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upgrade the most important hardware: my eyes


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hi, i'm a photographer by trade and i'm currently in st. louis for a couple of prenup and wedding packages. it's still a couple of weeks away but my eyesight is almost unbearable now and i am getting really bad headaches already, and i hate my glasses. i'm doing the much needed research before i take this huge leap.


that said, i was hoping to make my visit here memorable by getting lasik done. i've read some good and bad reviews about the service and i'm kind of hesitant to get the procedure done. i'm currently checking my options and the best one i found so far is my2020 (they have a website at http://www.my2020.com . as far as i can see (no pun intended), their clinic looks promising and dr. stephen wiles has all the papers in order.


i was just hoping to get some info/referrals from the st. louis people here. any help is appreciated. thanks.

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I was one of the test patients for Lasik many many years ago. (Contacts aren't an option for some of us. ;) )


I couldn't be happier with the results.

I can't speak for the centers in your area but might help reassure you to know that the doctor actually does very little of the procedure.


When I had my procedure done they would only do one eye at a time. They mentioned that usually people were more nervous on the second eye and sure enough it was true. I was stiff on the table and unsettled. (Not from being scared, but the excitement of how well it worked for the first eye. It's a weird effect :) )

Anyways, my nervousness on the second eye caused a small mis-shaping that a simple "touch-up" corrected.


Now this was over a decade ago and the newer systems are even better at tracking the eye and avoiding the minor issue during my second eye procedure.

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