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WD 1TB Drive - $399

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Western Digital MyBook Pro Edition II 1TB


A good deal on a 1TB RAID array with 3 year warranty. Of interest to Mac owners is the USB + Firewire 400 + Firewire 800 interfaces. I'm thinking I might pick one up (cause getting into classical music requires LOTS of hard drive space) and I thought I'd pass it along. If you run across other good deals like this, share them here!

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Well, the first one I got didn't work (although it could have been that I was trying to set it up on my old hackintosh...), but Dell support was great and quickly shipped me a new one that I got 2 days later.


This is a great unit and one of the smartest HD's I've seen, with a cool smart shutdown feature, among others. I'm very happy with this purchase!

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It's fairly thick - about as wide as my index finger is long.


And it's kinda annoying because it shuts down after 10 minutes of being idle and takes 30 seconds to spin back up. It's dead silent for most of the time, but after a little use - playing music for example - a really loud fan spins up.


Not quite what I was needing for my growing music collection.

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