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[TIP & TRICKS] P35 + ICH9;

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Eccomi qua Rik.

Allora, anche io ho provato svariate volte ad usare il pacchetto autoinstallante di stationapollo, ma continuava a darmi sempre dei problemi.

Così mi son messo alla ricerca di qualcosa che non fosse autoinstallante, ed ho ritrovato nei miei documenti un vecchio pacchetto sempre distribuito dal gentilissimo stationapollo.

Ho preso i due file interessati: AppleVIAATA.kext e IOATAFamily.kext e li ho messi nella cartella System/Library/Extensions

Una volta copiati i file nella cartella ho usato Disk Utility per riparare i permessi, riavviato e tutto funzionava alla perfezione.


Troverai a breve una guida anche su questo sito.

Qua potrai scaricare i due kext tramite rapidshare

Qua potrai scaricarli invece tramite megaupload


Spero d'esserti stato d'aiuto.

Ho fatto come mi hai detto tu e all'avvio ho avuto un kernel panic. Ti spiego come ho fatto: ho sostituito i file che mi hai linkato, con quelli che avevo già nella cartella extensions, ho riparato i permessi con utility disco e riavviato. Poi sono entrato nel bios e ho impostato la modalità IDE (ero in AHCI) e quando ho riavviato non son più riuscito ad accedere al disco di Leopard. X fortuna mi ero fatto una copia dei kext originali e quindi li ho ripristinati da Windows. Ora è tornato tutto ok. Dove ho sbagliato?

P.S Ho cercato nel sito quella guida a cui mi hai accennato ma non son riuscito a trovarla. Grazie cmq.

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Cavolo... strano, con me hanno funzionato alla perfezione, e son gli stessi che ho usato, non ti ho passato i miei già riparati...

Ed in teoria non dovrebbe cambiare molto da ide ad ahci, io ho provato adesso a cambiar la configurazione del bios e non m'ha dato problemi...

Per quanto riguarda la guida non l'ho ancora scritta, siamo in fase di allestimento ancora, ma cresce giorno per giorno...


Comunque oggi provo a capire perchè non t'ha funzionato e ti so dire, in un caso o nell'altro...

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Scusate ragazzi ma sono stato impegnato...sto per fotoincidere un programmatore per PIC e la cosa mi tiene occupato (xkè mi piace ;))


cmq sulla mia mobo (p35c-ds3r) lo spegnimento non viene effettuato saltuariamente. io spengo cmq tenendo premuto 4 sec senza problemi x hd e cpu xkè è stato spento tuttoal so.

per il resto col dvd di kalyway funkia tutto, sia in ahci che in ide. io adesso ce l'ho in ide.


altre domande?

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Ciao station! bentrovato! Quindi, se non ho capito male, nemmeno a te funziona lo spegnimento via software. Anche io devo premere il bottone.. Speriamo si risolva tutto con la 10.5.2. Come fai a far funzionare correttamente kalyway in IDE? Cioè... Se mettessi in IDE, funzionerebbe anche a me ma gli hard disk mi andrebbero lentissimi! In IDE con Xbench ho ottenuto un punteggio pari a 4 (sugli Hard Disk), mentre in AHCI sono sugli 89. Ho provato ad installare la tua patch da AHCI, riavviato, settato IDE da Bios, ma quando mi carica il SO, mi compare un messaggio che mi dice che AppleVIATA.Kext non è stato installato correttamente e non può essere utilizzato e questo si traduce in una lentezza abissale degli hard disk. Ho la tua stessa mobo. Se mi potessi aiutare a far funzionare tutto in IDE mi faresti un grosso favore. Grazie mille!!

