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[HOW TO] Upgrade your 10.4.6 or 10.4.7 to 10.4.8 with new kernel


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how do you upgrade to new kernel?


1. go to vitaly post about 10.4.8 kernel working, in there its his web page link, in his website theres a link to the download of the kernel , download it...

inside the zip file there are a file called AppleSMBbios.kext and a bin folder wich content the mach_kernel which is the new 10.4.8 kernel ready for core duos 2.


********UPDATED *******




HERE yopu can download VITALY KERNEL and SMBIOS for intel nx and sse3 processors




here is for intel sse3 and NON NX procesors (requieres SMBIOS kext fromn the other link)



(here is vitaly post, remeber putting FSB=your fsb speed in the boot parameters)



IN A BREACKTROUGHT FOR ALL AMD FANS, THANKS TO DaemonES, this is his kernel based on Vitaly one but with some seriopus mods it can be used on intel and AMD, havent tried it yet but it shopuld work and the installation method is the same exactly. I RECOMMEND THIS KEXT FOR INTEL USERS TOO, ITS A MUST FOR THE ONES WICHA RE OVERCLOCKING THEIR MACHINES AND OLDER P4s




This kernel info:

- Added high accuracy fsb detection on Intel ICH, nForce4 through PM-Timer.

- Added HPET emulation through TSC, if you have non-Intel ICH south bridge. Or you can enable hpet emulation manually, boot parameter nohpet=1

- Fixed bug with reboot during cpu initialization on some AMD systems. So you can try to boot in single mode (GUI must works on AMD + VMWare).





2. go to http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/mac...pdateintel.html and download the combo installer (official one) DONT RUN IT YET


3. download onyx http://mac.softpedia.com/get/System-Utilities/OnyX.shtml


4. install onyx (onyx will let you unhide the old mach kernel)


5. fire onyx and in the appearance section enable show hidden files


6. fire the osx10.4.8 offical installer over your actual 10.4.7 install and install DONT RESET


7. after installing the combo update (the offical update) replace the applesmbios.kext in the system/library/extensions (first trash teh old one in that folder) it will require you to authenticate


8. go to system/library and remove the files extensions.kextcache and extensions.mkext, trash them, will ask for autheticate


9 goto the root of your HD and trash the mach_kernel, will ask for autheticate


10 copy the mach kernel you downloaded to the root of your hd (where the old_mach kernel was)


11 fire disk utilities in the utilities directory (under applications) and repair permision of your mac partition


12 u are ready to go restart the system


after it reboots


If you have ATI X1600 or superior install neopheus video installer for 10.4.8 new kernel and if you need so his RXXX80 lan installer



After that yopu will have a 99.9% mac system, fully upgraded with new kexts and frameworks and everything working flawlesly, so you can test Titan in your system...


i have done that and everything is screaming fast





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i edited your post to fix a couple small typos and put in the names of the files to remove (extensions.mkext and extensions.kextcache) - hope this is ok :)


otherwise, nice guide - thanks.

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Can anybody confirm if this method is working on a Intel 965 chipset with Core 2 Duo ?

Jas crippled DVD works with my mainboard but it´s far from stable.


If this method works, can it also be applied to a 10.4.8 JaS Combo update installation with the old kernel, or has it to be 10.4.7 ?

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HERE yopu can download VITALY KERNEL and SMBIOS fore intel nx and sse3 processors




here is for intel sse3 and NON NX procesors (requieres SMBIOS kext fromn the other link)



(here is vitaly post, remeber putting FSB=your fsb speed in the boot parameters)






This kernel info:

- Added high accuracy fsb detection on Intel ICH, nForce4 through PM-Timer.

- Added HPET emulation through TSC, if you have non-Intel ICH south bridge. Or you can enable hpet emulation manually, boot parameter nohpet=1

- Fixed bug with reboot during cpu initialization on some AMD systems. So you can try to boot in single mode (GUI must works on AMD + VMWare).

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i havent tried with semthex kernel, it should work exactly, BUT i have read sse2 kernel from smthex is really buggy, his sse3 kernel is as wonderfull as the one from vitaly, so i think they are replaceable, BUT semthex posted source code and that has to be compiled thats why im not using it.

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for some reason step 2 is link is broken:



its supposed to be:




it also looks like the onyx link is broken, heres the fixed link:


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OnyX crashed my computer... It was on a MacBook that it crashed, but nevertheless I got a kernel panic as soon as I told it to enable hidden files... If you don't want to use OnyX, just enter this into the terminal:


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE


press enter


killall Finder


press enter


Once the Finder restarts, you'll see the kernel file!


To put it back, use:


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE


press enter


killall Finder


press enter

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its absolutely live the link


look around:


Here are your downloading options:


Upgrade to FileFactory Premium!

(Faster download speeds, pause and resume support, download accelerator support, multiple simultaneous downloads and more!)


Download for free with FileFactory Basic <<<<<<< click here!

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its absolutely live the link


look around:


Here are your downloading options:


Upgrade to FileFactory Premium!

(Faster download speeds, pause and resume support, download accelerator support, multiple simultaneous downloads and more!)


Download for free with FileFactory Basic <<<<<<< click here!


Yea it worked now, only timed out 8 times before it finaly started

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