here as well, but I will not mention it on the Install Guide itself. All I can say is you do the appropriate partitioning and erasing in the Disk Utility. Once you are done here, close Disk Utility Side Note2: I used MBR partition scheme, not GUID, so from what I remember, it requires you to dd boot0 or boot1h (i dont remember exactly just search for guid) to fix blinking cursor after installation (aka bootloader is not working) See the following Picture where the Disk Utility is 7) Once you are done with the Disk Utility is closed (MAKE SURE YOU CREATED OS X PARTITIONS BEFORE YOU CONTINUE), in the following screen, click Continue 8) Click Agree 9) Click on OS X Partition that you will install Leopard 10) Click Customize 11) Check the boxes as seen on the Picture. and once finished Click DONE Note: Unless you have an SSE2 type of P4s or Centrino or Celeron cpu, do not change the above settings to your hearts choices, on NForce chipsets, above settings are a must!... Also As you can see, I have not chosen any Drivers, it is up to you at this point to choose whatever DRIVERs you want/need. I have not tested the DRIVERs that I do not have devices for. Only one I can confirm is Realtek 8139 is working (somewhat great= read my top of the page note regarding details) with my Sweex LC001 NIC 12) Click Install (wait a bit dvd will spin a little while) 13) Click SKIP and let the installation begin Note: Some People may have issue with DVD stop reading after a while, this is nothing to do with this DVD, but it s related to nforce chipset, after 5-7 mins DVD drive likes to sleep and cannot wake up... weird enough, to avoid this from happening, move your mouse around the screen every 3-4 mins... trust me, it is the only way at the moment... 14) Once the Installation is finished (about 10 mins), it will ask you to RESTART. Just do it as it says, but at boot, you must make sure that you remove the DVD. Caution: If you have ATI 2000 series graphics card, since there is no option to install the driver on the Installer, you must boot with -v -x untill you install a driver (typically Natit). Now Enjoy your Ride with OS X... At first boot without DVD, it will welcome you and ask you couple of questions, and will allow you to create and account, make sure you use appropriate user name, and do not forget to define a password at the very end! Also make sure you uncheck auto update feature, otherwise, you may end up bricking your OSX and do everything all over again... I hope everything goes smooth... ========================================= How to Update both System and Graphics to 10.5.2 ========================================= The update combination below should work on other chipsets as well which are supported and/or working on 10.5.1 already. It has already a huge driver database in it, but make sure you choose correct drivers and kernel combinations for your system. 1a-) Premium Download 10.5.2 Kalyway Combo System Update Installer 1b-) Free Download 10.5.2 Kalyway Combo System Update Installer 2a-) Premium Download 10.5.2 Graphics Update Installer 2b-) Free Download 10.5.2 Graphics Update Installer 3-) Extract both downloads to Desktop 4-) Run Kalyway Installer First 5-) When Kalyway Finished, Do not restart!!! 6-) Open the "Full Gfx Update v1.1" folder where Gfx update files are. You will see lots of files inside the folder 7-) Find the "10.5.2 Full Gfx Update v1.1.mpkg" 8-) Run "10.5.2 Full Gfx Update v1.1.mpkg" file. This is the Gfx & Extra Drivers installer 9-) Click on "customize" in the installer window, and choose appropriate drivers and all other selections you need Suggestion Notes: I made the GFX update selection, system.kext and netkas sleep kernel selection by default (warning note: that if you do unselect system.kext and/or install different version of kernel, you may have USB not mounting issue later...) If you have trouble with sleep kernel you can choose an other one, for example, Kabyl's efi kernel is good... Other things to consider, are chipset drivers and of course vga drivers mainly! For nvidia, correct nvinject is a must! Limited ATI support and some different audio cards also in the drivers. If you had sata dvd not mounting cd/dvds problem, you can test nforce ata (test) driver, it may help you, but report problems related to it, in MeDevil's topic. 10-) Once it is finished, you can restart.... 11-) Wait patiently, because it will restart by itself one more time before going into GUI 12-) Once everything is finished, and if you didnt make silly choices in the Gfx update, it should go to GUI and system should be updated to 10.5.2 and graphics should be the latest versions... Caution: For Nvidia Gfx card owners, please make sure you choose correct nvinject memory. However, there is a possibility that your Gfx card may not work still. In this case if you have 9xxx series Nvidia, you will have to wait a patch from other places, or wait for next updates... If you have 7xxx series Gfx card you may need to flash your video bios... check here for details ================================================= How to copy your working partition to another HDD and make it bootable easily ================================================= + Make sure you have the iAtkos R3 in handy distance as you will need it once... + Also Make sure that you created an OSX partition and erased/formated it on the new hdd that you want to copy your current OSX. + Make sure the new hdd is connected now so that you can copy the current working OSX partition to the new one 1-) Open Disk Utility (Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility) 2-) From the left side, Click On the name of the current OSX HDD 3-) From the right side, Click on the Restore tab 4-) On the right side, you should see Source and Destination paths 5-) From the left side, drag and drop the name of your current working OSX partition to the Source path on the right side 6-) From the left side, drag and drop the name of your new OSX partition on the new hdd to the Destination path on the right side 7-) Do not choose anything on the bottom side unless you didnt erase the new hdd's new osx partition. 