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Which Macbook To Choose?


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i'd go for 1.83Ghz personally (which in fact I did).


1.83Ghz vs 2.0Ghz isnt going to make a noticeable difference (IMHO)


Who NEEDS to burn dvds on the go? I have a dual layer dvd burner in my hackintosh... ;)

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I'm with munky on this one, get the 1.83GHhz machine and if you can burn DVDs on a desktop do that, you'll rarely ever do that while away.


With the RAM, I know that eBay has a few retailers and they sell 1GB modules for much much less than Apple.

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Yeah, I was thinking about buying the 1.83GHZ version and then buying 2gb's of ram off of newegg for $140, there is another macbook I can switch out for an 80gb hard drive regardless, so I am still wondering which I should go for. I do not have a desktop anymore, so I would have to buy an external dvd burner

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See for me I am only looking at the white 2.0GHz model simply because it has the superdrive. My MacBook, which hopefully will be ordered in the next two weeks will be replacing both my desktop and laptop.. and I'd like it all in one package... no external dvd burner.

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I guess it depends on your file sizes. For example if you happen to own a 4.3GB Jas DVD with ______ sitting on your MacBook then you might want to get it onto a DVD and free up some space. So a burner is a good idea there. Also if you are looking to edit camcorder footage too i would have thought. However if you're just browsing the web and buying the odd song from itunes (whatever) then the 1.83ghz is a better cheaper choice.

I guess look at how you've been using your previous systems and how you would assume you might be using your new one.


I'm still kind of deciding. More inclined to go for the 2ghz (white) as I think its almost worth the extra cash and I would rather have it now and pay for it than being disappointed later when/if I need it.

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I guess it depends on your file sizes. For example if you happen to own a 4.3GB Jas DVD with ______ sitting on your MacBook then you might want to get it onto a DVD and free up some space. So a burner is a good idea there. Also if you are looking to edit camcorder footage too i would have thought. However if you're just browsing the web and buying the odd song from itunes (whatever) then the 1.83ghz is a better cheaper choice.

I guess look at how you've been using your previous systems and how you would assume you might be using your new one.


I'm still kind of deciding. More inclined to go for the 2ghz (white) as I think its almost worth the extra cash and I would rather have it now and pay for it than being disappointed later when/if I need it.



My thougts exactly.. I'm always on the err on the side of caution side of the fence. If you think you may want/need it later, better to do it now as upgrading can be painful later.


Which is why I'm starting to lean towards plopping down an extra 300-400 and getting a refurb Mac Book Pro now... It's starting to look more and more like the better option for the long run.

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My thougts exactly.. I'm always on the err on the side of caution side of the fence. If you think you may want/need it later, better to do it now as upgrading can be painful later.


Which is why I'm starting to lean towards plopping down an extra 300-400 and getting a refurb Mac Book Pro now... It's starting to look more and more like the better option for the long run.

Dude you reading my thoughts or something? I was happy with the MacBooks but seeing how poorly they dealt with games (even old ones) I started thinking about the MacBook Pro. Now I don't play many games. But when I get hooked on a game, I get hooked for a while. And currently it's Halo multiplayer on the pc. And it handled that poorly (tested it on a MacBook).


I hate the idea of buying a new 'anything' and finding out I’m not fully happy with it and had a spent a little more £££ I would have been. What’s holding me back is size (MacBook Pro 15" vs MacBook 13") and £££/$$$ as I don't have a lot of cash to pay the extra £400+.


Guess that's something you might need to consider.

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Well for me.. it's currently "if I save another month i could just go with the pro". I'd rather KNOW I'm going to be happy then regret it.


The larger screen on the pro is a plus for me (but I do a lot of audio recording work and larger screens work better for me)... My old laptop was a 15" screen and my current desktop is a 22" screen... so.


Reading the actual specs of the GMA950 on Intel's site pretty much solidified things for me. And I've never hated the GMA950... my desktop has the GMA950 and I have not felt limited by it, but I knew that I could pop a PCIe vid card if/when I did. That's not an option with the mac book.


My opinion if you can push a little more and go Pro.. do so. if you can not or feel that by the time you would be limited by the GMA you could afford an upgrade.. go for the Mac Book. I need to stretch this purchase as long as possible.. that makes the Pro the right choice for me. YMMV

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