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Sto già usando la Kalyway e mi trovo benissimo! E' stabile e non mi ha mai crashato una volta. L'unica cosa che mi piacerebbe è utilizzare i dischi in modalità IDE invece che in AHCI... Se setto IDE da bios, noto un perggioramento nella velocità di trasferimento dati e nei dischi in generale ma forse sbaglio settaggio.... Dato che hai la mia stessa scheda, puoi dirmi come hai impostato i parametri x far lavorare i dischi in IDE? Per mettere in IDE avevo settato in "Integrated Peripherials" questi parametri: SATA RAID/AHCI Mode: Disabled

SATA Port0-3 Native Mode: Disabled

Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode: IDE

Mi viene il dubbio che la seconda voce vada settata su "Enabled" per abilitare la modalità IDE nativa.. Che dici? Grazie


P.S Non preoccuparti x il fatto che ci sei poco ultimamente, sei comunque gentilissimo a rispondere

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mio ioreg ogni tanto il mio leo mentre navigo o sta in stand by, mi da il kernel panic e devo riavviare...perche'?


+-o Root <class IORegistryEntry, retain 16>

+-o <class IOPlatformExpertDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, ret$

+-o AppleACPIPlatformExpert <class AppleACPIPlatformExpert, registered, ma$

| +-o IOPMrootDomain <class IOPMrootDomain, registered, matched, active, b$

| | +-o IORootParent <class IORootParent, !registered, !matched, active, b$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| | +-o RootDomainUserClient <class RootDomainUserClient, !registered, !ma$

| +-o ApplePCISlotPM <class ApplePCISlotPM, !registered, !matched, active,$

| +-o CPU0@1 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPICPU <class AppleACPICPU, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPICPUInterruptController <class AppleACPICPUInterruptCont$

| | +-o ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin <class ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin, register$

| +-o CPU1@2 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPICPU <class AppleACPICPU, registered, matched, active, bus$

| +-o CPU2@3 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPICPU <class AppleACPICPU, registered, matched, active, bus$

| +-o CPU3@4 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPICPU <class AppleACPICPU, registered, matched, active, bus$

| +-o io-apic@fec00000 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, a$

| | +-o AppleAPICInterruptController <class AppleAPICInterruptController, $

| +-o AppleACPIEventController <class AppleACPIEventController, !registere$

| +-o bios <class IOPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$

| | +-o AppleSMBIOS <class AppleSMBIOS, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o SLPB <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | +-o AppleACPIButton <class AppleACPIButton, !registered, !matched, act$

| +-o PCI0@0 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o AppleACPIPCI <class AppleACPIPCI, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | +-o P32@1E <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | | +-o pci11c1,5811@3 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, acti$

| | | +-o AppleFWOHCI <class AppleFWOHCI, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOFireWireController <class IOFireWireController, regist$

| | | +-o IOFireWireLocalNode <class IOFireWireLocalNode, regist$

| | | +-o IOFireWireUserClientIniter <class IOFireWireUserClie$

| | | +-o IOFireWireUserClientIniter <class IOFireWireUserClie$

| | | +-o IOFireWireIP <class IOFireWireIP, registered, matche$

| | | +-o IOFWInterface <class IOFWInterface, registered, ma$

| | | +-o IONetworkStack <class IONetworkStack, registered$

| | | +-o IONetworkStackUserClient <class IONetworkStack$

| | +-o LPC@1F <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $

| | | +-o AppleLPC <class AppleLPC, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | +-o ILAN@19 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | +-o PEGP@1 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0, $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | | +-o display@0 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, b$

| | | +-o NVDA,Display-A@0 <class IONDRVDevice, registered, matched,$

| | | | +-o NVDA <class NVDA, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$

| | | | +-o gpu-sensor <class IOService, registered, matched, acti$

| | | | | +-o IOHWSensor <class IOHWSensor, registered, matched, a$

| | | | +-o IOFramebufferI2CInterface <class IOFramebufferI2CInter$

| | | | +-o display0 <class IODisplayConnect, registered, matched,$

| | | | | +-o AppleDisplay <class AppleDisplay, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOFramebufferUserClient <class IOFramebufferUserClient$

| | | +-o NVDA,Display-B@1 <class IONDRVDevice, registered, matched,$

| | | | +-o NVDA <class NVDA, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$