8-) Click on the Restore button on the right bottom side 9-) Now wait for the Restore to finish. (5-10 mins depending on your programs etc the partition size...) 10-) Once it is finished, on your new hdd you have the same exact copy of your current working osx partition but not the bootloader... 11-) To be able to boot from the new hdd's osx, you will need to set bootloader on it... 12-) To set the bootloader you need iAtkos R3 DVD now. 13-) Place the DVD, press f8 and run the installation process 14-) Now crucial part is that, you need to choose the new HDD's OSX partition first, and proceed to Customize window 15-) On customize window, choose only EFI bootloader!!! but nothing else!!! and click install, skip verify, (in 3-5 seconds it should finish) and restart and take the dvd out... 16-) Now you have copy of your original os x and it is bootable... make sure you choose correct order of HDDs from the BIOS so that you boot from the new hdd... Good Luck Now lets share the thoughts/problems/success now..... Thanx To: uphuck, eskurza, kabyl, equate for/in development of original R3 (Although team is not working together anymore due to some problems, they are all nice people. Thanx to them for all the help) MeDevil for nforce drivers, (if he didnt make nforce driver(s) there would not be any drivers for nforce chipset in the first place) and all others that helped developed patches and drivers for various devices... I have added many drivers and didnt mention about names mostly because I dont know who developed what, but thanx for their great works... I only used the drivers that are posted to public... =================================================== ALTERNATIVE INSTALL METHOD ON NFORCE BY KALYWAY 10.5.2 DVD =================================================== MD5 of Kalyway 10.5.2 DVD should be E03AF401CC9E0BAAB1401199170DDF99 The steps are pretty much same as in the guide above, there are only couple of things different which are on the customize window, and one extra file, depending on what you use in the system... In short, you still have to prepare partitions before going into Install window, from Utilities/Disk Utility. I am going to point out only the important ones, and some useful extras. Graphics, Audio, are deselected because they are different for everyone. So you have to make your own driver choices. Here is Customize Window Fonts and Languages changed deselected (you may select any usefull one if you need) Kernel not changed (unless you have specific needs for another) Graphics and Audio changed deselected (Just choose correct drivers) Network Drivers not changed Mobo Chipset not changed Thirds Application check photo (for suggestions although you can do whatever you like) SSE2 JAS 1048 ACPI APIC not changed not selected Patches changed (check photo for changes) Hardcoded SMBIOS not changed AMD 1052 Patches not changed not selected Well, now last part is that, if you didn't change the kernel, you have to copy back the old usb fix v1.3 for 9.2.0 because the one just now installed is 9.2.2 which will create the famous "usb not mounting issue". Run the installer and uncheck the usb fix, if you followed the guide above... Thats all Good Luck. . ========================================== 10.5.3 Combo Update Package and Future Updates moved to a new topic in the following link==> Update Topic ========================================== ========================================== TO FIND INFO ABOUT MOST REQUESTED DRIVERS READ BELOW ========================================== nForce ATA driver ==> Check Here HDA Sound driver ==> Check Here NVIDIA GFX driver ==> Check Here First and then Go Get the Driver from Here ATI Radeon HD driver ==> Check Here ========================================== Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rschultz101 Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 sudo su ; passwd root ;;; rd=disk1s1 to change root password, after sudo su passwd root ... is standard in linux/ unix, rd=disk1s1 -> to boot from a partition, when the bootloader don't work -> or from a different disk ...> anybody knows how to add entries to the startup list ? including different disks ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 15, 2008 Author Share Posted February 15, 2008 rd=disk1s1 is already a flag, so u can add it to the /library/preferences/systemconfiguration/ add that to the kernel flag's string section... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyant Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 This guide seem very complete but are the files released yet? I can't seem to find them at the moment. Maybe I just suck at detective work tho ehehe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darksurge Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 Hi have been waiting for this to try on my nforce board. Where can i download the iAtkos v1.0i R3 iso from? Many Thanks in advance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 15, 2008 Author Share Posted February 15, 2008 files are gonna come soon, trying to finish last bit of instructions and add them to the sources Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptor10001 Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 will r3 be a ppf patch, or a full image? