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Bunch of illegals

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Sorry, but You would NOT do that to me unless you wanted me to open a 50 gallon drum of whoop ass with an arsenal.

2nd amendment. Right to bear arms. If you are illegal YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. Here in MS you couldn't do jack about it.

In Mississippi if a person steps foot on your property without permission, like an illegal, you can shoot him down.




I extend my middle finger to the North American Union, and ALL illegal aliens. And you TRY and do something about it.

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I agree, we have somewhat the same problem here in australia (although no where near as bad), we have frikkin boat people coming in, and because of some whacked up laws we have to look after them and our taxes pay for this scum, they dont want to follow Australian law as "back home" or "thier religion" doesnt permit it, Assimilate or get the {censored} out, actually just get the {censored} out. And whats worse is we have plenty of room for qualified people here, we need qualified people, and they are not being allowed into the country because of this scum. Then they protest when we try to send them back home, personally if i had my way (dis-regarding {censored} international law), all these boats would be sunk.

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Seeing that you still think there is a Confederate States of America... perhaps you should catch up with reality.


1. These people are vital to the American economy...

2. They're here because the WANT to be here

3. An immigration rally does NOT warrant the right to use an obscene gesture in public.

4. Police disobedience is seldomly tolerated.

5. Chances are your ancestors didn't come through Ellis Island. <- Mine didn't, should I have to go back to Ireland?


Oh, and the Civil War is over, you lost.


I'm sure you're in complete support of legal immigration, however, I suggest you look into its practicality because it's simply not.

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Seeing that you still think there is a Confederate States of America... perhaps you should catch up with reality.


1. These people are vital to the American economy...

2. They're here because the WANT to be here

3. An immigration rally does NOT warrant the right to use an obscene gesture in public.

4. Police disobedience is seldomly tolerated.

5. Chances are your ancestors didn't come through Ellis Island. <- Mine didn't, should I have to go back to Ireland?


Oh, and the Civil War is over, you lost.


I'm sure you're in complete support of legal immigration, however, I suggest you look into its practicality because it's simply not.


Let reevaluate. Perhaps you would do better in another country. so GO THERE.


1. These people are ruining our economy.

2. They don't need to be here.

3. If I see it, I will make a citizens arrest and have the papers processed for them to be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY.

4. Police disobedience will NEVER be tolerated. They are here to PROTECT, and SERVE TAX PAYERS.

5. My ancestors PAID TAXES.


Civil War 2 hasn't started yet. So get prepared, and choose a side.


Absolutely. But if you are not gonna pay taxes, and ruin my town, then ill have them deported. I don't care what race they are.

Race does not matter, and this is not a race issue. This is a getting a THEFT issue.

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Civil War 2 hasn't started yet. So get prepared, and choose a side.


Absolutely. But if you are not gonna pay taxes, and ruin my town, then ill have them deported. I don't care what race they are.

Race does not matter, and this is not a race issue. This is a getting a THEFT issue.



Sorry to say this, but I actually think the Americans killing each other would be a good thing. Stop them from killing everyone else. :-)

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Sorry to say this, but I actually think the Americans killing each other would be a good thing. Stop them from killing everyone else. :-)


Nuke Canada.


Or do you want it in French too?


Arme nucléaire Canada

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the larger the country is, the harder it is to go clamp down on illegal immigrants. and what's more, it happens in all (decently developed) country, so it's not really a matter of only the States.


Very true. In Europe we have the extra problem that many countries have been allowed to join the EU far too soon.

So now we have plenty of immigrants who are legal, but prefer criminal activities to work.

We have mainly the UK government to thank for this policy.

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Wow, OryHara, I am really starting to agree with you more and more. You are absolutely spot on with all of your arguments, the continuous illegal immigration has to end. This kind of large scale criminality would not be tolerated any place else on this earth, and it shouldn't be tolerated here. Build a wall, shoot them at the border, do whatever. Just stop them from taking my taxpayer dollars, and screwing up our economy. Period.

