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(Guide) Mountain Lion 10 8.2 - vanilla Install on Lenovo EDGE e320

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First of all I have to give Credts to artur-pt, Cassio, ErmaC, El Conelingo, Gothic80, janek202. Joshhh, koziek, Maldl0n, Modgilani, Revogirl RIP, the members of olarilia.com and all the others, I can not remember by name any more. I thank you all very much for your work, which made my install possible.


I consider myself not responsible for destroying the hard- or software of your system by using my guide and package. To use them is your own risk.



I am not very new to Hackintosh. I have stuck for years on 10 6. on my desktop, because I did not want, to change a running system, that for my usage has ben sufficient. I have very much profited from the knowledge of this community, without being able to give something new back. For my being in debt I hope, that I can do this now a little bit.



My hardware:

Lenovo Thinkpad Edge e320 (Ver. 1298), Core i5 2450m, Radeon 6630m, 8 GB ram, SSD 240 GB OCZ VERTEX III thin. Dualboot WIN7 OSX 10 8.2 on MBR formated HD with Chameleon boot loader.


OOB with SMBios MacBookPro 8.2 has been working:

HD3000 with full QE/CI in resolution 1366x768x32 and HDMI Video





Bluetooth (but not native)


With Kexts:

Keyboard with partial FN-keys


Trackpad as mouse



Bluetooth as native (switchable)


Battery - AC ( with recognized switching)


With additional DSDT.aml:


Internel and external Mic (not proofed)

Line-in-out autoswitchiing to headphones

HDMI audio

FN-Keys for sound, brithness and play (in Bios standard and legacy mode)

Native Power Management with sieep after switching to SMBios of MacBookPro 8.1 Therefore is a pin patched Kext needed.


For working WI-FI I have changed to a withe listed Bios 1.17 mod and installed a half mini Pci-e card from a Q10 with Atheros 928x chip. It´s native working with enabled Airdrop. (I don´t give the Bios mod away. Please don´t ask me. You can find it on the usual place. If you don't no where, Google is your friend. I can also not guarantee, that it will work for you and don´t destroy your hardware. It is your own risk to use the mod.)


What does not work:

Radeon 6630m

Card reader

Wi-FI with Intel card

Trackpad with gesture after sleep



For my install I have used the following software:


Chameleon- Enoch trunk [PKG r2064] by ErmaC:

http://www.insanelym...__ enoch trunk



Chameleon Wizard:



Kext Wizard:



DSDT Editor:


(For download you have to register, but it´s for free.)



FakeSMC with HWSensors Koziek trunk:

http://www.insanelym...ge__hl__ koziek


But now let´s go!


I assume, that you have done a copy of the Mac OSX Base System on a USB device or a hard disk partition. Till to this stage an for other basics you can follow other guides. (e.g. http://www.insanelym...-for-beginners/ ) If you prepare your OSX partition before the install, name it for keeping things so simple as possible "ML" (without quotes). Even if you do that during installation process use this name convention.


Important: Partion your usb install device as MBR. Otherwise you can not boot it.

(TFX thanks for the reminder I have forgotten this al first.)


1. Download my package from below an place it unpacked on the desktop of your running OSX installation. (Should be at least 10 6.8)


2. Copy the above listed software unpacked in the folder EDGE/Tools.


3. Install Chameleon, only in standard mode, on your new Mac OSX Base System. Then copy the Extra folder with complete content from EDGE/Preinstall over to the root of your install device.


4. Open Kext Wizard, activate the option of upbacking Kexts, drop all Kexts from folder EDGE/Preinstall/Extensions on the installation window for Kexts of Kext Wizard. Install all these Kexts to your install disk to S/L/E (System/Library/Extensions). Then repair with Kext Wizard for a correct install of the new Kexts permissions and update caches of your install device. Copy the Backup folder from your Desktop to folder EDGE.


5. Copy the complete folder EDGE from your desktop to the root of your install disk. Now you are done for install Mountain Lion. (For direct, bootable install on internal HD MBR format it is necessary to patch the install image, if you have not done it before. The patched files with description of path are in my pack in folder Patches-Edits.)


5.a If you do the install with 10 8.0, download the ComboUpdate 10 08.2 from Apple and copy the .dmg file to the root of your install disk.


