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Leopard Roundup


Today, many people jumped with enthusiasm when Apple posted Leopard details on it's website. This is a roundup of what Apple said today.


~Academic Prices are Raised. Yes it is true, Apple raised the academic price to $116, so that means you save a total of $13 if you are a student. Yay. <_<



~iPhone Note Syncing. This is one many people will be happy about. Notes syncing of some sort is finally coming to the iPhone. This feature will be integrated into the new Mail.app, and the notes folder will basically be handled like a email mailbox.


~New Leopard Server Information. With all the excitement over the Leopard client, we didn't even bother to notice that Leopard Server will also be shipping on October 26th. Apple has updated the Leopard server website with lots of details including:

iCal Server - Let's you share calendars across the enterprise.

Wiki Server - All about collaboration.

Podcast Producer - Your one stop shop for making, and distributing, podcasts.



~System Requirements. Intel, G5, or 867MHz+ G4 processor, 512 megs of RAM, a DVD drive, and 9GB of free disk space.

Source of the RoundUp

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. . or one could get that $109 (inc carriage)

Including 'carriage'? What carriage?


Apple has always been overpriced

Yeah right ;) Top of the line microsoft vista - around 400.00. Top of the line Apple OS X 10.5 - 129.00. Do the math, then count your blessings :D

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Yeah right -_- Top of the line microsoft vista - around 400.00. Top of the line Apple OS X 10.5 - 129.00. Do the math, then count your blessings :P


Well you do have me there, however when it comes to COMPUTERS, Apple has always been overpriced. Even with dealing poor college students

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why is leopard such a big deal. its gone flashy just just like vista did.
It's "gone" flashy. Are you implying Tiger was not? With its...
  • brushed metal windows
  • Expose
  • transparent Dock
  • rippling Dashboard widgets
  • Dock magnification
  • genie window mineming
  • etc.:P

While Leopard's reflecting Dock and semi-translucent Menu bar are pure eye-candy, TimeMachine, Spaces, Stacks and Finder's coverflow are all useful UI systems that are equally easy on the eye.If anything, Leopard has been toned down on the flash with a consistent window theme (no more metal), the matte look (iTunes look) in folders, and a much less transparent Menu Bar that was originally planned. How you looked at the updated Leopard screens on Apples site?As for Vista, it has...transparency out the a** (which is horrible when windows are cascaded) and Windows Flip 3D (an Expose rip-off that only shows one window at a time, requiring the user to scroll through them, defeating the purpose of such a system).That's about all M$ could do in five years...

...when it comes to COMPUTERS, Apple has always been overpriced. Even with dealing poor college students
Hmm...compared to what? Dells and HPs? If you were blind and had no appendages to feel your computer you'd have a point. I'll assume you aren't blind and limb-less, so maybe you should elaborate. Dells and HPs are ugly systems with wires coming from everywhere and some still come with 256MB of RAM and 40GB HDDs. All Apple computers (desktops and laptops) come standard with 1GB of RAM or more, 80GB HDD or larger, 1.83 GHz Core 2 Duo or faster, and the ones that come with built-in screens are all very high resolution. Oh and if those standards aren't enough, many come with...
  • scrolling trackpads
  • tiny but quality webcams
  • mics and speakers (you'd be amazed how many PCs lack these)
  • backlit keyboards
  • FrontRow remotes
  • Bluetooth and WiFi in desktops and laptops (most PC desktops lack these)

Now maybe you're comparing similarly speced Lenovos or Alienware PCs. Those are similar in price. You get what you pay for and I know I'm sounding preachy, but with Macs you really get more than what you payed for...if that makes sense. :rolleyes:

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puppy your missing the core concept of my post and thats OPTIONS - you should b able to go to default menu bar without transparancy and none flashy dock as tiger and panther have proven to be efficent. I mean even windows allows you to turn options off and with mac hardware over priced and units mostly only sold because of its OS without options just boggles me why apple doesnt include these features and make a lot more happy.

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