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What a bunch of unemployed white-trash losers. LMFAO. Go find a job already and stop bitching.


edit : I'm gonna leave the original statement intact but I must say I'm sorry to have bursted out like I did. I did it because I can't stand the kind of people who are unsatisfied with their lives yet desperately unable to change the circumstances so they start blaming immigrants, foreigners, other races, opposite sex, {censored} etc. to make some lame excuse for their shortcomings.

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Oryhara, Wildcat your views on this issue seem to be...overly simplistic......to say the least.


You are wrong when you say that they are destroying our economy.


Feudalism, as it existed in the middle ages has not gone away, it is everywhere....when you pass by a farm, and you see migrant workers, they are the peasants of the 21st century. If they decided to revolt, we wouldnt have food, or it would be 10 dollars for a tomato....To borrow some notes from a renouned sociologist Theda Skocpol's book States and Social Revolutions Successful revolutions in history are owed in large part to peasants.


Dont {censored} off the illegal aliens too much, they just might start to rebel.


If we set up the system for them to integrate, rather than having the OVERLY SIMPLISTIC view of "get the hell out" we will be in a much better position, a position of love and admiration, rather than hate and jealousy. Some of the people in this topic seem to be making these people out to be sub-human, when really all it has to do with is where they were born, a consequence of the Nation-State I suppose....Open your eyes, these are people...human beings....don't treat them as if they are animals, dont simply throw them away, figure out a way to get along, the human race is a family, treat them as such...


What a bunch of unemployed white-trash losers. LMFAO. Go find a job already and stop bitching.


edit : I'm gonna leave the original statement intact but I must say I'm sorry to have bursted out like I did. I did it because I can't stand the kind of people who are unsatisfied with their lives yet desperately unable to change the circumstances so they start blaming immigrants, foreigners, other races, opposite sex, {censored} etc. to make some lame excuse for their shortcomings.


I agree with your original statement, AND your edited statement (I know that doesnt mean much, but I know from experience on this forum that it is good to have support...and friends)

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Wow, OryHara, I am really starting to agree with you more and more. You are absolutely spot on with all of your arguments, the continuous illegal immigration has to end. This kind of large scale criminality would not be tolerated any place else on this earth, and it shouldn't be tolerated here. Build a wall, shoot them at the border, do whatever. Just stop them from taking my taxpayer dollars, and screwing up our economy. Period.


Its not just here though. Its happening everywhere around the world too like the above posts. People are leaving Iraq, and going into other countries illegally. The mainstream press isn't talking, but its happening.


I'm getting information currently about the Minutemen, and researching a Bounty Hunter license.

Thinking about bounty hunting on the weekends for kicks. What they are doing is theft. Coming over here, and

stealing our money, taking our jobs, and sneaking back over the borders. Its just plain out theft.


I am mostly conservative wildcat, and a die hard Christian, you would be surprised how much alike we are. :)

Most people just don't agree with me about the 9/11 truth movement. Even my best friend doesn't agree with me on it. :\


Dont {censored} off the illegal aliens too much, they just might start to rebel.


I say lock & load. Let them. Bring it on.

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I am mostly conservative wildcat, and a die hard Christian.


Whenever anybody is die-hard anything, they are usually wrong, because they are usually only seeing one piece of the puzzle....Especially since you seem to be quite judgemental, and if I am not mistaken, christianity (atleast the words of Jesus) teach us to be non-judgemental because only "God" can judge us, if you truely believed what you preached you wouldnt be volunteering to be a bounty hunter....



Also, if you were conservative you wouldnt be doing this either, conservative means you mind your own business. But you seem to want to get into everybody elses affairs...which is fine...I guess, but dont try to play yourself off as conservative :)



I say lock & load. Let them. Bring it on.


We would both lose ^_^ how short sighted and ignorant of you...


