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Is any one have this Mac OS 8 betas??


Mac OS 8.2d8

Mac OS 8.7a6c2


No, google doesn't ban me, BolleBolle doesn't answer on my pm, in torrent nothing, etc...


I have:

Rhapsody DRII PowerPC

Rhapsody DRII X86

Copland OS D7E1

Scarecrow Mac OS 8 "Spaz" D11E4

Mac OS X Server 1.0 Developer CD with Yellow Box


Rhapsody Blue Box

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Would anyone be kind enough to point the way to Copland D11E4?


I believe my old copy is still stuck on an old Castlewood Orb drive and I have neither the drivers nor SCSI connection anymore. I just want D11E4 for the sake of memories, as I only got it running via debugger once and could never again hope to.

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