6. Enable in Bios all advanced settings for CPU and PowerManagement and set SATA to AHCI and also Bios Option itselt al least to Both. Disable in Bios Bluetooth. (For installation no external Keyboard or amuse is needed)


7. Boot from your Install device and install OSX on the HD partition of your choice. After installation has successfully finished, restart.


8. Boot once more from Install disk and fire up from menu Utilities Terminal In the window type the following command:


cp -r /edge/preinstall/extensions/*.kext /volumes/ml/system/library/extensions/


(This command can only work in this way, if you have followed my suggested name conventions. If you have not done so, you have to correct the path.) If everything is fine, you see after a few seconds in the next line once more bash#. To control, if you have done everything all right. is short and very easy. You have just to type cd, press space and mark with your mouse the path before beginning with / vol… to the end, do copy and paste in the way of your choice and press enter. In the appearing list after executing the command: ls, you should see among many other kexts fakesmc.kext and nullcpupowermangagement.kext. Then everything till now went fine.





Terminal at this stage use a keyboard with "qwerty" layout. The special keys differ complete to the "qwertz" layout of my keyboard. Here is, where to find the most important keys:


qwerty qwertz

y = z

z = y

- = ß

= = ´

/ = -

* = Shift + 8

" = Shift + ä


End of Excursus.


9. Now you can close Terminal and open Disk Utility in Menu Utilities. Repair Disk Permissions of Volume "ML." After this process has finished, close Disk Utility and select restart in Apple Menu.


10. Boot from the boot loader of your install disk to your fresh installed "ML" installation and follow the login steps. But skip the ICloud an Registration part. You must later on activate ICloud after finished installation.


11. After you have reached the desktop, copy from your install device the folder Edge to your desktop and do a Chameleon standard mode install on Volume "ML". After sucessfull installation copy the Extra folder from the root of your install disk to the root of your volume "ML".


11a. If you have done the install from 10 8.0 install the ComboUpdate 10 8.2 on Volume "ML" and press at the end of this process restart. Then you have to repeat step 8 and 9. Back on the desktop of "ML" follow step 12.


12. Then start Kext Wizard and install all Kexts from EDGE/PostInstall/Extensions/ in the way of step 4 to your Volume "ML" S/L/E. You should also try my DSDT.aml in Folder EGDE/PostInstall/Extra. It should work on all other e320 even without 6630m. copy the DSDT.aml over to the Extra folder of "ML". After a new reboot with Chameleon boot options -v -f you should have working sound (even HDMI audio) on your new installed Mountain Lion System, if my DSDT.aml is working. Also the Battery - AC indicator and native Bluetooth are working. You can activate it, after you have enabled it in Bios. You have working network over ethernet too.


13. Now it is time to personalize your system as unique. Open Chameleon Wizard in folder Tools and edit your SMBios.plist of MacBookPro 8.1 to get a unique SMSerial. The one, that you use until this point isn´t unique. Save your edits to your existing Plist. After a restart you should be able to activate ICloud and the Appstore. I don´t use this things on my e320, therefore I have not tried it by myself.


14. If everything has gone fine until now, it is time to activate Power Management as native. You just have to move nullcpupowermanagement.kext form S/L/E to Trash and do the same with System/Library/Caches "Cöm.Apple.Kext.Caches". Restart for first time with the Chameleon boot options: -v -f. If you arrive again on your desktop, Power Management is native working.


14a. If you get Kernel Panics at first time, try to boot with the boot options from above once or twice more again. If even this does not work, you have to install nullcpupowermangement.kext again back on your system following step 8 an 9 of this guide. If your System is so far up and running, you have to create your own DSDT.aml. Even if my DSDT is working, it is a good idea to create an own one. A short Howto and the necessary edits for getting HDMI audio working, are in my package.


15. To get HWSensors working, you have to install a package like I use.


16. If you use an external DVD, it is necessary to patch the DVD Player Framework, before you use the Player for the first time. The patch is in my pack. It is not only by me confirmed working.


17. If you want, you can try the optional Kexts for the trackpad and nub. You just have to install them. Trackpad and nub are working but freezing and losing their function after sleep. I have looked for a long time around, but I have not found a solution for that until now. For enabling sleep without native Power Management a kext is in the package too.



I know, that my package is by far not a complete solution and a very simple to do thing for absolute beginners.


Because of nearly identical hardware it can be a basis to get the EDGE e420 and e520 up too. But to try this, is to your own.


It would be very nice to share any of your improvements of my package with the community.


