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uk .folks from east or north london plz read


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hello ive being reading a lot about the osx86 and i want to install it on my laptop ,, too bad i dont have a broadband conection to download it ,


so is there any one fron east or north london on here who have a copy of the latest bootabe dvd who can hook me up with it , ill pay cash ,

and drive to collect


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I don't think you will get many replies mate.


I don't think that anyone would stoop so low as to

start selling osx86 to other people.


Surely you must know at least one person

or have one friend that has a broadband connection

that would be willing to download it for you.




Niteman1969 (east london)

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hello ive being reading a lot about the osx86 and i want to install it on my laptop ,, too bad i dont have a broadband conection to download it ,


so is there any one fron east or north london on here who have a copy of the latest bootabe dvd who can hook me up with it , ill pay cash ,

and drive to collect


I can give you one; I want:

- 1.000.000€ cash

- your daughter or sister (must be 18)

- no cops

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any help?????




I am living a little northeast of London in Hamburg (you know, where the Beatles started)


a) I can give you a copy at the Fifa World Cup, if you are around :)


Or :D just enjoy a trip to St.Pauli with your mates via ryan Air or so :D

We have many many people also from England here every weekend

and the weather really kicks arse atm (lots of sandbeach and much more

clubs than williamsburg, brooklyn).


just drop me a pm if this sounds comftable.

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hello. First I would like to congratulate and welcome you to "our comunity". I am sorry no one else were keen enough to help you. Anyway, I live in Lisbon (Portugal) and if you still want to try Mac OS I will send you a copy free of charge (I am feeling generous today...). Send me you contacts by private message and I promise I will ship it to you. Do you prefer 10.4.5 or 10.4.6? Please let me know. All the best António.

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I don't see it as being unkind, you like me are a new member

of the forums and are asking people to send you a copy of

illegal software.


As much as we'd like to help you are activeley endangering the

future of these forums, because if apple come across these type

of posts where people are asking for copies of their software

and recieving them they could legitimatley say that these forums

are promoting Piracy.


So don't think we don't sympathise with your broadbandless

life , but we like the forums more.......





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  • 3 weeks later...

Christ Tattooroy, listen to yourself for a minute mate - you're asking for people to send you a pirated copy of an operating system on one of the best-known sites for obtaining information on installing Mac on non-Mac hardware (which by it's very nature implies you're either a developer, or in possession of software of a questionable origin).


If you think Apple don't review forums like this, you're living in a dream world and, much more importantly, there's a big community of enthusiasts here who know the score (and only share information here for that reason).


I'm sure it would be lovely if someone sent you a copy of OS X86 to try. It would be less lovely if someone on Apple's legal payroll decided this thread is enough for them to have the whole site killed off.


As an aside, I'm sure you've noticed the large number of dead links for OS X86 information...? The majority (seem to) have been removed after Apple threw their toys out of the proverbial pram; it's only a matter of time before it happens here if you don't take note of the forum's posting rules.


Last message for tattooroy - if this were my forum (and thank God for everyone's sanity that I'm not... :D) I'd have already deactivated your account for your outburst against the other members in this thread...

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i encountered the same problem.. and still do.. every time i need to download new full dvd version.. but lucky for me i've got unmetered bandwidth with my internet connection.. so even though the speed sucks i can wait a little over a week to get it..

i'm aware of the legal aspects involved but it would be a good idea for someone to setup a free or cheap [just to cover the costs of delivery] way of delivery of osx86 for those not so lucky to have broadband.. or who live in 3rd world countries and don't have paypal or internationally accepted credit cards..


just a thought

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i'm aware of the legal aspects involved but it would be a good idea for someone to setup a free or cheap [just to cover the costs of delivery] way of delivery of osx86 for those not so lucky to have broadband.. or who live in 3rd world countries and don't have paypal or internationally accepted credit cards..


This is still condoning piracy no matter how you look at it and anyone actually envolved in sending such copies can be prosecuted if caught


I would imagine even uploading a hack iso/dmg would also be as well as downloading and installing it


This forum is solely based on ppl who claim to have downloaded and installed it on non apple hardware and evalutate the possibility of certain hardware not being compatable and asking other users who are mac hardware users their opinions


All infomation posted is for entertainment purposes only and by no means actual fact.


If it weren't then this site could be in breach of DMCA but as we all know this is solely ENTERTAINMENT


I hope I have not offended anyone here

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I find all the people on here attempting to justify piracy appalling.


DO NOT ask people to break the law because you don't have broadband/can't find it/etc.


You make your own choices in life.


i'm aware of the legal aspects involved but it would be a good idea for someone to setup a free or cheap [just to cover the costs of delivery] way of delivery of osx86 for those not so lucky to have broadband


Yes, I'm also talking to you. Can you send me Microsoft Office, too? And the latest Tomb Raider game for my chipped Xbox? And perhaps some counterfeit notes?






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DO NOT ask people to break the law because you don't have broadband/can't find it/etc.


You make your own choices in life.


There's nothing wrong with asking.. at least not im my philosophy.. One who is being asked a favour has the right to either accept or refuse, as you said to make their own choices, if it were blackmail or any other means of forcing the person in cause to do your will.. then it would have been imoral.


as i said, it was just a thought


sorry if the topic got lost along the way.. but this post is rather useless to begin with

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well it was a waste of time as it did,nt work on my laptop so i went out and bought a brand new ibook ..only reason i wanted that osx86 was for me to have a feel on a mac , before me buying one .. so dont matter any more ..its all good here , love the mac . smooth pluse 5 hours battery time , no windows laptop ever gave me that before ,





well it was a waste of time as it did,nt work on my laptop so i went out and bought a brand new ibook 1.33 ..only reason i wanted that osx86 was for me to have a feel on a mac , before me buying one .. so dont matter any more ..its all good here , love the mac . smooth pluse 5 hours battery time , no windows laptop ever gave me that before ,



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