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Where can we find what each patch/option selected will do on our system? I think that would be great to make a last step on the tool GUI, with the resume of what the installer will do on our system, which files will it move, to where, which files will be modified, how, etc. Basically a documentation for each option on the tool. 


Without documentation its hard to find out whats happened in the system and feel confidence in it. Is this hosted in any source code repository? Thanks.



Where can we find what each patch/option selected will do on our system? I think that would be great to make a last step on the tool GUI, with the resume of what the installer will do on our system, which files will it move, to where, which files will be modified, how, etc. Basically a documentation for each option on the tool. 


Without documentation its hard to find out whats happened in the system and feel confidence in it. Is this hosted in any source code repository? Thanks.

Kexts will be installed to /S/L/E, except some options will patch the kexts instead. You can read description to see which kexts are installed or which kexts will be patched.


The tool used to be open source, until someone made a separate tool from source and remove all credit parts (which contains the author of all the kexts, tools). I decided to close the source for now.


In fact, even I'm not confident to use the tool on my main system (lol), but when I want to set up a new system, the tool helped me a lot.

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