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A member on the MacRumors forum recently emailed Steve Jobs about the bugs in the iPod Touch. The things that this user wanted addressed included full image syncing, notes, disk mode, lack of calendar input and lack of games. Steve Jobs quickly replied and said:



Nothing can be done about the games. The new iPod touch is a completely different animal inside than the old iPods and the games just don't translate. The inability to edit and add calendar events is a bug that will be fixed in a future software update.




So it seems as though Apple will fix this bug soon with an update to the iPod Touch. Steve Jobs rarely replies to emails he gets.

Full Story



Dear Mr. Newman,


Thank you for your email to Steve Jobs at Apple. Your correspondence concerns an issue we feel would best be handled in a phone conversation.


Unfortunately, your phone number was not included in your email. If you have not yet resolved the issue, please contact me at ###-###-####, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific time, or you may send me an email including your telephone number and a preferred time of contact.


I look forward to speaking with you.




Tim O'Neil

Corporate Executive Relations


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