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Apple Market share still falling!


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I guessed nobody wants to read the data. It is actually 3.71% and not 4.33% by the end of August. The data suggests a far greater drop than reported.






September 18, 2006 (1:59 PM EDT)



Mac's OS Share Stays Flat



By Gregg Keizer, TechWeb Technology News


Even with the buzz surrounding Apple Computer Inc.'s move to Intel processors, the company's share of the operating system market has remained flat since December 2005, a metrics vendor said Monday.

According to data gathered by Net Applications, the Mac OS in all its flavors held down 4.35 percent of the world's operating system share in December. At the end of August 2006, it accounted for 4.33 percent.


Intel-powered Macs made up a growing portion of that figure since January, Net Applications added. At 0.62 percent of all systems by August -- about 1 in every 7 Macs -- Intel-equipped Macs have been a quick success.


"While this slight dip may not seem to be a cause for concern for most observers, the fact that Mac usage was steadily growing until this year's stagnation may be indicative of larger Apple problems," Net Applications said in a statement. Apple has been hit with charges of accounting regularities, and in August recalled nearly 2 million batteries in its iBook and PowerBook laptops.


By comparison, Windows XP made up 84.18 percent of the operating systems used by machines accessing the Web sites measured by Net Applications during August. The company's most recent operating system trend data can be found here.

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I think this is because the number of people who get a new computer is still exploding, while only a few people, who already have a computer are switching.


if you see that in relation, it makes sense that the market share is still falling, while at the same time, the number of sold Macs is still growing.

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$$$ drives the world and it drives the computer market too. I'm not debating the quality of Apple computers because honestly I'm looking forward to purchasing one when I get the money together, probably in the spring. The majority of people out there are going to buy a windows based PC from dell or Hp or some other cheap manufacturer because the less experienced computer users are going to go with cost. Another issue is software compatibility. There are plenty of software titles that aren't available for osx and I think people tend to shy away from the possibility of compatibility issues...just my two cents

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The drop was very small (easily inside the magin of error of this things), and the firm doesn't look very serious.


From a AppleInsider article on the same Net Applications data:

Still, it's unclear how reliable the firm's market share figures are or how it tracks operating system usage.


In the same newsletter, the firm erroneously reported that Apple's iPod unit shipments hit an all time high at 12 million units in one quarter before stumbling.


"iPod sales peaked at over 12 million units for the 4th quarter of 2005, but have stumbled to 8.5 million and 8.1 million units the most recent two quarters," the firm wrote


iPod sales actually peaked during Apple's first fiscal quarter of 2006, in which it sold over 14 million of the players.


also, Net Applications didn't state clearly what timeframe they collected the data, and not getting on the discussion on how accurate (or inaccurate) PCs market share figures are, that's something really hard to determine.

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Yeah... and Bush's approval rating is up. Now we have two misguided statistics... neither of which mean that much. Bush is still in office, and there are still lots of people switching to MacOS. I also see no mention of the number of those dual booting on boot camp and using Paralells... all this "study" did was measure site visits. Could a few have been people running MacOS, but accessing sites in Paralells... you get my point...

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