Last but not least I have to say, that, without wanting to be bigheaded, impolite or even rude, I do not have the time to give an all in support. Especially I am not able to give support in Hackintosh and OSX basics. Therefore you have to look around and learn something by yourself.




Please play fair and do not upload my guide and package or parts of them on other servers!!!

Thank you in advance.





  • Like 3
  • 5 weeks later...

I have tried your suggestion in to disable “EthernetBuiltin”. After doing so, I still get the same result.

During the installation, ~20 min in I think the installer attempts to dim/turn off the display/screensaver; however what really happens is a white screen with a small grey box in the middle. If I press any button on my keyboard the screen returns to the installation progress screen (the installation will still continue in the background even with the white screen). This seems to suggest a graphics issue.


Up to step 10, when booting into the ML partition with boot flags -v -f, I get

Transcript Offline - Buffer Pool Allocate [181000] failed
[AGPN Controller] unknownPlatform

which results in a blank screen.


My Hardware as follows: (Lenovo ThinkPad E520)

CPU: Core i7-2620M

Chipset: HM65

Ethernet: “Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller” (RTL8167)

Wireless: “2x2 11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter” (Broadcom)

Audio: Conexant 20671 SmartAudio HD

Graphics: Intel HD3000 + AMD HD6630M (HD6630M was disabled in BIOS prior to commencing the installation)

Screen: 1366x768


Despite the E520 having a UEFI BIOS, it refuses to boot a GPT formatted disk, so I have created the installer on a MBR formatted disk. I have attempted the installation on both a GUID and MBR (with patch) HDD.

I had issues with the original AppleIntelSNBgraphicsFB.kext. At my first try to install I have the not my cpu matching prersonality of MacBookPro used an had partial success. But i had no powermanagement and no audio over hdmi. Without pinpatching the kext I could not change to SMBios of MBP 8.1. At first i had the outputs reduce to two without VGA. Afterward I have played a little around with the output pins and got all the ports working without any graphic issues. Therefor I have integrated this kext in my pack and set smbios to MBP 8,1.


A first you can try to boot with options -v -f -x and look, if this works for you.

You can also try to connect an external monitor over the hdmi or vga port. If an external monitor is working, let me this know. Then I will try to patch the kext for your lvds.


You could also rename the smbios2.plist to smbios.plist to try the personality of MBP 8,2. Do not forget to rename the smbios.plist before to keep personality of MBP 8,1.

If all this does not work, reinstall the original AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext to your usb install device and then with terminal, in the way as before done with other kexts, to your hdinstall an repair permissons with diskutility.

Afterwards try to boot with options -v -f. If this does not work with -v -f -x.


For your ethernet you can try this package: http://lnx2mac.blogspot.co.at/p/realtekrtl81xx-osx-driver.html


If you don´t have the original kext, it is attached.


I have tried what you have suggested and no success. I get the same errors which results in a blank screen. If i plug in a monitor, the laptop display turns a grey colour while there is no signal to the external monitor (HDMI).

I have tried what you have suggested and no success. I get the same errors which results in a blank screen. If i plug in a monitor, the laptop display turns a grey colour while there is no signal to the external monitor (HDMI).


In wich way did you create your usb device? Wich bootloader do you use?

You could also try to switch in Bios the first boot display to vga or hdmi ( I think it is named digtal there).

For the USB, I followed the link in your guide (rockinron_1) up to and including step 2.B.8 and then continued your guide. The bootloader is Chameleon.

With the BIOS set with the first boot display as either Digital or Analog (VGA), the BIOS, bootloader and verbose boot will appear on the external monitor. After the last line in the verbose boot, it would be stuck with the text - built in display is blank. (I assume it chooses the built in display as the primary one by default - windows does something similar with this setting too)

The same error is still present in the verbose boot log? (is that what it's called?) as before.

I've seen tutorials for this issue and they involve a DSDT edit; however the last time I tried to make my own DSDT, i just got a kernal panic during boot. :/

Hello TFX!


After some sleepless nights :wink2: and :smoke: I have been able to reproduce your "Transcript Offline - Buffer Pool Allocate [181000] failed [AGPN Controller] unknownPlatform" error. This happens, if Chameleon can not find the Extra folder and in it the correct SMBios.plist. Then AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext fails to load and causes this error.


Please check that the root ( primary folder tree) of your usb install device looks like this:




Here has the Extra folder to be placed.


