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ahoi together,


i want to clone my working leo installation to another harddisk, which should be bootable like the origin.


usually i used SuperDuper! with tiger disks successfully but i´ve read on their side that it´s not leo compatible.

is it real? i don´t want to spend time only to realize, that their statement is true.


does somebody have experiences in this with another tool?


thanx for your help !!!!



greetz... knobsi

Yes I definitely recommend CCC as well. My method is clone your Leo disk first to GUID, then use PC EFI to make the partition bootable. Repair permissions and verify your new disk with disk utility. You should have the perfect clone.

I agree, this is the best method!!!!

REMEMBER to uncheck the format destination radio button!!


I believe repairing permissions is optional as CCC does reset ALL permissions (even those changed by user)




I've cloned 2 10.5.1 installs with CCC. So long as you set the parition up for booting with PC_EFI first, as per this topic it works fine. Even cloning an MBR partition onto a GUID partition works fine.

I really can't see what is so hard about this - why not just use DU (Disk Utility in OS X) it does the same thing, and.... IT'S FREE.


I did this many a time in Tiger, and it worked flawlessly. I can't imagine Leopard is any different in this respect. Just highlight "Macintosh HD" and save to *.DMG. Carbon Copy Cloner? pah!! never used it, and never need it!.


Simple solution to a simple need.

I really can't see what is so hard about this - why not just use DU (Disk Utility in OS X) it does the same thing, and.... IT'S FREE.


I did this many a time in Tiger, and it worked flawlessly. I can't imagine Leopard is any different in this respect. Just highlight "Macintosh HD" and save to *.DMG. Carbon Copy Cloner? pah!! never used it, and never need it!.


Simple solution to a simple need.


how does that work .. ? can you make a boot disk from a DMG ?

dmg image created w/ diskutil never boot.


tried use norton ghost, as it coppies partition sector by sector.


diskutil copies files only. diskutil missed the bootloader and startupfile (ie: located on 1st sector of the partition not visible as file)

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