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Hey guys .


i installed ( iAtkos l2 ) on GA-G31M-S2L


when installing , in Disk utility .. can't find IDE HD , i just found SATA HD and DVD Drive


and after installing and enter to Lion .. still can't see my IDE HD on Disk utility


and this IDE HD works great and i installed Windows 7 on it ..


and in boot menu .. i can see 2 HD's SATA / IDE


and i choose SATA bcz i installed Lion On it ... and in Chameleon Bootloader i can see partitions on the IDE HD ..


now i want this HD appear on My LION in disk utility ..



i've IOATAFamily.kext installed :) and jMicron


Don't try to use two drivers for the same hardware at the same time.


Check kernel.log in console.app (type console in Spotlight) for error messages related to your jmicron drivers during boot, there must be a conflict or something.


I don't have any jmicron hardware here so I'm not sure, it's possible that there is a newer version of JMicronATA specifically for Lion, maybe the ones you are using are too old or 32-bit only.

This might seem dumb, and I am not sure if it will work in Lion, but it does in Snow Leopard, which won't show the IDE drives either at installation or in Disk Utility as installed.

Use Kext Utility to install ATIATA.kext in /System/Library/Extensions.


You never know, It may work for you.

This might seem dumb, and I am not sure if it will work in Lion, but it does in Snow Leopard, which won't show the IDE drives either at installation or in Disk Utility as installed.

Use Kext Utility to install ATIATA.kext in /System/Library/Extensions.


You never know, It may work for you.


ok .. i'll try it

I doubt that ATIATA.kext will work with a JMicron hard drive controller, don't install drivers for hardware that you don't have.


(before someone beats me on top of the head with this, yes I know that SuperVIAATA.kext drives Marvell controllers).


Tons of motherboards (usually Gigabyte) use JMicron ATA controllers, look around, see what other people are doing on Lion. I'm sure it's easy to fix.

  • 10 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I the past i had succes with SuperVIAATA.kext


for some ide/ata chipsets



That is for VIA ata chipset.

ATIATA.kext is for ATI chipset

And there is also one for NVidia ata chipset.

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Yeah, but i think these kexts are all meant to prevent the "root device error" when you're booting OSX from a PATA disk or with a motherboard that doesn't support AHCI.


The issue experienced by TS is exactly the same i experience for so long a time with my AMD machine that i simply decided to live with it: i cannot see my Windows 8 PATA disk from OSX, even if i boot in IDE mode with a proper


installed - to be very precise, i just restarted the system in IDE mode right now to prove the my point: I can do it just fine, the kext is reported loading at boot time in verbose mode, but it only detects my SATA OSX startup disk, and shows no sign of my PATA Windows 8 disk. The id of my PATA controller, 0x439c1002, is already included in the


, so i'm rather certain that if i needed, i could boot OSX from the PATA disk just the way i do with the current disk. Only seeing the PATA disk from OSX when it's not itself the startup disk seems to be the problem here.


I didn't exhaust all troubleshooting steps, though, since i confess i didn't try dealing with master/slave configurations (in fact, i never needed to do it even with Windows, so i'm not familiarized with how it works and if it would make a difference), but the knowledge i gathered as for now is that a working ATA kext could give you PATA or IDE OSX boot, but it's not enough to make a PATA disk to appear in disk utility, either in the installer or in the running system.


All the best!

P.S.: may i relink to your package of kexts in the AMD section? I think it's likely many AMD users have to deal with ATI, nVidia and JMicron chipsets, specially with older machines, which won't have any option other than IDE mode.


All the best!

P.P.S.: back just to say thank you to you, iFire: since Mountain Lion is 64-bit-only, i tried ATIPATA.kext on Lion (which i can boot in 32-bit kernel mode): worked as advertised, and now i have full access to the Windows PATA disk, including in Disk Utility. The next has some instability issues and gave me a kernel panic when i tried to unmount the disk, but i'm not going to unmount/mount this disk all the time (i did it to enable read & write ntfs support, so i doubt i'll do it again).


All the best!

I will give this one HARD DISK IDE KEXTS.zip a try myself, also. AppleATIATA.kext works for me in Lion x86_64, and I am using one of my ati EIDE drives to boot Lion 10.7.1 on. And as soon as I can figure the steps needed to upgrade to 10.7.5, I will do that, too.

  • 2 weeks later...

Upgrade (updated?) to 10.7.5 went flawlessly. just click on Software Update in the Apple Menu at the top left and let it do it's thing! No extra stuff to take out, or put in.

Haven't tried HARD DISK IDE KEXTS.zip yet, because the ATIATA.kext works very well for me.

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  • 1 year later...

Is there any version for the ATIPATA.kext for a 64-bit system? It worked like a wonder with 32-bit Lion. Now that I moved on to Mavericks, the kext won't load, and I cannot see my old PATA Windows 8 disk from OSX's Finder or DiskUtility anymore...


All the best!

zip.gif  HARD DISK IDE KEXTS.zip   455.73KB   171 downloads (posted by moderator)

it just help me out on reading hdd on installing 10.6x into HPXW6000 workstation...yet still the disk utility CANNOT unmount disk (whatever type/kind of port disk you attached to)
I'd tried bunch of ktext and boot arguments,BIOS config, etc.... none of them works
Maybe someone can give better idea on this unmount-ing problem on PATA disk drive, USB drive...
or I'd just better rely on AHCI port :(
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