If this tree is correct, than the AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext is at the moment not compatible with your system and can therefore not load.




Above folder tree is not correct: Correct it, install back my patched AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext to S/L/E with KextWizard and repair permissons and update caches.

Do an new install on your hd. You should have, if it is possibel, at least two partions (one for install and one for rescue) on it, formated with HFS extended journaled. About 25 Gig´s should bee enough for trying and the first time. Therfore you can follow my guide once again.


Above folder tree is correct: Boot with your installer, fire up terminal and run the following commands:


cd /volumes/ml/sytem/library/extensions




rm -rf (Scroll up to AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext, do copy an paste of your choice, an then press Enter)


ls (control if the kext is deleted)


Close terminal and reboot with your USB Installer to your hd install (options -v -f). Follow my guide til step 12. Install the kexts from Folder Edge/Postinstall/Extensions. But do not install my DSDT.aml at this Moment. After a reboot BatteryIndicator should be working and in systemProfiler you should see partial listed CX 20590 (your audio device, 20671 are outputs of this device). Install your ethernet kext and set in org.Chamelonbootplist the EthernetBuiltin key to yes. If you have a spare partion, clone your install before continuing it. After cloning and installing chameleon to your clone, try my new version of my DSDT. aml from the attachment. (Audio should work for you.) You should not remove the nullcpupowermangement.kext before your gfx is fully working. At this moment you have only a resolution of 1024 x 768 without QE/CI.




Search for "ccc mac" to download CarboncopyCloner to clone your install. If there are warnings during cloning, they are just to ignore.


I hope this helps you to solve your issues.


Have fun.



Yes, I have checked that the folder tree is correct.

Removing the AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext successfully brings a display back to the machine. I can proceed through the ML setup and install the postinstall kexts. However, after applying your new DSDT, ML can no longer detect my battery – says no battery installed whereas before the DSDT, system profiler could pull up a heap of info about my battery. Audio works! Yay!


Perhaps you could outline how you created that DSDT and I could try the same with the DSDT I extract from my machine?


I haven’t attempted to install Lnx2Mac’s Realtek driver; I don’t think RTL8167 is supported, but I’m not too bothered by that for now. If everything else works, I may just invest in a supported wifi card.

Hello TFX!


If you have an raw dsdt file from windows, you have to just open it with DSDT Editor. If the raw DSDT has an *.bin ending, just rename this to *.aml before opening it.

DSDT Editor includes a folder with various patches. You have just to apply every single patch for Sandybridge Laptops. But each patch only one time. If you have finihed this, got to menu iasl and compile your dsdt. Try to correct errors by pressing the button fix errors. An eventually warning with "crs" does not matter. But if you want to correct this warning, you have just to insert a line like bellow.




Return (CRS)


Return (CRS)



If you do not have any more errors, warnings don´t matter, in your compiled dsdt, save it on menu iasl as DSDT.aml on desktop or in your personal documents folder and copy it over into the Extra folder of your install. Reboot with options -v -f. Please don´t edit your knew dsdt.aml with edits from my package. Sound is working and battery infos should show up again. Remove other DSDT.aml files from Extra folder or rename them.


Please download DSDTSE for Mac from Evosoft. Within is registry explorer. You have just to press the button Registry info. Please boot without any of my DSDT.aml files. installed before you get the registry info. Save the output to a file and upload it here. It would be nice too, if you can upload your raw unmodified dsdt file from windows too. I want to have a look at these files.


Fore the chipset of your ethernetcard I have found an original package from Realtek for Lion. I think it is worth to have a try. Therefore you have to remove Lnx2Mac’s Realtek driver. You should also look after this drivers in the plugins of IONetworkFamiliy,kext and remove them from there too.

Realtek link: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false



Have fun.

Hey styrian!


Been a bit busy lately, so haven't had a chance to post this up.

I didn't actually try Lnx2Mac's driver, but initial tests confirm that the official Realtek one works.

I've pm'd you the unmodified DSDT and the exported IORegistry info. These were generated with the realtek ethernet driver installed too and OSX booted up with the DSDT I created. If you need something else, just let me know :)

  • 3 months later...


For working WI-FI I have changed to a withe listed Bios 1.17 mod and installed a half mini Pci-e card from a Q10 with Atheros 928x chip ...


Hi styrian,


You mentioned "withe listed Bios 1.17 mod" in your post, do you mean "whitelisted BIOS 1.17 mod"? Is this modification for removing whitelist check / add ID to break the hardware restrictions?






