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Im trying to use a vanilla install of mountain lion and my video card isn't supported. How do you put a kext into system/library/extensions on a usb installer and have it install with a new OS?


I'm under the impression chameleon doesn't support extra/extensions anymore, so how do you add kexts on an install?


I think you need to use something called the kext wizard? Maybe someone can elaborate.

That pretty much said it all right there! Just choose your usb from target partition list instead of your boot hd. It will be pretty self explainitory when you see it. Then do the same again but under the "utilities" tab and check the box to repair permissions. You can rebuild the kernel cache too, but I always just skip using the kernel cache when installing by using -f boot flag at chameleon boot prompt

The kext wizard won't work on USB. By default, the USB partition is mounted as no owner, which means kext wizard won't be able to change the ownerships of the files. I supposed you can try unmount and remount it manually without no owner option.

Set UseKernelCache=no in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist and just drop the kexts in /Extra/Extensions on the USB installer.

There's no need for external tools or setting permissions and ownership.


OP: It doesn't matter if hardware acceleration (QE/CI) doesn't work during installation. Just keep going with GraphicsEnabler=n set, then you can fix it post install.

It depends on the hardware.


I can complete an install with full hardware acceleration (GraphicsEnabler=y) (but no sound since I need to patch AppleHDA.kext for that).


This is true for all three video cards I've had since i started hackintoshing, 7600 GT AGP, 9800 GTX+ and the 460 GTX (Lion only).

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