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A couple of questions...


Does anybody know for sure if this works on a previously unlocked phone (tmobile us)? And if my phone is 1.1.1 unlocked, should I first unlock 1.1.2 or just upgrade?


And I thought 1.1.3 runs apps in "mobile" user privileges, so does the new installer and other apps work correctly?

I just did this upgrade and I would NOT recommend doing so. This does nothing to change the upgraded baseband and I have found that Safari is sluggish and the Maps Location feature doesn't even WORK! I did however upgrade to the actual 1.1.3 and the Location feature works amazingly! This is clearly not the true jailbreak the Dev Team had in mind and I would therefore not recommend upgrading until its officially released by the WHOLE team. Any questions?

yeah i tried it on my jailbroken 1.1.2 phone and it seemed to work until it rebooted and then it went into recovery mode. I had to restore and update to 1.1.3 to get it out. Trying to restore to 1.1.2 or lower resulted in an error right after extracting the ipsw everytime on iTunes 7.6, 7.5, and 7.4. Supposedly it's possible to downgrade a 1.1.2 OTB phone (you lose the phone functionality, of course) but i didn't have any luck. Guess i'll have to wait until a better solution is available. NOT recommended at all.

For me it is working fine. For the ones that want to see how it is working, go ahead...

For people who need a stable phone, don´t do it now.


There is no AppSupport for 1.1.3, there are a lot of things missing, so if you´re a developer, go on, if not, stay there. For people with unlocked 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, this is safe, go on.

Ok, I just reupdated to the jailbroken 1.1.3. Does anyone know how to get Maps Location working, cuz some of u guys say u have no issues. Thanks!


Update: The app LocateMe doesn't even work in 1.1.3, but it worked in 1.1.1. I guess my phone lost its ability to locate. Please post if u know a fix.

2LMan, getting Locate to work is actually pretty easy (once someone tells you :) )


Go into installer.app, and install Navizon. Run it once (locate yourself) and then Maps Locate will work without problem. I'm not sure what Navizon does to the phone, but it turns on the Locate feature.

I just did this upgrade and I would NOT recommend doing so. This does nothing to change the upgraded baseband and I have found that Safari is sluggish and the Maps Location feature doesn't even WORK! I did however upgrade to the actual 1.1.3 and the Location feature works amazingly! This is clearly not the true jailbreak the Dev Team had in mind and I would therefore not recommend upgrading until its officially released by the WHOLE team. Any questions?


I totally agree! As a personal statement, I would wait enough time to be sure that 1.1.3 (jailbreak) is working the same way as 1.1.2 do right now. I have no issue and everything works "by the book".



Does anyone else have a problem with Notes on jb 1.1.3?


I've had a fully functional (after some work) jb 1.1.3 iphone for a few days and just noticed that Notes is not working properly at all. It has my notes from before but I can not delete old or save new notes. I can read and type in new ones but they don't save. I tried applying 775 permissions to the "MobileNotes.app" and contents in /Applications, but no change.


Any ideas?


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