Hi styrian,


You mentioned "withe listed Bios 1.17 mod" in your post, do you mean "whitelisted BIOS 1.17 mod"? Is this modification for removing whitelist check / add ID to break the hardware restrictions?







Removed withelist check.


Have fun.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...



Have you added your vendor and device ID´s to the Info.plist of the Broadcom plugin of IOBluetoothFamily.kext?


If not copy the mentioned kext over from S/L/E to desktop, show it´s content, then open folder Plugins, show content of Broadcom...., open the Info.plist in Textedit and edit the first device entry with your bluetooth vendor and device ID found in system report.


But they are in hex there and have to ve converted to integer.


This you can do in this way:


Open terminal and typ:


let x="ID in hex"


echo $x

"Integer ID as Output"


Save the edited Info.plist and install the edited kext back with your prefered kextutility. First reboot by ignoring caches.


Have fun.



Have you added your vendor and device ID´s to the Info.plist of the Broadcom plugin of IOBluetoothFamily.kext?


If not copy the mentioned kext over from S/L/E to desktop, show it´s content, then open folder Plugins, show content of Broadcom...., open the Info.plist in Textedit and edit the first device entry with your bluetooth vendor and device ID found in system report.


But they are in hex there and have to ve converted to integer.


This you can do in this way:


Open terminal and typ:


let x="ID in hex"


echo $x

"Integer ID as Output"


Save the edited Info.plist and install the edited kext back with your prefered kextutility. First reboot by ignoring caches.


Have fun.

thx it worked...


did you got the 6630m working ? or the cardreader



Cardreader (Realtek PCI) is an absolutely nogo. The 6630m could perhaps  made be working with Clover on Mav with DisplayMergeNub.kext created by FixEDID.app. Have not tried it til now.


FixEDID.app: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/290130-fixedid-v232-application-to-generate-overrides-automatically-for-apple-displays/?p=2129354


For AMD switchable Gfx (same generation): http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/296957-amd-switchable-graphics-working-manually-mirror-only-using-clover/?hl=%2Bdisplaymergenub


Have fun.


Have fun.



Cardreader (Realtek PCI) is an absolutely nogo. The 6630m could perhaps  made be working with Clover on Mav with DisplayMergeNub.kext created by FixEDID.app. Have not tried it til now.


FixEDID.app: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/290130-fixedid-v232-application-to-generate-overrides-automatically-for-apple-displays/?p=2129354


For AMD switchable Gfx (same generation): http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/296957-amd-switchable-graphics-working-manually-mirror-only-using-clover/?hl=%2Bdisplaymergenub


Have fun.


Have fun.

i´v tryed but not worked for me, i think the switchable graphics is trun of in my dsdt :S and i dont know how to turn it back....

because i´v got same hardware like urs... at the moment use ur patched Applehda and it is working but i want upgrade to the new applehda....is it possible that you can patch the new applehda from 10.10.3. somehow external mic is not working but the internal all right.


thanks in advance  



The AppleHDA of the T420 guide (tluck) should work for you, if you use Clover. Just add the one the fly kext patch. For Chameleon you have to do this bin patch with hex fiend and use the layout and platform library of my old kext.

If you are not able to handle this by yourself, upload the original  untouched AppleHDA.kext of 10.10.3 here. I will try it for you.


Best way to switch off the 6630m is to set gfx to integrated only in bios.


Have fun.



The AppleHDA of the T420 guide (tluck) should work for you, if you use Clover. Just add the one the fly kext patch. For Chameleon you have to do this bin patch with hex fiend and use the layout and platform library of my old kext.

If you are not able to handle this by yourself, upload the original  untouched AppleHDA.kext of 10.10.3 here. I will try it for you.


Best way to switch off the 6630m is to set gfx to integrated only in bios.


Have fun.

applehda vanilla kext



no i want usw the 6630m... and if i set in bios to ati, mac recognizes is only as monitor.

maybe if u want can check my dsdt. :D

any way to read fan speed ?


my dsdt




AppleHDA binaries are missing in the kext!


Have fun.



I dont Know-how what u mean....i extracted this kext direktly from Yosemite install file....and what about Fan controlling Ort Fan Speed Reading in hwsensor....

and if is possible can u check my dsdt..because undet mac the battery life is very poor compared to windows. speedstep is working..



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