Dont even try to tell me that if you couldnt feed your children and get a job, that you wouldnt try to go to another country either....I am waiting for you to eat your own words...

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What a bunch of unemployed white-trash losers. LMFAO. Go find a job already and stop bitching.


I own a business, self-made and am somewhat successful. I don't take handouts. I give money to honest people that need it.

My great, great, great grandfather died in the Civil War fighting for private education, and against taxes, tyranny, and our way of life.

My grandfather who passed 10 years ago fought in WWII against Neo-Con Nazi bastards that wanted to run the world, and I'll be damned if

that isn't whats going on here, now, in the world. I believe that if you PAY TAXES, and don't take a mother {censored} free handout, and bust your ass

so that your family can make a living, then you are welcome here. Otherwise get the {censored} out. I ain't paying for your damned family to get a education for free.

Damn commies. You wanna talk lazy? Hows that for lazy trash?


You got something to say about that? Bring it on.

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I own a business, self-made and am somewhat successful. I don't take handouts. I give money to honest people that need it.

My great, great, great grandfather died in the Civil War fighting for private education, and against taxes, tyranny, and our way of life.

My grandfather who passed 10 years ago fought in WWII against Neo-Con Nazi bastards that wanted to run the world, and I'll be damned if

that isn't whats going on here, now, in the world. I believe that if you PAY TAXES, and don't take a mother {censored} free handout, and bust your ass

so that your family can make a living, then you are welcome here. Otherwise get the {censored} out. I ain't paying for your damned family to get a education for free.

Damn commies. You wanna talk lazy? Hows that for lazy trash?


You got something to say about that? Bring it on.


Your views are flawed on this subject, that's all I have to say, the vast majority of illegals take absolutely NO handouts from us...the problem is that the only ones you hear about are the ones that do, the rest of them do a good job of hiding from people like you.


Keep in mind please...these are people, some are good, some are bad and some are neutral....they are just like you and me...dont trivialize them and put yourself on a pedestal.

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Whenever anybody is die-hard anything, they are usually wrong, because they are usually only seeing one piece of the puzzle....Especially since you seem to be quite judgemental, and if I am not mistaken, christianity (atleast the words of Jesus) teach us to be non-judgemental because only "God" can judge us, if you truely believed what you preached you wouldnt be volunteering to be a bounty hunter....

Also, if you were conservative you wouldnt be doing this either, conservative means you mind your own business. But you seem to want to get into everybody elses affairs...which is fine...I guess, but dont try to play yourself off as conservative :thumbsdown_anim:

We would both lose :thumbsup_anim: how short sighted and ignorant of you...


Ecclesiastes 3


1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboreth?

10 ¶ I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.

13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God.

14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.


Dont even try to tell me that if you couldnt feed your children and get a job, that you wouldnt try to go to another country either....I am waiting for you to eat your own words...


Like I said. I am a PATRIOT.

YOU, nor NO OTHER cannot justify theft.



Your views are flawed on this subject, that's all I have to say, the vast majority of illegals take absolutely NO handouts from us...


{censored}. And you KNOW IT. Don't kid yourself. You are flat out Lying to yourself, and everyone here. And you know it killbot.


They get Free Education.

Free Welfare checks.

Free Social Security.

Free rides in & out of the country.


So you KNOW it is {censored}. Don't lie to yourself.


the problem is that the only ones you hear about are the ones that do, the rest of them do a good job of hiding from people like you.


Seek & ye shall find.


Keep in mind please...these are people, some are good, some are bad and some are neutral....they are just like you and me...


ABSOLUTELY. But when it comes to them stealing our jobs, and money. That will not be tolerated.

Keep in mind. The recent shootings in VA were done by an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. Those 30 something people would

be alive today if he would have been deported.



dont trivialize them and put yourself on a pedestal.


As you said. Look to thine own eyes first. Isn't that right killbot?

