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If it's a macbook hard drive problem then watch this:



I don't live near an Apple Store so I haven't had to deal with their "genius bar" but I find it hard to believe that they won't give you your hard drive back. I used to own a powerbook and it's hard drive died on me so I had to send it in. I used powerbookresq (new url is www.iresq.com) They have an excellent delivery service, fair prices and the best turn around time anywhere. I wouldn't use them for something simple like a macbook hard drive swap but if it was something serious and your warranty has run out, then I'd definitely recommend them.

I wouldn't go through the Apple Store. My MacBook has a 120Gig HDD and I know damn well I'm going to need to up it to 250. There's no way I'm paying outrageous Apple prices. For the HDD or the Ram (which is also getting up'd). By the way, anyone think you really need 4GB of ram in a MacBook? I'm definitely not wanting to go crazy if it's going to be unused.

I've never used gskill. All the computers in the house run on corsair memory, never had a single bad stick or problem. You can get a Corsair 2gb stick for $35 here. That give you 2gb + whatever is in your macbook right now. More ram, cheaper. I'm doing that. (Buying that exact stick)

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