| | | | +-o IOFramebufferI2CInterface <class IOFramebufferI2CInter$

| | | | +-o IOFramebufferUserClient <class IOFramebufferUserClient$

| | | +-o NVKernel <class NVKernel, registered, matched, active, bus$

| | | +-o NV2DContext <class NV2DContext, !registered, !matched, a$

| | | +-o NV2DContext <class NV2DContext, !registered, !matched, a$

| | | +-o TeslaSurface <class TeslaSurface, !registered, !matched,$

| | | +-o TeslaGLContext <class TeslaGLContext, !registered, !matc$

| | | +-o TeslaSurface <class TeslaSurface, !registered, !matched,$

| | | +-o TeslaSurface <class TeslaSurface, !registered, !matched,$

| | | +-o TeslaGLContext <class TeslaGLContext, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o PEX0@1C <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | +-o PEX1@1C,1 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | +-o PEX2@1C,2 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | | +-o pci11ab,6101@0 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, acti$

| | +-o PEX3@1C,3 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | +-o PEX4@1C,4 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOPCI2PCIBridge <class IOPCI2PCIBridge, registered, matched, a$

| | +-o UHC1@1D <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1D <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, regis$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o UHC2@1D,1 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1D,1 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o UHC3@1D,2 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1D,2 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o EHCI@1D,7 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOService <class IOService, !registered, !matched, active, bus$

| | | +-o AppleUSBEHCI <class AppleUSBEHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o EHCI Root Hub Simulation@1D,7 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, registered, matched, activ$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | | +-o Mass Storage Device@fd400000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered,$

| | | | +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOUSBMassStorageClass <class IOUSBMassStorageClass, regi$

| | | | +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub <class IOSCSIPeripheralDevic$

| | | | +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00 <class IOSCSIPeripheral$

| | | | +-o IOBlockStorageServices <class IOBlockStorageServic$

| | | | +-o IOBlockStorageDriver <class IOBlockStorageDriver$

| | | | +-o MAXTOR 6 L040J2 Media <class IOMedia, register$

| | | | +-o IOMediaBSDClient <class IOMediaBSDClient, re$

| | | | +-o IOFDiskPartitionScheme <class IOFDiskPartiti$

| | | | +-o Untitled 1@1 <class IOMedia, registered, m$

| | | | +-o IOMediaBSDClient <class IOMediaBSDClient$

| | | +-o Microsoft® LifeCam NX-6000@fd500000 <class IOUSBDevice, reg$

| | | | +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$

| | | | +-o Microsoft® LifeCam NX-6000@0 <class IOUSBInterface, regis$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@1 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@2 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | | +-o AppleUSBAudioDevice <class AppleUSBAudioDevice, register$

| | | | | +-o AppleUSBAudioEngine <class AppleUSBAudioEngine, regist$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioLevelControl <class IOAudioLevelControl, !reg$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioToggleControl <class IOAudioToggleControl, !r$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUser$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, matc$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClie$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@3 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o AppleUSBAudioEngine <class AppleUSBAudioEngine, register$

| | | | +-o IOAudioLevelControl <class IOAudioLevelControl, !regis$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioToggleControl <class IOAudioToggleControl, !reg$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControlUserCl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient$

| | | +-o USB2.0 Hub@fd600000 <class IOUSBHubDevice, registered, match$

| | | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, registered, matched, activ$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | | +-o Logitech Extreme 3D@fd620000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered,$

| | | | +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOUSBHIDDriver <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOHIDInterface <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$

| | | +-o CanoScan@fd630000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered, matched, a$

| | | +-o 802.11 bg WLAN@fd300000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered, matc$

| | | +-o RT2573USBWirelessDriver <class RT2573USBWirelessDriver, re$

| | | | +-o IOEthernetInterface <class IOEthernetInterface, register$

| | | | +-o IONetworkStack <class IONetworkStack, registered, matc$

| | | | +-o IONetworkStackUserClient <class IONetworkStackUserCl$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | +-o EHC2@1A,7 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o IOService <class IOService, !registered, !matched, active, bus$

