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INSTALL GUIDE FOR GA-P35-DS3L ( EFI_v8 + Vanilla Kernel + Reboot + Shutdown ( No SLEEP )


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Using EFI_V8 + Vanilla Kernel + Reboot + shutdown work. Sleep does not work ( It goes into sleep mode by does not wake up)


My System Specs :


Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L Rev. 2.0

Q6600 Quad Core Processor 2.4ghz but Overclocked to 3.0ghz

GSkill PC6400 @800MHZ 2 x 2GB

Liteon 20x Sata DVD Copier

400gig Seagate IDE hardrive

MSI 8600 GTS OC Edition Video Card



I used Kalyway 10.5.1 for my installation cause it is the best one out there.

Step 1: Installing Kalyway 10.5.1


1) Setup Your Bios to Boot from CD-ROM Drive, With kalyway you don't need to turn on ACPI in the bios :thumbsup_anim:


2) Once the Kalyway is boot , select utilities from the top menu


3) Format your hardrive with MBR and name it what ever you want, Once done close it and move on with the installer ( Mine is called Leopard )


4) Next select the hardrive you want install Leopard on ( Choose the one that you just formated and labeled :) )


5) Now we want to customize the installation so select that

1) Select Vanilla Kernel



3) Select EFI Emulation and choose EFI with MBR


4) Don't select any ethernet, audio or video card driver because we are going to install them later manually ( Ethernet work with no need for extra kexts)


6) Hit the install button and skip disk check.

7) Before you reboot the machine from the installation menu

1) Open up terminal and type these in

rm -rf /Volumes/OSXDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext

exit and close

8) Now you can reboot




Step 2: Setup up Leopard


1) System will reboot, so take the install disk out of the CD-ROM drive and let leopard boot up from hardrive


2) If you using ps2 keyboard it will not work :) so get youself a usb keyboard


3) Do you thing with setting up leopard by creating user name , etc ( if you want to skip registration hit windows key + q then skip )


4) First thing is that we want to remove all the program that Kalyway can with and the orange directory background. A nice person on the forum made virginizer so let use it :)

Download it from here

http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=77479 This program remove all the program and resets leopard to original state


To change the orange color from the backfrom of directory


Right click ----> show view options -----> Backround (white ) ----> set to Default

5) Reboot the system and now we can install the drivers for video and audio :)


1) I will cover how to install 8600 GTS cause that is what I have


Simply download this installer, run it and reboot and you have OE/CE Dual Monitor Working :)




2) Reboot and now we gonna install the audio driver ( AL888)






1) Download the file files above and extract them on you desktop

First we are going to install the AppleHDA.kext , NVinject.kext

2) Open up terminal and type the following


sudo -s

enter password

rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext

cp -R ~/Desktop/AppleHDA.kext /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext


rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/NVinject.kext

cp -R ~/Desktop/AppleHDA.kext /System/Library/Extensions/NVinject.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/NVinject.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/NVinject.kext


reboot the system

3) You should have audio working now :) but we want digital audio working :) so here how to do that.


1) Open applehdapatcher 2.0 and extract it on desktop. You should have icon with a aligator on it


2) drag the AL888.txt file to the alligator icon and follow the instructions (don't open the applehdapatcher program, just drag the txt file into the icon )


3) reboot :)


Well now we have video, audio, Virgin Leopard with vanilla kernel + reboot


Step 3: Only thing left is shutdown with was little tricky but read forums for hours and hours finally found it.


1 ) Reboot the PC


2) Enter the Bios


3) Power Management Setup


4 ) Soft-off by PWR-BTTN ------> change that from Instant-Off to 4 sec delay


5) hit f10 save setting and reboot


6) You Should have shutdown working now




This is my first guide so any comments are more than welcomed and if you see anything wrong please let me know Thanks You

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I tried the 4 sec delay in bios. It didn't work. Reboot ok, shut down no. Sleep works on my machine. I got the same mobo (P35-DS3L) and I'm loving it.




1. do you have any PCI device beside your PCI Express video card

2. rm -rf /Volumes/OSXDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext (what's the purpose of deleting this file?)


Also, Ethernet does not work out of box. You need a 8111B driver.


Thanks and congrats.

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1. do you have any PCI device beside your PCI Express video card


I only have Videocard installed


2. rm -rf /Volumes/OSXDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext (what's the purpose of deleting this file?)


