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If your a martial artist post what form your taught and your belt rank. Please be aware that different forms of martial arts have different belt ranks. One form may have few belts between white and black while others have many. So don't always judge a martial artist by belt rank.


Ill go first.

Tae Kwon-Do + Ju-Jitsu Combination

Red Belt (Will be brown in a couple of weeks)

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If your a martial artist post what form your taught and your belt rank. Please be aware that different forms of martial arts have different belt ranks. One form may have few belts between white and black while others have many. So don't always judge a martial artist by belt rank.


Ill go first.

Tae Kwon-Do + Ju-Jitsu Combination

Red Belt (Will be brown in a couple of weeks)

Are you? Do you mean "Do you practice..."?


I've always wanted to be able to study some form of Martial Arts. Something elegant. Not really to defend myself (although that is a part to obviously) but just to be able to do something impressive. I'm not so into Ju-Jitsu. I know it's probabily one of the most practicale but it's clumsy looking. Like if two dinosaurs fought.


I'm not 12 or 15 any more so I don't know if it's just too late to start practising. I just figured if you wanted to be fast and flexible then you need to start young. I doubt I could learn how to do back flips now.


It's so weird because randomly I was watching this video called

on youtube.

Lets go with "If you currently practice" because if you took it when you were young and now your older you probably forgot everything. I was out for 3 months and I lost about 50% flexibility and forgot lots of stuff.

Lets go with "If you currently practice" because if you took it when you were young and now your older you probably forgot everything. I was out for 3 months and I lost about 50% flexibility and forgot lots of stuff.

aaahhh... hang on there, mate....


That's the purely physical component you're talking about. You never forget what you've learned as for the mental and metaphysical, philosophical parts. It certainly depends on how long you've been active and how much you have absorbed the mental components behind it - and how much it was part of the training and your own attitude.


I am older now but I didn't forget anything. Of course I don't have the flexibility in my body anymore but I always have it in my mind.


I was (still am?) 5th gup Tae Kwon Do (green with blue stripe) and I had the great honour to have had Song Chan-Ho as a teacher. He was 8th dan back then but I think he's 10th now. That was when I lived in Germany from 1975 till 1980. I had to give up because of a bad knee.


The most valuable lessons I got out of that time were respect for yourself and others, discipline and a calmness in solving conflicts peacefully, namely by avoiding to use the physical skills we learned...



Are you taking the kick, or receiving it?


Please tell me you're not the one taking the picture/

why not? :(

Neither of the three. The picture must have been taken around the time I went to that school but I wasn't there that day. The bloke who's jumping was my teacher.

yes indeed, Tae Kwon Do (ATF division) been studying now for over two years and just rec'vd 1st degree black belt (recommended)....journey is just now beginning! :( Started after enrolling my son and was just sitting there watching and waiting for his class to finish so thought I'd give it a try with him (he is now 1st degree decided). It's been enjoyable for the most part (when my body is not injured) and quite the learning experience. Surely would recommend it to others if they choose the right school! Good luck to everybody and hope you stick with it.

I have Tang Soo Do, Jujitsu, and some Judo under my belt.


I did Tang Soo Do when I was younger, quit right before my black belt test (red belt with 3 stripes)


I'm a white belt in jujitsu (school of quantum jujitsu from Santa Cruz). I started last semester up at school. We do Jujitsu (50/50 ground and standing) and Muay Thai kickboxing for striking mostly.


I train in Judo over the summer to help with my nage waza

I practice the ancient art of couch potato. I have a black with red piping sash. (That's grandmaster to all you neophytes).


Instead of getting up and switching channels on the TV like a white sash couch potato, or using the remote like a black sash couch potato. I ask for someone to pick up the remote from the floor and hand it to me so that I may change the channel.


The only stage left is red sash with black and purple piping (Grand Holy Dragon). This involves building a robot to hand me the remote from the floor and bringing tv dinners to the couch.


I think it was Sun Tzu who said: "Never do for yourself what you can con someone else into doing for you."

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