| | | +-o AppleUSBEHCI <class AppleUSBEHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o EHCI Root Hub Simulation@1A,7 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, registered, matched, activ$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o UH42@1A <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1A <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, regis$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o UHC5@1A,1 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1A,1 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | +-o UHC6@1A,2 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleUSBUHCI <class AppleUSBUHCI, registered, matched, active,$

| | | +-o UHCI Root Hub Simulation@1A,2 <class IOUSBRootHubDevice, reg$

| | | | +-o AppleUSBHub <class AppleUSBHub, !registered, !matched, act$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, !registered, !matc$

| | | +-o USB Keyboard@5a100000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | | +-o IOUSBHIDDriver <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDInterface <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDEventDriver <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDKeyboard <class IOHIDKeyboard, registered, ma$

| | | | | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$

| | | | | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$

| | | | | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClie$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClient$

| | | | +-o IOUSBInterface@1 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOUSBHIDDriver <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOHIDInterface <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$

| | | | +-o IOHIDEventDriver <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$

| | | | +-o IOHIDConsumer <class IOHIDConsumer, registered, ma$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$

| | | | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClie$

| | | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$

| | | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$

| | | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClient$

| | | +-o PS/2+USB Mouse@5a200000 <class IOUSBDevice, registered, matc$

| | | +-o IOUSBCompositeDriver <class IOUSBCompositeDriver, !registe$

| | | +-o IOUSBInterface@0 <class IOUSBInterface, registered, matche$

| | | +-o IOUSBHIDDriver <class IOUSBHIDDriver, registered, matche$

| | | +-o IOHIDInterface <class IOHIDInterface, registered, matc$

| | | +-o IOHIDEventDriver <class IOHIDEventDriver, registered$

| | | +-o IOHIDPointing <class IOHIDPointing, registered, ma$

| | | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matc$

| | | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !regis$

| | | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClie$

| | | +-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matche$

| | | +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !registe$

| | | +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClient$

| | +-o AZAL@1B <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| | | +-o AppleHDAController <class AppleHDAController, registered, matc$

| | | +-o IOHDACodecDevice@2 <class IOHDACodecDevice, registered, matc$

| | | +-o IOHDACodecDriver <class IOHDACodecDriver, !registered, !ma$

| | | +-o IOHDACodecFunction@1 <class IOHDACodecFunction, register$

| | | +-o AppleHDACodecGeneric <class AppleHDACodecGeneric, regi$

| | | +-o AppleHDADriver <class AppleHDADriver, registered, ma$

| | | +-o AppleHDAEngineOutput <class AppleHDAEngineOutput, $

| | | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, $

| | | | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl <class IOAudioSelectorCon$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioLevelControl <class IOAudioLevelControl, $

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioLevelControl <class IOAudioLevelControl, $

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o AppleHDAEngineOutput <class AppleHDAEngineOutput, $

| | | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, $

| | | | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl <class IOAudioSelectorCon$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o AppleHDAEngineInput <class AppleHDAEngineInput, re$

| | | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, $

| | | | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl <class IOAudioSelectorCon$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o AppleHDAEngineInput <class AppleHDAEngineInput, re$

| | | +-o IOAudioStream <class IOAudioStream, registered, $

| | | +-o IOAudioSelectorControl <class IOAudioSelectorCon$

| | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | | +-o IOAudioControlUserClient <class IOAudioControl$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | | +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUser$

| | +-o SAT1@1F,2 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleVIAATARoot <class AppleVIAATARoot, !registered, !matched,$

| | | +-o PRID@0 <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$

| | | | +-o AppleVIAATADriver <class AppleVIAATADriver, registered, ma$

| | | +-o SECD@1 <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$

| | +-o SAT2@1F,5 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | | +-o AppleVIAATARoot <class AppleVIAATARoot, !registered, !matched,$