I always removed that file because that file used to cause kernel crash on my old system. Just to be on safe side I remove it. dsmos.kext replaces it, so it is not needed.


Also, Ethernet does not work out of box. You need a 8111B driver.


My ethernet work fine.


We got good trade off. You got sleep, I got shutdown hahahaha

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Here's my topic about issues with this motherboard. I'm having trouble with sleep, restart, and shutdown (as well as graphical acceleration since I have a 6800gt).




Is there a reason not to use ACPI? What about GUID rather than MBR?


Your audio fix got mine working. Thanks for that. I had already found two of the three parts by scouring the forum, but it was nice to see all the steps and also the text file, which I hadn't found.

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Kalyway does not require ACPI to be turned on in order for connect drive to be recognized by OSX, GUID partition is nice cause it lets you resize partitions with destroying existing stored information on it.

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Yes, but is there a reason to avoid ACPI? Is it related to my inability to shut down, sleep, and reboot? I tried the 4 second fix (instead of instant off) and it causes a kernel panic.


I just got video acceleration working with NVinject 0.2.1 and manual editing of GeForce, GeForce.kext, NVDAResman.kext, and NVDANV40Hal.kext, so the only thing I have to sort out is shutdown/reboot/sleep. I'd be happy just to have shutdown work, so I don't have to walk to the back of my computer and switch off the power supply.


Could using ACHI be part of the trouble?


I haven't done the rm -rf /Volumes/OSXDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext. Perhaps that might help?

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Yes, but is there a reason to avoid ACPI? Is it related to my inability to shut down, sleep, and reboot? I tried the 4 second fix (instead of instant off) and it causes a kernel panic.


I just got video acceleration working with NVinject 0.2.1 and manual editing of GeForce, GeForce.kext, NVDAResman.kext, and NVDANV40Hal.kext, so the only thing I have to sort out is shutdown/reboot/sleep. I'd be happy just to have shutdown work, so I don't have to walk to the back of my computer and switch off the power supply.


Could using ACHI be part of the trouble?


I haven't done the rm -rf /Volumes/OSXDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext. Perhaps that might help?


You should be able to shut down your computer by holding down the power button.

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Thank you, i tried this method and it worked perfectly


I previously tried iAtkos, this is slower to load up but once it works it does much better


The graphics and sound is working flawlessly


The ONLY problem I have is that if i pick shut down then the system hangs and tells me that the computer needs to be restarted


Great tutorial, thanks again


BTW, i'm using a gigabyte p31 s3L




with a Intel Quad Core Q6600 and a ASUS Geforce 7300GS


awesome!, time to format my Vista HDD

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I have the same motherboard but I have an ATI Radeon 3850. Are there instructions out there to get that to work?


I can't wait to try this when I get home.


I have same motherboard and video. All work fine exept PS/2 keyboard. (Video work without QE and CI , buth with framebufer and OpenGL ).

Any hope for PS/2 ?

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Nice guide.


I too have this motherboard and have been running Leopard for a while now. I started out with BrazilMac and worked my way to iAtkos and finally to Kalyway. I put Leopard on a blank SATA drive and have Windows XP installed on my primary SATA drive. There is also a 160GB PATA drive. My DVD is also SATA. USB mouse and keyboard. Nvidia 7600GT PCI-E video card. Processor is a Q6600 @ 3.33GHz. In the bios, I left APCI off because Windows XP doesn't like it and I want to continue to dual boot.


I also installed Vanilla kernel, EFI 8 MBR, but let Kalway install the Nvidia driver. I did similar steps to what you did but I didn't remove AppleEFIRuntime.kext.


When the system rebooted, it booted from the Windows drive where I set up Chain0 dual boot. After another reboot, I got the OS selection window and selected Leopard and Leopard booted fine.


The very first time Leopard booted, my enet worked. When I booted into Leopard a second time, my enet did not work and I had to install the RealTek 8111B drivers. I installed sound in the same way as you.


The system runs great. Reboot and shudown work fine. MS Office, iLife 08, etc all work great. I'm even running Windows XP in Parallels and it works great. Here is a list of my problems that I can't get rid of:


1) My system has 4 x 1GB ram modules. With all four installed, I was getting kernel panics under certain programs that would require reboots. When I take 1 module out (doesn't matter which of the 4), the panics go away. There is a thread about this and supposedly the problem is with 4GB of RAM and the JMicron PATA controller. If I had the PATA removed, I think the crashes would go away. I'm currently running with only 3 modules installed but I understand there is a command that will make the Hackintosh only see 3.5GB of RAM and it works fine.