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jehovah Cooper Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 I think its a patch. Can you also explain how to patch the ISO? Prolly it is obvious but I haven't done it yet and the guide explains everything else so well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 I think its a patch. Can you also explain how to patch the ISO? Prolly it is obvious but I haven't done it yet and the guide explains everything else so well. If you wanna hope in the bus, ring the bell Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muitommy Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 i think the stock appleacpiplatform.kext can be ticked! thus, "chmod -R 644 mach_kernel" this is not needed for kernels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 i think the stock appleacpiplatform.kext can be ticked!thus, "chmod -R 644 mach_kernel" this is not needed for kernels. it s possible but u may need other patches stuff so dont say unless you know what is next... coz it will give drive could not be found for following platform ACPI or something like that error will come in many people's case... although not necessary, better to practice... until you knw what you are doing... the guide is not only for people with knowledge, newbies in mind first Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VasH Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 there are particular options to set in the bios before starting installation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 there are particular options to set in the bios before starting installation? not really as far as i remember, kernel is no hpet, so hpet setting can stay as anytg about speedsteps and other things relating to cpu settings, is up to you to test... everyone has different results about it on nforces... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrRoper Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 looks good mysticus, good job Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 any test results? if you have nvidia 8 series graphics card check this link and the installer, may help some of you, bcoz w/o graphics drivers installed, you may experience program crashes related to graphics drivers... esp, if you are running graphics/video editing programs or tools... try the drives in customize window/drivers sections first, and if it doesnt work try the one in the ling below... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glitch77 Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 I would love to test it, as I have: ABIT IN9 Nforce 680i Q6600 quad core 4gb ram Geforce 8800GTX PATA drive ready Let me know if you would like me to give it a shot, as I don't know where to obtain R3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rschultz101 Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 rd=disk1s1 is not in my ... where do you add that , so at boot time you have an option ? rd=disk1s1 is already a flag, so u can add it to the /library/preferences/systemconfiguration/ add that to the kernel flag's string section... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 rd=disk1s1 is not in my ... where do you add that , so at boot time you have an option ? it s a flag that can be used.... i didnt say it is in there... you need to add it if you have particular reason for it? but i dont know if it will work or not, if you want to try, in the plist, you should see a line like this, <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>rd=diskXsY</string> X: Disk Number (0,1,2,...) Y: Partition NUmber (1,2,...) i never tried it myself so you can give it a try... from terminal, sudo su, enter password and use the command below nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ add your flags as i said, once done, ctrl+o, enter, ctrl+x no permission fix as you will be root applying the command... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Resshin Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 Thanks Mysticus, everything works fine, even SATA drives, very nice guide btw. Now the prob is just network, but I'm going to do the same as you... gonna buy a realtek chipset card. Thanks to all the hard work from all the people that made this possible. My thanks to all. Peace! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 Thanks Mysticus, everything works fine, even SATA drives, very nice guide btw. Now the prob is just network, but I'm going to do the same as you... gonna buy a realtek chipset card. Thanks to all the hard work from all the people that made this possible. My thanks to all. Peace! sometimes solution is spending a little money, as i mentioned in guides, and do not worry later... overtime some drivers will be made available in duct taped together fashion or more professional, but you will not be lucky always... also, some people seriously need to read the newbie guide, although it s not written in the most professional way, it is not even fully complete, but it is good to understand some of the things... usually if anything is available, the guide can help u understand how to do things in your own, and when you read around more, you will get more familiar with stuff... another thing is some stuff may not work well, not and may be fixed in newer ORANGE updates, but it s not a reason to jump to jump to updates blindfolded... you must read the guides around updating and what are files are needed in the post update procedure so that when u restart you machine, u dont get a big smiling panic window... