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Well all said above here. I´m sitting here with a new video card the GA 9800 GT 512 mb trying to find out if it works in a hackmac before I open the box and end up in a situation where I can´t return it to the shop if it does´nt. Sure I could spend a week or two going through all graphics related threads here but what do we have the search for then?

I got pretty P.O.'ed after spending weeks telling noobs to "use the search", and then it stopped working completely. Made me look like a fool (which I may be :( )


I think the site has an underpowered hosting contract and search eats up CPU cycles, so they just disable it. Whatever the reason, the kicker is that the search feature defaults were set up so that the results it returned were sort of useless. You had to play with the options to get anything remotely close to useful.


As for searching indirectly via Google, it would be a piece of cake for the admins to add a "search with Google" box to the overall site layout. Guess why they don't do it?


The bottom line is this site exists to make money with their advertising so they don't care if you have to look at 100 pages to find what you're looking for. If you could find it with just a few clicks and page views then their bottom line would be affected negatively. So they don't really care.


Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today. My thoughts above are something I've suspected for a long time, however.

Can you tell me what's wrong with the search at the moment?


Well I just did if you look on what said in my topic. The question is does the Gigabyte 9800 GT 512 mb work in a hachintosh. Seems this card might be sold under different names throughout the world or maby that the big computerpart company where I buy moast of my parts just buy upp the last of the stock of the outdated stuff for a good price that´s going to be replace with the new uptodate stuff. Can´nt even find it on the GA site.


And when I search here I get the floodcontroll something, useless to me. I´d be glad to contibute with a few dollars if that´s what this is all about to keep this forum on a server that actually works. My guess is that this is secretly a mac thing to make us test out what intelstuff works or not so there´s no interest in keeping this like the rest of the forums work throughout the internet.



-Moc- I´ve spend (and I´m pretty sure way to many more people) hundreds of hours searching through threads to find the info I need. I´ve even come up with an easy soloutions for fixing the NVA Cap string for DVI and VGA like what´s going to be your first port on your videocard for at least two different brand of cards but programers and computerfreaks here insist to edit my post to make it over serious/difficult for the ordinary guy. Not all of us are so interested in this we just want the {censored} to work and that´s why we need the search to work and if its´a money problem just say so and probably pretty many of us will donate cause we like macs but think the real stuff costs to much.

When was the last time you used it? You do know it's been fixed, right?


20 seconds ago.


 <div class="errorwrap">		  <h4>The error returned was:</h4>			<p>There was an error processing the request.  Please go back and try again, or contact an administrator for assistance. 
connection to unix:///var/socketproxy/insanelymac.com/searchd:0 failed (errno=2, msg=No such file or directory)





I'll still go with Goggle.

Ok - that's probably down to the server downtime that we experienced today. But it does actually work - it has been fixed. Check this: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=115696


Well I just did if you look on what said in my topic. The question is does the Gigabyte 9800 GT 512 mb work in a hachintosh. Seems this card might be sold under different names throughout the world or maby that the big computerpart company where I buy moast of my parts just buy upp the last of the stock of the outdated stuff for a good price that´s going to be replace with the new uptodate stuff. Can´nt even find it on the GA site.


And when I search here I get the floodcontroll something, useless to me. I´d be glad to contibute with a few dollars if that´s what this is all about to keep this forum on a server that actually works. My guess is that this is secretly a mac thing to make us test out what intelstuff works or not so there´s no interest in keeping this like the rest of the forums work throughout the internet.


How you could think of such a thing I don't know... We haven't purposefully sabotaged the search. It just happens to be broken - it was working until today. It should be back up and running soon.

Well I just did if you look on what said in my topic. The question is does the Gigabyte 9800 GT 512 mb work in a hachintosh. Seems this card might be sold under different names throughout the world or maby that the big computerpart company where I buy moast of my parts just buy upp the last of the stock of the outdated stuff for a good price that´s going to be replace with the new uptodate stuff. Can´nt even find it on the GA site.