| | | +-o PRID@0 <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$

| | | | +-o AppleVIAATADriver <class AppleVIAATADriver, registered, ma$

| | | | +-o ATADeviceNub@0 <class ATADeviceNub, registered, matched,$

| | | | +-o IOATAPIProtocolTransport <class IOATAPIProtocolTranspo$

| | | | +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub <class IOSCSIPeripheralDev$

| | | | +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05 <class IOSCSIPeripher$

| | | | +-o IODVDServices <class IODVDServices, registered, $

| | | | +-o SCSITaskUserClientIniter <class SCSITaskUserCl$

| | | | +-o IODVDBlockStorageDriver <class IODVDBlockStora$

| | | +-o SECD@1 <class AppleVIAATAChannel, registered, matched, activ$

| | | +-o AppleVIAATADriver <class AppleVIAATADriver, registered, ma$

| | | +-o ATADeviceNub@0 <class ATADeviceNub, registered, matched,$

| | | +-o AppleATADiskDriver <class AppleATADiskDriver, register$

| | | +-o IOATABlockStorageDevice <class IOATABlockStorageDevi$

| | | +-o IOBlockStorageDriver <class IOBlockStorageDriver, $

| | | +-o FUJITSU MHV2200BT PL FUJITSU MHV2200BT PL <class$

| | | +-o IOMediaBSDClient <class IOMediaBSDClient, regi$

| | | +-o IOFDiskPartitionScheme <class IOFDiskPartition$

| | | +-o Untitled 1@1 <class IOMedia, registered, mat$

| | | +-o IOMediaBSDClient <class IOMediaBSDClient, $

| | +-o pci8086,2930@1F,3 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, activ$

| | +-o pci8086,29c4@3 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, $

| | +-o pci8086,29c0@0 <class IOPCIDevice, registered, matched, active, $

| +-o IOCM <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKA <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKB <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKC <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKD <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKE <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKF <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKG <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o LNKH <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o DMAC <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o RTC <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$

| | +-o AppleRTC <class AppleRTC, registered, matched, active, busy 0, ret$

| +-o PIC <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$

| +-o FPU <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$

| +-o TMR <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy 0$

| +-o SPKR <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o XTRA <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o XTR2 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o UAR1 <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| | +-o Apple16X50ACPI1 <class com_apple_driver_16X50ACPI, !registered, !m$

| | +-o Apple16X50UARTSync1 <class com_apple_driver_16X50UARTSync, regis$

| | +-o IOSerialBSDClient <class IOSerialBSDClient, registered, matche$

| +-o APIC <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, active, busy $

| +-o power-button <class IOACPIPlatformDevice, registered, matched, activ$

| | +-o AppleACPIButton <class AppleACPIButton, !registered, !matched, act$

| +-o AppleEFIRuntime <class AppleEFIRuntime, registered, matched, active,$

| | +-o AppleEFINVRAM <class AppleEFINVRAM, registered, matched, active, b$

| +-o IOPCIMessagedInterruptController <class IOPCIMessagedInterruptContro$

+-o IOResources <class IOResources, registered, matched, active, busy 0, r$

+-o com_apple_BootCache <class com_apple_BootCache, !registered, !matche$

+-o IOHIDSystem <class IOHIDSystem, registered, matched, active, busy 0,$

| +-o IOHIDUserClient <class IOHIDUserClient, !registered, !matched, act$

| +-o IOHIDParamUserClient <class IOHIDParamUserClient, !registered, !ma$

+-o com_symantec_ips_service_kext <class com_symantec_ips_service_kext, $

+-o com_symantec_internetSecurity_kext <class com_symantec_internetSecur$

+-o com_apple_driver_AudioIPCDevice <class com_apple_driver_AudioIPCDevi$

| +-o com_apple_driver_AudioIPCEngine <class com_apple_driver_AudioIPCEn$

| +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$

| +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$

| +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$

| +-o IOAudioEngineUserClient <class IOAudioEngineUserClient, !registe$

+-o Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X <class Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X, !registered, !matche$

+-o com_apple_dsmos <class com_apple_dsmos, !registered, !matched, activ$

+-o IODisplayWrangler <class IODisplayWrangler, registered, matched, act$

| +-o IOAccelerationUserClient <class IOAccelerationUserClient, !registe$

+-o IOHDIXController <class IOHDIXController, registered, matched, activ$

+-o IONetworkStack <class IONetworkStack, registered, matched, active, b$

| +-o IONetworkStackUserClient <class IONetworkStackUserClient, !registe$

+-o AppleSCSISubsystemGlobals <class AppleSCSISubsystemGlobals, register$

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Buongiorno a tutti ragazzi, sto ancora tentando di mettere su la kaly, e sembrava anche che ci fossi riuscito!

