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5 cool things to do with your isight:




Apple’s iSight webcam has been around for a while, but there are some really cool things you can do with it that make the price tag seem very reasonable indeed.


If you’ve just been using your iSight for video chats with your mates then think again! iSight can help get your laptop back, provide CCTV coverage for your property, read barcodes and much more.


So let’s get stuck in and see what iSight can really do. In no particular order:


1. Help Recover Your Stolen Mac

All of Apple’s MacBook and MacBook Pro laptops feature an integrated iSight camera that is centered above the screen. While most people will use this to record snapshots of themselves, Orbicule have developed another, altogether cool, use for the camera. Called Undercover, this application is capable of identifying if your laptop has been stolen. It will then record the laptop’s IP address, transmitting the network details so that a physical location can be established! Even cooler (in a sort of uncool way), Undercover will actually capture a screenshot of the laptop while in use and send it to you so you can see what the thief is up to. But the real coup d’eta is that Undercover will use the integrated iSight to take a nice snapshot of the thief every 6 minutes and send the pics to you. So while the crook thinks he has nabbed a cool lappy, he’s actually being lined up for an appearance before court!


2. Hook Up A Homebrewed Webcam

Ever wanted to know what’s happening at home while you’re away at work? Well, you can use iSight to setup your very own webcam so you can keep an eye on things. But before you go any further, ask yourself if you would happy with some random dude from Kazakhstan watching your wife sunbathing out the back. Anway, to setup your own webcam you’ll need an iSight, a lot of cable and a copy of Econ Technologies excellent ImageCaster. For help setting up, follow their step-by-step guide.


3. Handy Laser Level

Ever wanted to push the limits of what your Mac can do? Ever wanted to build something, install a new set of shelves or asemble a flat packed Ikea desk and then realise you have no spirit level? Fear not my construction-minded friend! With DashLevel you can use your built-in iSight as a motion sensor, which is capable of giving you the level.


4. Laptop Alarm System

What happens if you work in a busy office environment and need to visit the bathroom, or run an errand for your pushy insecure manager? You have to leave your desk and your precious MacBook, giving the crook the perfect chance to grab it for himself! Well, with iAlertU (currently in beta) installed on your laptop the crook will get the surprise of his criminal life! iAlertU uses iSight to gage any movement once the alarm has been set usng iSight. If it is lifted once alarmed the screen starts flashing and an alarm sounds, keeping your lappy safe!


5. Turn Your MacBook Into A Light Saber

The Star Wars fans among you will love this one! Download MacSaber and turn your MacBook into a hybrid Apple / Jedi Light Saber. Go on, download it and have a laugh. Just mind that you don’t snap off your screen when swinging your laptop around!


If you have any more ideas please let me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...
MacSaber!!!!!! MacSaber!!!!!! Maybe we can use the macbook's iSight as a game controller. Image NFS with this. SWEEEEEEEEEEET


I use it as a barcode scanner....which imho is the sixth cool thing you can do with it. My wife thought it was time to get the straitjacket out when she saw me 'feeding' my cd collection to the camera...

Delicious library http://www.delicious-monster.com

One of those lovely 'make you smile' apps....



  • 1 month later...
Delicious Library is one staggering piece of kit. I love it - I'm thinking of using it to catalogue my DVD collection.


It is isn't it? I love software that makes me think 'how' and 'what for'. Doesn;t happen often these days..


It is such an under-publicised bit of kit too. And soooo reasonable for what it does.



  • 2 weeks later...
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