2) Mozy and Logmein don't work. I think this problem has to do with the RealTek 8111B driver.





For those of you with this motherboard (both with the 8111B driver and enet that worked out of the box), do Mozy and LogMeIn work for you? On my system, Mozy hangs when I enter my username and password and I can't get any farther. On LogMeIn, the program installs, but when I click "enable logmein", it never enables.

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I installed 10.5.1 and i have a similar setup to you guys...



intel e6750

4gb ram

20x dvd burner

500 gb samsung sata drive

xfx 7600gt


Everything works perfectly accept for osx only sees my hard drive as a 128 gb drive when it is a 500 gb drive! any idea how to fix this? i tried mbr and guid. any ideas? any help would be greatly apreaciated

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I got this working without much of a problem at all. I installed it on my 2nd harddrive, on one of it's 3 partitions. I chose the MBR option when doing customized install (i don't even know what GUID means).


So far the only problem I have is the video drivers and sound. But I haven't even tried the sound drivers yet, I'll just follow what everyone else did as we're talking about the same motherboard.


I have an ATI 3850 Card, and the only ATI graphic options I can see are for previous generation cards... anyone have any luck with a newer ATI card? Or have advice?


Oh and shutdown/restart works fine for me.. i didn't do anything funky to get it working.. it just worked. Takes a few seconds though.

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I have noticed another problem. Before i started to install kalyway 10.5.1 i tryed to install brazil mac 10.5 and that didnt work at all but now when i boot up i see 2 boot devices but i can only boot the kalyway but i cant get rid of the old one. do u think this has something to do with my 128 gb of 500gb?

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Question to all you guys out there with this mobo. Did you set APCI on in the BIOS? I'm wondering if APCI is the reason I'm having trouble with Logmein and Mozy. I have APCI disabled because XP won't boot with it enabled.




so now i am trying to run vmware so i can run windows vista... everytime during installation of vista it forces my leopard to tell me to restart i guess it crashes :-\ how do i make it work?


I don't know anything about vmware, but I did manage to get Parallels to boot my XP disk easily enough. Have you tried Parallels?

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thanks for making this guide, I have this mobo (got a 965p-ds3 previously) and its very possitive to have a specific thread on certain mobo modelWe all benefit from this. Thanks again.

I have iatkos r2 with guid on this mobo. I also have netkas efi v8 on.

All is nice and dandi, except, as everybody, shutdown doesnt works completely.


I also, and would like to know if you have this problem too, os x doesnt open anything plugged on sata 3 and 4. Is there a way to fix that?

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I have this motherboard, 4gb of ram, q6600, as seen on my signature. Did you guys use AHCI or normal? did you see an improvement? also im having some problems with ethernet, can someone post the driver for this board thanks... also thanks for the tutorial.. but you could of been more clear with the bios settings because as i read on this topic, it seems to be a bigger issue. thanks

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enable ahci will make your Leopard boot much faster. But Xbench score remains the same. I still suspect that enable AHCI will make Leopard run smoother after trying out both bios setting.


What kind of eternet trouble you are having? not working at all or working with some bugs?

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well i had ahci enabled, i then disabled it and i see no difference in leopard. Also my boot is much faster without ahci as the bios doesnt have to run the ahci check. i have not installed any ethernet drivers but it detects the ethernet out of the box. The problem is, it gives itself an ip, and no a LAN ip. I can find any sure drivers for this card either. Thanks

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For those of you who've managed to get sleep, shut down, and restart working, would you please provide some assistance to those of us who don't have it working by filling out the following template:




Sleep (Works or Doesn't Work):

If Sleep Works, it comes out of sleep by (pressing keyboard, pressing power button, other?):

Shut Down (Works or Doesn't Work):

Restart (Works or Doesn't Work):

OS Release (Kalyway, BrazilMac, iATKOS, ToH, etc.):

Motherboard Revision (1.0 or 2.0):

BIOS Version (F6, F7, F8A, etc.):



Power Management Setup (please fill in values from BIOS below)


ACPI Suspend Type (S1 or S3):

Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN:

PME Event Wake Up:

Power On by Ring:

Resume by Alarm:

HPET Support:

HPET mode:

Power On By Mouse:

Power On By Keyboard:

AC Back Function:


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