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Illegal aliens use a disproportionate amount of social services, actually. Working in fields especially is extremely hazardous to the health. This leads to treatment at a hospital, which is far more expensive than private medicine. (and used more often)


Also, the breeding propensity of certain illegal aliens has unfairly overburdened the education systems of the border states.


That's just two.


As for washington, welfare services are also disproportionately immigrant-oriented. (Though I dont know whether or not they're illegal).

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Illegal aliens use a disproportionate amount of social services, actually. Working in fields especially is extremely hazardous to the health. This leads to treatment at a hospital, which is far more expensive than private medicine. (and used more often)


Also, the breeding propensity of certain illegal aliens has unfairly overburdened the education systems of the border states.


That's just two.


As for washington, welfare services are also disproportionately immigrant-oriented. (Though I dont know whether or not they're illegal).


Thank you.


I, and everyone else, including everyone here, that is in America are paying for it too, sadly.

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Like I said. I am a PATRIOT.

YOU, nor NO OTHER cannot justify theft.


Ok, great, you are a patriot, you are all high and mighty now, but what if that was all taken away from you, what if you had nothing, would you really love your own country enough to stay? Really honestly, if you had kids and you couldnt feed them, would you not try to feed them because you are a PATRIOT and THEFT IS NEVER JUSTIFIED. When people have everything they hold to their ideals, but start taking things away and their views start to change, in general, and if they dont, they are just stupid because they are not adapting to their situation...



and I really hate to argue with you about your own religion (me being an atheist) but Ecclesiastes is from the old testament, and unless you are jewish, of which you are not, you should be paying more attention to the new testament or new covanent....This is what I was referring to when I said your religion teaches you to be non-judgemental. If you dont listen to the new testament, you are no longer christian. Since you do not listen to logic, I guess I have to argue with you on your own terms. I guess I have to show you some examples because you have obviously not read the bible in detail:


Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:120]


whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. [Mark 11:24]


Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. [Luke 12:33,34]


Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement. [John 7:24]


Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? [Matthew 7:3]





Dont Blame illegal aliens for our contry's problems, our educational system is strained because we are busy fighting silly wars and we refuse to allocate money where it is needed (shools). Would you rather that these illegal immigrants werent educated? Pulling us down further?


I do not believe it is possible to get Welfare or Social Security if you are not a united States citizen I believe that to get such services you need a social security card...which I believe is only for US citizens, most people on welfare want to get off welfare, it is not something that people sit there and say "ha ha ha im gonna go on welfare and get lots of money" Most people dont think that way, give me a break....Please please please educate yourself...


Also you say "they" an awful lot, where is your proof that they are "stealing" our jobs?


Is anybody on my side here? I am bewildered as of now haha

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The fact of the matter is that the jobs illegal aliens are needed for shouldn't be done by humans anyways.

(like agricultural work, for the most part).


The United States is a civilization on the wane. And not because of illegal immigration or lack of family values. Reasserting the constitution and the intent of the founders, as well as a technocratic philosophy is the only feasible solution to this country's problems.

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Ok, great, you are a patriot, you are all high and mighty now, but what if that was all taken away from you, what if you had nothing, would you really love your own country enough to stay? Really honestly, if you had kids and you couldnt feed them, would you not try to feed them because you are a PATRIOT and THEFT IS NEVER JUSTIFIED. When people have everything they hold to their ideals, but start taking things away and their views start to change, in general, and if they dont, they are just stupid because they are not adapting to their situation...


Then adapt and speak English. Or go back. We won this country through revolution. If they can't do that, then that is their problem. Be poor. I have been poor. I started my career poor. I did what is right, and now I am not poor. If you you are a thief, then your hand should be cut off. Why run away if you don't have a guilty conscience?