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 16, 2008 Author Share Posted February 16, 2008 a small heads up, with nforce ata... you can call as advice for some systems not all! since i use all my os x installations on my pata drive, i find it a bit more stable to use appleviaata.kext editing after installation nforce ata seems to be not very stable with my system and causes random freezes... so if you want to try this method up to you, as caution this works only if you are using pata (ide) drives both hdd and dvd drive... if you want to use your sata drives, do not read after this point!!!! here is exactly what you need to type when you run the terminal: sudo su password: type your pass here as it will wait for you cd /system/library rm -R Extensions.* cd extensions rm -R AppleNForceATA.kext rm -R caches/com.* nano AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/info.plist here it will bring the text editor in terminal... this part is important, and do not make mistake here... scroll down using ARROW KEYS!!! UP or DOWN and find the part it says following lines... and add the 0x036e10de (this is my ide controller, if you dont know yours, go to windows/control panel/device manager/ide section/ ide controller/properties/resources/harware ids, you will see stg like vendor where it will say 10de and device id like mine or different 036e in my case) and put it as 0xdevidvendorid orde, for example 0x036e10de to IOPCIPrimaryMatch strings... like i highlighted below... <key>VIA SATA Controller</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>Hardware Name</key> <string>8237 SATA</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>AppleVIAATARoot</string> <key>IOPCIPrimaryMatch</key> <string>0x036e10de 0x2363197B 0x31491106 0x00e310de 0x005410de 0x005510de</string> <key>IOProbeScore</key> <string>1000</string> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOPCIDevice</string> <key>Serial ATA</key> <true/> once you are done adding your dev id, press ctrl+O (note that it s letter O not number 0) it will say a line below something like plist just press enter press ctrl+X once it goes back to terminal type reboot, it should be good to go... runs better... here is my xbench with nforce ata here is my xbench with appleviaata editing to make sure things are ok I run the test 3 more times... you decide... my opinion/experience say, after installation change it to use appleviaata as it s more stable and faster, if you are on PATA (IDE) configuration ... see the score differences on the very bottom part... and as you read above, you add the IDE dev id to SATA section of the driver, this is no mistake, and it is how it works dont ask me why i dont know all i know it works that way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VasH Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 Installation goes fine. Boot time is abit long. And even the System is a bit slow... I think is the lack of video driver... and here comes the problem any test results? if you have nvidia 8 series graphics card check this link and the installer, may help some of you, bcoz w/o graphics drivers installed, you may experience program crashes related to graphics drivers... esp, if you are running graphics/video editing programs or tools... I've installed this and after that I had to reboot, and now I get a kernel panic. I've tried to boot with -x but after login the system freeze. Any advice? However, thanks Mysticus and all the people involved, it's the first time I can run Leopard on my pc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mysticus C* Posted February 17, 2008 Author Share Posted February 17, 2008 Installation goes fine.Boot time is abit long. And even the System is a bit slow... I think is the lack of video driver... and here comes the problem I've installed this and after that I had to reboot, and now I get a kernel panic. I've tried to boot with -x but after login the system freeze. Any advice? However, thanks Mysticus and all the people involved, it's the first time I can run Leopard on my pc. i think it uses natit or nvinject, so boot into -v -s /sbin/mount -uw / cd /system/library rm -R Extensions.* cd extensions rm -R Natit.* rm -R NVi* or whater the name is rm caches/com.* reboot... should remove the problem driver, check natit, or nvinject places to find answer for your particular card... good luck boot time is slow here as well, cant fix that related nforce.... :s things may run slow bcoz drivers like i said... just find appropriate places for the answer... or try reinstalling with the drivers supplied on the dvd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4rest Posted February 17, 2008 Share Posted February 17, 2008 hallo, the dvd is great the insatll esay. it works perfekt. i have a little problem. evertime when i use safari the system crash. all other internet-applications run perfektly. its the onboard ethernetconntroller the problem? (nForceEthernetController.kext) mobo: p5n32-e sli cpu: core 2 quad 6600 graka:geforce 8800 gtx lan: onboard Marvell .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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