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I'm voting this morning right after class :)


My generation seriously needs to get off their collective asses and actually vote for a change instead of just complaining about all the death and destruction in Iraq etc and doing nothing to bring about change.


Voting is the ONLY thing we can do to protest our disgust , so get out and vote for change :)

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I'm voting this morning right after class :)


My generation seriously needs to get off their collective asses and actually vote for a change instead of just complaining about all the death and destruction in Iraq etc and doing nothing to bring about change.


Voting is the ONLY thing we can do to protest our disgust , so get out and vote for change ;)


Maybe some of them like wars :)

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voted, god bless America, hope maybe the next two years things will improve.



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Cheers to everyone who voted today. Boo to everyone who couldnt be bothered to vote, no matter what your political party.


Fuzz: Never let anyone tell you that you cant vote. Vote Vote Vote


I canvased for the democratic party in seattle today. Not fun, but still worth doing. Lost one democratic voter forever apparently cause we caused her dogs to wake her baby. I guess waking her baby is a bigger issue for her than her baby's future healthcare and education. Go figure.

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Cheers to everyone who voted today. Boo to everyone who couldnt be bothered to vote, no matter what your political party.


Fuzz: Never let anyone tell you that you cant vote. Vote Vote Vote


You know, I never liked that policy. If you don't like either candidate, why vote? If, at the end of the day, you hate both candidates equally, all you are doing is helping or harming the chances that someone else will get the person they want. You do better good to all people by letting those who see a difference decide. Thus I vote positively: if I see a candidate who I feel will make things better, I will vote for them, if both candidates seem terrible, I don't. I'll let someone else ignorantly single issue vote to choose the candidate.


That said (damnit...rambling), single issue voters don't deserve to vote. It's the only reason there is a Bible belt of Republicans who vote for the damndest idiots (the Republican idea isn't stupid, the politicians are).


And don't give me {censored} about that not being democratic. The electoral college is not democratic at all, and it was put in place because people are stupid. Even those who vote.

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Is there? The people in Europe still think there would be a radical change in US politics after this election. They still think only the Bush administration would secure American interests.

And Democrats would do what Europeans want the US to do.

So stupid.


I'm more democrat orientated, but I'm not sure if I had voted for them. In 2004 I supported Bush/Cheney for the White House.

I know my American family relatives voted for Kerry, what we (my Brother and I) can't understand until today. Like I said in another post: Most Europeans hate the US and especially president Bush, but we support them (like at http://medienkritik.typepad.com/ , an observation on reporting politically incorrect in German media) and if I look at my US relatives, they are absolut lefties.... I have the feeling we live in a mirror universe or something like that. :angel:



Whoever will lead the US, whatever will come... the people of southern Senegal, the Casamance region still thank the US for their long-therm support in bad times. You can see the USAid campaigns all over here. Without the aid of the US, started under the Reagan administration, many people were died, hadn't visit a school, could't read or write and so on.

And people in Senegal like Bush and his politics, even if 96% of them are muslims. Think about it...

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And don't give me {censored} about that not being democratic. The electoral college is not democratic at all, and it was put in place because people are stupid. Even those who vote.


The electoral college may not be 100% "democratic", but is necessary to get a fair election run. Popular vote would result in candidates virtually "buying off" major cities, and heavily populated areas, rather than trying to persuade an entire country by his policies. The election would then be focused upon who could obtain the largest cities across America (LA, NY, Chicago, San Fran, Seattle, etc etc), and lose focus on the smaller less populated cities and states.


We really need to open a new thread about the Electoral College, but we probably want to wait until election time, so we can get some more "my candidate lost unfairly" whining. It makes it more fun :).

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What I want from the democrats:


Education incentives and encouragement. Not just at home, but abroad.

Education increases productivity. The long-term economic stability of the US can only be achieved by enhancing the US's ability to produce enough quality and quantity of products that cannot be produced in China or Mexico. Anyone who believes that a trade deficit can be maintained forever is fooling themselves.


Fair trade. No other country can be forced to buy our products. But we cannot have a policy that allows free reign of foreign products in our markets while our products are tarifed and taxed and generally excluded from other markets. This ties in with subsidies. No product should ever be subsidized by the government. If a business cannot survive by doing business, it should go out of business.


End Anti-competitive business practices: The only reason any company should have dominance of an industry is because that product is superior or cheaper. Tying products together is anticompetitive and damaging to the economy of the US. Operating system and Hardware is vertical tying, and wrong. Maybe Apple (for example) cant make money off of independence of products, but I doubt it. Imagine how much money Apple would be losing today if the iPod could only be used on a Mac, for instance. I am even willing to go out on such a limb to say that Apple and Microsoft have colluded to be anti-competitive with OS X. I dont want this to be a huge controversy, as it is just my opinion (the Apple thing), but anti-competition is bad in general, and most reasonable people can agree with that.


Reform welfare in it's entirety: Welfare is the safety net for millions of americans. But it cannot be allowed to be encouraging of complacence. Subsidized housing and all of the other benefits of the welfare system should be directed to people who are poor and uneducated, but who are working toward something better. I, as a student, cant afford an apartment, because I dont make enough money. But subsidized apartments are available to societal leeches and drug dealers. That's wrong, and benefits no one.


Reform basic education: Basic education sucks. It costs a fortune, and in most states, produces graduates who can barely read, write or reason. In Washington state (where I live), only 40% of 10th graders were able to pass the WASL, which is a requirement for graduation. Everything that can possibly be done to encourage graduation from highschool, entrance into college and graduation from college into the workforce should be encouraged, for it is essential.


Raise social security taxes: Social security is a safety net for retired persons, obviously. Should everyone who works save money for retirement? Yes. But capping social security taxes to $80,000 only encourages the rich. If it is necessary to reduce income taxes after that point, in order to fund social security, that would be acceptable.


Raise the minimum wage to subsistence, and no more. People with no ambition should find themselves a communist nation. A 45 year old man with a wife and three kids cannot survive on minimum wage. And that is right and proper. Our society can no longer afford to generate middle-aged people with no skills. Highschool and college students are the people who should be working at McDonalds and Burger King. Because minimum wage is more than sufficient for someone who lives at home and goes to school, and they teach the basic responsibilities needed to exist in the real world. And, there is a constant stream of kids turning 16.


Encourage wanted children and discourage unwanted children. The intentionally poor cost the states huge amounts of money in education and healthcare, and keep popping out children. No more. Producing children isnt a career. The child tax credit should be increased, but there should be a minimum income level in order to qualify. A nation of welfare recipients vs a nation of new middle class. Hm.


Just my view.

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and rummy resigned!


YES YES YES!, and I thank God he did.


Its about time the war mongers got OUT. All they understand is death, destruction, and greed.


Hopefully now, we have a balance of power, and they can't get anything done. :pirate2: Just kidding, but seriously, some 'laws' don't need to be passed, IE, restrictions on people, and killing freedom of speech/press.

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I think we can all agree that restricting freedoms is bad. Well, all of US anyways. I was watching the news, and they had this republican strategist on saying "Republicans are for freedom". That might have been then case in the past. Is this 1984? Does "Fewer Freedoms equal more Freedom" ring true?

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No, it doesn't. If Bush represents republican interests, then we now have less freedom today than we ever did. Its the same old story of trading freedom for "safety". I put safety in quotes because it's an illusion. If we really want to be safe, treat other people around the world like people, not animals. If people hate us less, we instantly become safer overnight.

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