"If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out." - Matthew 18:9


and I really hate to argue with you about your own religion (me being an atheist) but Ecclesiastes is from the old testament, and unless you are jewish, of which you are not, you should be paying more attention to the new testament or new covanent....This is what I was referring to when I said your religion teaches you to be non-judgemental. If you dont listen to the new testament, you are no longer christian. Since you do not listen to logic, I guess I have to argue with you on your own terms. I guess I have to show you some examples because you have obviously not read the bible in detail:


Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:120]


whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. [Mark 11:24]


Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. [Luke 12:33,34]


Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement. [John 7:24]


Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? [Matthew 7:3]


Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

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Yeah, well...if you want to convince me you have to argue with me on logical terms, I never said that being judgemental was bad, I only said that if you really followed what you preached that YOU wouldnt be judgemental. I feel like its ok to judge if the person arguing with you doesn't make any logical sense, and you sir do not make any logical sense right now.


You are turning these people into animals, they are not!

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I own a business, self-made and am somewhat successful. I don't take handouts. I give money to honest people that need it.

My great, great, great grandfather died in the Civil War fighting for private education, and against taxes, tyranny, and our way of life.

My grandfather who passed 10 years ago fought in WWII against Neo-Con Nazi bastards that wanted to run the world, and I'll be damned if

that isn't whats going on here, now, in the world. I believe that if you PAY TAXES, and don't take a mother {censored} free handout, and bust your ass

so that your family can make a living, then you are welcome here. Otherwise get the {censored} out. I ain't paying for your damned family to get a education for free.

Damn commies. You wanna talk lazy? Hows that for lazy trash?


You got something to say about that? Bring it on.


1- Believe me, I didn't mean to offend you as I did. It's mostly the tone of your post, along with some of the content that pissed me off initially. The point is, you might pride on yourself being the "great american" you are with all your ancestry and so on... but it still doesn't change the fact that your great grandfather was a racist, ignorant redneck who got what he deserved. Lets face it, he only fought for his right to sit on his lazy fat ass all day so that other people whom he forces to work for him at gunpoint will remain as his slaves. He most likely did it for a simple reason just like many other southern farmers did - GREED, not for his ideals. Sorry that I find it hard to see any respectability in what he did. He was a man who wanted to pay little taxes and enjoy free labor so his life was probably a small sacrifice in return for what he would get if they emerged victorious.


2- If it wasn't for the cheap labor of the illegal immigrants many western countries like US, Holland and Germany wouldn't have accomplished the economic progress they made. They managed to keep their companies competitive with the rest of the world by keeping labor costs down by hiring immigrants who worked for less money and/or were more productive than the work force of the countries at that given time. Just think about it, if all the workers in US were legal (which is what you would like to see), prices of ordinary goods and service would be significantly higher as labor costs would increase; thus, to stay competitive with the international competition more corporations would have to move their production plants to places where cheaper work could be hired. This is called globalisation, heck, you should know better because it's some 'great americans' like yourself who invented the god damn idea in the first place. Stop insulting the people who you might even owe your business that you are so proud of. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be so likely to enjoy the standard of life you have right now.


To be honest, I sort of agree with your last statement, I think we can only truly live as a peaceful society (in any given country) if people respected the law, respected each other's rights and sacrificed for the greater good of the society when necessary. I respect any hard working person who earns an honest living and contributes to economy and society but I could never agree to the drastic measures that you would claim to be a solution. The only way illegal immigration can be stopped is by helping poorer countries build strong economies, or at least not {censored} messing with their economy, politics etc. so that corporations of western countries will earn billions they can later use to help elect the next president.

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Reasserting the constitution and the intent of the founders, as well as a technocratic philosophy is the only feasible solution to this country's problems.




I do say that Immigration is a big problem, but it is not the entire problem.

And like I said. I have NO problem with anyone coming here, legally, and paying taxes.

I would expect any other country to deport me if I was there illegally under their laws.

But we have enough problems here, and illegal immigration is one of them.

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It is true that the only real way to curb illegal immigration on a vast scale is to make where someone is coming from worth staying in.


But, illegal aliens are doing legitimate damage to the United States. The US doesn't force mexico to keep their birthrate high or their productivity low. (or any of the other high illegal immigration to the US countries).

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