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Vista RTM Build 6000


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heres screeny of my own pc runing the Final Build (X64)


to a Post I redearly aobut Hats of to MS Vista/


The sidebar dosn't take up that much work space???what are you guys runnnign a 1x17inch? not the nice 30 inch widescreen or dual monitors yet??? talk about the people that complain about the sidebar taking to much work space are way out of date in hardware....


the SUA (unix-subsystem) Rules u now can get a Unix Kernal and Kron Console on your Vista PC well useing Unix commands to tell what your Windows Pc can do ......also u now can install and run/compline Unix/Linux apps on Vista....


I not a big fan of the New Startmenu and classic seems to do the job


Under The hood that sperates Vista Form XP




unix Subsystem

kernal nt VR 6.0

explore shell (see screeny)

Compadiblitly Mode Works (totaly redigned)(XP verion scrapped)

Remote Connection V2.....

WOW (windows on windows)(x64 only) (redigned)(XP x64 verion scrapped)


Screeny 1 is a over View

Screeny 2 is the Explore Shell redisgined..... with music/video/musice pervfiews and metatags as well as fliters enabled....(this type of setup is not out of the box and dose require a little Options>setting up to do)


and yes I know my copy is actvated .nah nah nah nah dons;t ask me how......(kindy rhymes)


if some one wants to take a shot of vista to see somthing just post




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yes Windows 2003 R2/sp1/sp2 dose have subsystem as well as longhorn server and Ultmita edition


no the red lines are not added by defult... it dose get added when using the snipping tool ? nolonger need printer screen to take shots.....snipping cooler


and -7 not that cold it going down to -20 this weekend? and in yukon and alaska it more iek -30-40

but ya no more 32 bit land for me ever again>>>LOL

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and -7 not that cold it going down to -20 this weekend? and in yukon and alaska it more iek -30-40

but ya no more 32 bit land for me ever again>>>LOL

I work outside and 3 with a windchill of about -25 is the lowest I've seen, but a temp of -10 I wouldnt even open my door :P


I'm on 32bit RTM but when the trial runs out I'll probably go 64.

Stay warm.

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