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Padding out the price of Apple products


Apple has a history of releasing revolutionary products at often cringe-worthy prices (anyone remember the $10k Apple Lisa?). However, next Saturday sees the launch of the iPad which, at $499, is at a price-point relatively well received for a brand new Apple product.


Price-busting website, Voucher Codes, has produced an interesting graphic showing a history of major Apple releases featuring their prices adjusted for inflation, so you can see what they would have set you back today relative to the current economy... an Apple Lisa would have set you back a whopping $21,744.85 in todays economy!


Apple's pricing has always steered towards the premium market, and even now its cheapest portable Mac OS X computer, the MacBook, starts at $999 - it's worth noting that netbooks starting at the $300 mark, similar in size to the forthcoming iPad, are ripe for installing Mac OS X on - check out sister site, myMacNetbook, for more details.



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Nice to see they might be mending their ways, Its been so frustrating the last few years that apple design and elitist price has lead to an image of mac users; that we use macs because of fashion over function. If they could just remove the trademark white or finally release an os for pc's

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