This amuses me. There is a reference to such a card on gigabyte web site http://www.giga-byte.com/News/VGA/News_List.aspx?NewsID=1404 but that was press release yesterday and seem like it is released now.

It does´nt matter cause how ever cool the search can function from time to time today it just costed me way to much money cause this Gigabyte 9800 GT (in the shops said to be exactly the same as the 8800GT just a new name on it) doesn´t work. Well probably it does with a few hours of searching and a little kext fixing but it does´nt matter cause it´s onboard fan sounds like a hellicopter.


So thanks a lot osx86 Search. I needed a card for final cut express but this made me end up in a dead end situation cause I was about to buy it (FCx). I downloaded it just for to test it and decided to stay with the pirate {censored} for a short while and go for a good FCe compatible card first (to really see what you could do with this program/if it was any good or not) which I had reason to belive after going through lots of threads here that the 8800GT was.


Yeah yeah blah blah and so on I´m pissed of.

It does´nt matter cause how ever cool the search can function from time to time today it just costed me way to much money cause this Gigabyte 9800 GT (in the shops said to be exactly the same as the 8800GT just a new name on it) doesn´t work. Well probably it does with a few hours of searching and a little kext fixing but it does´nt matter cause it´s onboard fan sounds like a hellicopter.


So thanks a lot osx86 Search. I needed a card for final cut express but this made me end up in a dead end situation cause I was about to buy it (FCx). I downloaded it just for to test it and decided to stay with the pirate {censored} for a short while and go for a good FCe compatible card first (to really see what you could do with this program/if it was any good or not) which I had reason to belive after going through lots of threads here that the 8800GT was.


Yeah yeah blah blah and so on I´m pissed of.


Probably should have just went with the 8800GT then ... Oh and most all them higher end cards have fans that suck I never even started my 8800 before I put on the aftermarket HSF for a quiet cool operating situation because I knew I never would be able to monitor the temperatures/fan speed.

It does´nt matter cause how ever cool the search can function from time to time today it just costed me way to much money cause this Gigabyte 9800 GT (in the shops said to be exactly the same as the 8800GT just a new name on it) doesn´t work. Well probably it does with a few hours of searching and a little kext fixing but it does´nt matter cause it´s onboard fan sounds like a hellicopter.


So thanks a lot osx86 Search. I needed a card for final cut express but this made me end up in a dead end situation cause I was about to buy it (FCx). I downloaded it just for to test it and decided to stay with the pirate {censored} for a short while and go for a good FCe compatible card first (to really see what you could do with this program/if it was any good or not) which I had reason to belive after going through lots of threads here that the 8800GT was.


Yeah yeah blah blah and so on I´m pissed of.


Ok, wait... Let me get this straight. You bought a graphics card, on which you couldn't find any information on with regard to getting it working with OSx86. So the next thing you do is open the box knowing fully well that if it doesn't work you're not going to be able to take it back, since you've just opened it. You also know that OSx86 is not guaranteed to work on all hardware, and most require modified kernel extensions to work. In light of all this, you still open it up, test it, and find out it doesn't work properly under OSx86, and you realise that you've just wasted your money...


And now you're blaming it all on the fact that our search function doesn't work?

Ok, wait... Let me get this straight. You bought a graphics card, on which you couldn't find any information on with regard to getting it working with OSx86. So the next thing you do is open the box knowing fully well that if it doesn't work you're not going to be able to take it back, since you've just opened it. You also know that OSx86 is not guaranteed to work on all hardware, and most require modified kernel extensions to work. In light of all this, you still open it up, test it, and find out it doesn't work properly under OSx86, and you realise that you've just wasted your money...


And now you're blaming it all on the fact that our search function doesn't work?


