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I had my ASUS EAH4350 (0x9553) working perfectly with 10.8.2 then updated to 10.8.4 which won't load the ATI4600Controller.kext because it can't patch whatever it needs to.  I did a bit of investigation and found that ATIFramebuffer.kext and  ATISupport.kext have changed to newer version numbers.  Should I replace them with the ones that worked with 10.8.2 or is there something else I can do to get the EAH4350 to be recognized and the ATI4600Controller.kext loaded?


Here's the pertinent part of the boot log file:



kxld[com.apple.kext.AMD4600Controller]: The vtable '__ZTV21RV730PowerPlayManager' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.

Can't load kext com.apple.kext.AMD4600Controller - link failed.

Failed to load executable for kext com.apple.kext.AMD4600Controller.

Kext com.apple.kext.AMD4600Controller failed to load (0xdc008016).

Failed to load kext com.apple.kext.AMD4600Controller (error 0xdc008016).

add ur dev ID + Ven ID in ATI4600Controller.kext and it will load


It is in the ATI4600Controller.kext 



<string>0x94901002 0x94881002 0x954f1002 0x95531002</string>
Any other suggestions/solutions?

I got the EAH4350 (0x9553) fully working in 10.8.4 but I need some assistance to get it working well.


I got it working by reinstalling kexts from 10.8.2 which worked:

AppleBacklightExpert.kext v1.0.4

ATIFramebuffer.kext v8.0.61 11612

ATISupport.kext v8.0.61 11612

IOPCIFamily.kext v2.7.3

IONDRVSupport.kext v2.3.5


The cursor and windows move normally but Safari responds very slowly such as typing a URL/URI and loading graphics. 


Any suggestions/solutions about fixing it?



see also if atiradeonx2000 is loaded.. that one give u the graphics acceleration.


ATI Graphics


good hack



I trashed my OSX86 installation and I am in the process of resurrecting it from a backup.  After I get it going again I will investigate further.  Do you know what the EAH4350 (0x9553) framebuffer name is and/or how I can find it?

  • 2 weeks later...



see also if atiradeonx2000 is loaded.. that one give u the graphics acceleration.


ATI Graphics


good hack

I reinstalled OSX 10.8.2 and got the EAH4350 fully working again then cloned it to another drive and updated the clone to 10.8.4 and added 0x95531002 to ATIRadeonX2000.kext, fixed permissions, rebooted and, voila, fully working with 10.8.4.  


Thanks for the tip.

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