Ma al riavvio lo schermo mi si fa a quadratini!! Appena dopo aver visto la mela grigia che carica, puf! Lo schermo si spakka!


Il mio sistema è presente in firma, e sto cercando di installare il tutto tramite un DVD SATA.

Per il momento sto provando ancora ad installare, ed ho messo kernel vanilla e gli efi in mbr; ma cosa potrei fare???

Avete mica qualche idea?


Grazie mille in anticipo!

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a okkio potrebbe essere la skeda video...fai qualche foto degli screen e vediamo. cmq io consiglierei di installare il sistema nudo e crudo (solo sistema, no driver audio, video, rete)...facci sapere.


PICCOLO UP: mi sono installato windows e al riavvio mac non si collegava alla rete lan. PER LA P35C-DS3R ET SIMILI OCCORRE DISABILITARE IL WAKE UP AFTER SHUTDOWN in windows per farla funzionare. PER KI AVESSE DI QUESTI PROBLEMI CHIEDA SPIEGAZIONI E SARO' PIù PRECISO (ora scappo ke devo fare un circuito stampato :censored2:)

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Finalmente ci sono riuscito, e in gran parte grazie a questo thread!!!!


Sono riuscito ad installarmi da solo anche la ATI 2600 e quindi a sistemarmi il problema dell'avvio :wacko:

Pero' adesso nn riesco a far andare una scheda di rete, che tra l'altro e' RealTeck!!! e neanche la scheda audio integrata, che se non ho capito male e' anche compatibiile...


I miei "pezzi" lo trovate in firma, sapreste mica indicarmi una risorsa alla quale appellarmi???


PS: se tante volte c'e' da modificare un kext, nn mi tiro certo indietro!

PPS: Ho letto le varie guide che ho trovato qua, ma nn sono riuscito ancora a risolvere niente...


Edit: Il problema dell'audio l'ho appena risolto grazie a questa discussione! Pensavo di aver cercato abbastanza :DPer la rete invece ancora niente...

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Adesso sono riuscito a far andare la sk di rete, infatti sto scrivendo da Leo :blink:


Ma i problemi adesso ci sono con la sk video e audio :laser:


Il discorso e' questo, dopo aver installato i driver per la sk video, se non utilizzo l'opzione -x all'avvio mi va in kernel panic con questo errore:

Unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI"


Le soluzioni che ho tentato sono state diverse, come sperimentare diverse opzioni dal bios, visto che avevo letto che uno aveva risolto questo problema disattivando i controller USB, e l'installazione di nuovi kext, ma niente!


Avete qualche idea che io sto diventando pazzo per far andare questo benedetto leopardo!

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My Conf :

Gigabyte P35 DQ6




Problema con Kalyway :

Abilito AHCI su HD e CDRom

Installo con spunta:

Vanilla tutte e due


Bootloader Efi solo su BOOT efi mbr


l'installazione finisce e riavvia

dopo di che parte è mentre carica (si vede la mela ) si blocca ???????

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ciao ragazzi... ho letto nei primi post la necessità di dover impostare


"gli HD devi metterli in AHCI, se no avrai lo "Still waiting for root device"..."


come scritto da staionapollo, ma nella mia mobo non ho trovato nessuna impostazione tale...

la mia configurazione è così:


Abti IP35-e off limits


4Gb TG DualChannel

nVidia 8600 GS


come posso fare?

Oltrea procurarmi il masterizzatore SATA?

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