What´s it with you please read what I type here. I said I did the search and it did´nt work but that I before had seen that the 88008GT did work under osx86 and that they said in the shop that this 9800GT card where the same but had a new name (9800GT instead of 8800 GT) so I opend the box, man what can I do wait till the search wakes up whenever it would eventually. You know this is not the first time this happends and like I said if it´s a money problem to get it to work properly just say so and I´m sure lots of guys like myself throughout the world would send a few dollars to keep it working OK.


Next fact is since I know a bit about this forum and how to find stuff here I can infom you that I found out that the Gigabyte Nvidia 9800 GT 512 MB (GV-N98TZL-512H) actually works if you extract the 512 NVinject.kext from Mysticus Cs package and delete old Nvinject or whatever you have in there for video driver (if you dare) and replace it with Mysticus Cs then delete caches in lib/extensions and reboot.


I´m typing this with this card in my hack right now, took me a few hours of frustration added to all the rest of all the hundred of hours I´ve spend going through way to many threads here. Put this in the Graphic card stickys that this card works but remind people the fan´s blowing like a small hurricane and that we need a fix for that cause the card seem really promising videowize actually. And please make that search work OK so others here don´t have to chance like this. I can tell you that out of the components in my hack I have now only two the mobo and the cpu I found info about here saying it should work the rest of the stuff is ordinary dozen stuff you can find anywhere. So PC gear compability and OSX is not a big thing these days I can tell you but info on how you get it to work is. And that´s where this and other forums come in hopefully all of them having a good stable search. This all for the good of the computing comunity out there all over the world.


The ultimate goal and lets hope we can reach that is to convince apple to let the osx free so that we all of us can work together both PC fans and Mac fans to make the ultimate consumerfriendly computer happend.

I don't really have an opinion on what the OP is saying, mainly because I'm having a bit of trouble understanding it.


Regardless, the search is indeed still down. I searched "9800 GT" on a whim a few seconds ago and got this:



So yeah.

I don't really have an opinion on what the OP is saying, mainly because I'm having a bit of trouble understanding it.




@starobrno1: Ok, from what you posted, that's how it came across to me... Either way, I'm glad you have your graphics card partially working. The search will be fixed as soon as possible, that's all I can say. I can assure you, it's definitely not a money thing.


- Sabr.


@starobrno1: Ok, from what you posted, that's how it came across to me... Either way, I'm glad you have your graphics card partially working. The search will be fixed as soon as possible, that's all I can say. I can assure you, it's definitely not a money thing.


- Sabr.


No worries Sabr you know it can turn out wierd when foreigners try to write understandable English at the same time being pissed of :P.


I calmed down and spend this day trying to figure things out but all I could do was find out that this Gigabyte 9800GT 512 PCIe card (pretty new stuff acually I did´nt know that) works with the 8800 GT driver/Boot.plist created using this this sweet program the EFIStudio.




I could simply delete the NVinject from Mysicus C I reffered to earlier in this thread and it worked anyway dual displays QE and all. Only 32 bit colours though but this probably cause of limitations within my monitors. That damn fan is making to much noise though and I´m not sure replacing the NVinject.kext from Mysticus with this 8800 GT stuff really made this card run any better. It´s hard to say I´m an old man 50+ and my eyes could be better. If you guys want to know how I made this please post in my thread in the hardware & drivers/graphics.


When I find the time I´ll change back to the PCIe GA 7300 GS 256 mb I had before to se if this 9800 GT performs better or not and post in my hardware & drivers/graphics thread. Man I´m here for you guys trying to help out the best I can. Have it good as we say over here

Sabr, you're obviouslly one of those secret millionaire's. :P


Haha - nah, just your average guy who's into hacking OS X... :P


By the way, your custom member title: "Formally, FragileMac". Unless I'm missing something here, don't you mean "Formerly FragileMac." ?


No worries Sabr you know it can turn out wierd when foreigners try to write understandable English at the same time being pissed of :D


Haha! Well I hope you get it working 100%. Good luck... :o

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