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Well I'm bored..... I need a new game methinks. I've played WoW, LOTRO, and countless other games on and off. I want an interesting game, and not some crappy free to play korean anime game..... >.>. I've registered for the WAR and AoC betas (although AoC will be out soon) about 2 months ago, but AoC's combat system seems pretty stupid..... seems like it will just be jamming a button the whole time. Anyone got any games out there or betas I should check out? I can run Windows and Mac.....

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I want to try Guild Wars, but I don't want to buy it, but they don't give a way free trials like WoW does.....


I'm not gonna blow 40$ on a game I don't like.

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YEah I really wanna go back to WoW but I don't think I can do that to my RL again......


Idk I've played it on and off for about 3 years...... they need some more....

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you could get spore when it comes out that games is happening :)


there also is this new mmo by tom clancy coming out i believe... you work in 4 person "swat" teams... its kinda a gang fighting game, with guns... idk it looks cool... (y not just torrent guild wars and try it? or is it like wow were that doesn't really work)

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Yeah you gotta enter in a key to activate account. Wish they had private servers.... >.>


Almost got tempted back into WoW today..... then got the same old, same old feeling and Apple + deleted it. Oh well.....


I'll see if I can sqeeze some more entertainment out of LOTRO..... I.... need.... warhammer......

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