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[HowTo] Permanently disable BeamSync

Don Luca

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First of all, download the following program...




extract it to the desktop, then open a terminal and type what follows:


cd desktop

sudo -s

(Type your admin password)

chmod -R 755 beamsync

chown -R root:wheel beamsync

./beamsync -d




Now Re-launch Finder or, if you prefer, reboot your system.


Now BeamSync is permanently deactivated.


If, for any reasons, you want to re-activate beamsync use the same program but with different options...


./beamsync -d ---> Deactivates beamsync

./beamsync -a ---> Automatically activates beamsync

./beamsync -f ---> Forces beamsync to be activated


That's all guys. :D


P.S.: if it doesn't work, try first enabling Quark 2D Extreme, as described in another topic here.

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this also works and is a bit faster to do

open a terminal and past this in


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver Compositor -dict deferredUpdates 0


hit enter and restart finder or reboot.


works well with my lcd for my desktop,xbench went from 44 to 72

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Some help over here please? I've tried to do this for the past week with no luck. No matter the method (I've tried both methods mentioned above, plus another one I found at macosxhints site), BeamSync is always enabled again after I reboot.


I just realized that my com.apple.windowserver.plist file is all messed and garbled. First I thought it was because of some encoding method I wasn't aware of, but now I believe that something can be wrong with it. Here are the contents:


_^P^VQuartz2DExtremeEnabledZCompositor_^P^XCGSInterocitorSelectMode\GLCompositor		?^G^H_^P^OdeferredUpdates^P^A^P^@?^K^L^M^MZtileHeightYtileWidth^Q^A^@^H^Q*5P]^asuw|^?^?^@^@^@^@^@^@^A^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^$


Would you mind guys to check your file out and tell me if yours is indeed like this? I know it should have some differences, what I mean is whether the content of it has all these strange characters and such.


Thanks a lot in advance!

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i did what don luca said and it work , but everytime i restart system beam sync is activate again :)


any suggestion ?


That's strange... when I reboot I remember it was deactivated...


Well, if you want you can put the program beamsync (or JaS' command) in autoexecution at boot.

Actually, I don't know where is OSX's "autoexec.bat", but i'm sure JaS knows where it is... :(


Hope it helps....

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Tried both methods of which none work-


Here's how it should work for sure [Certified by TeKKi]


1. login as root

2. Locate /Library/Prefrences/com.apple.windowserver.plist and open that using Property list Editor

3. Change the value of Compositor/deferredUpdates from 1 to 0

4. Change the value of Quartz2DExtremeEnabled from NO to YES


Click File on top menu then Save then Reboot...




Note- that if you open the Quartz Debug App the values will reset.


I've also noticed and by testing that if you enabled the DVMT option Only in the Bios you will get high results than either FIXED or BOTH.


Hope this helps those that have been having issues with garbage text and values that reset after reboot.


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From my experience in messing with this file, the only way you could modify it is by opening it with the Property List Editor.


I've tried using nano, pico and text editor of which all displayed garbage data.


Trust me on this- follow the method I posted above and you'll succeed.






Please note that before opening the file with Property list editor I got garbage data... but after opening it with PLE, saving and rebooting I got this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


Hope this helps

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I have to ask as I havent done this before but what is a PLE and how do I open it in one?


and that file isnt there to download anymore...does anyone else have it?.....could you send it to sipheren@exemail.com.au

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I tried your method and it actually works. Thanks a lot!


Glad it worked- Enjoy!


As for itmandan,


The following portion of com.apple.windowserver.plist is related to disabling beamsynch for good:




You probably have 1 instead of zero. Now, follow the method I posted above and avoid running Quartz Debug as it resets BeamSynch to 1.


Could you possibly post the contents of your com.apple.windowserver.plist file on here?

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I've found an even better way to do the same process:


Download a copy of Pref Setter 1.1.2 here (it's free and universal binary so you won't must to have Developer Tools installed). Mount the image and copy the app to your Applications folder.


Now, login as root implies that you must to enable the root user by creating a password, changing the way that the login window shows users, etc. To avoid doing that, just open Terminal and type:


sudo /Applications/Pref\ Setter.app/Contents/MacOS/Pref\ Setter /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist


and enter your password.


This will launch Pref Setter using the super user account thus enabling you to edit and save system files. Now change the values to the desired ones as TeKKi described, reboot and enjoy.


BTW, I think the same method can be used to edit any plist file.

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I just realized that my com.apple.windowserver.plist file is all messed and garbled. First I thought it was because of some encoding method I wasn't aware of, but now I believe that something can be wrong with it. Here are the contents:


From my experience in messing with this file, the only way you could modify it is by opening it with the Property List Editor.


I've tried using nano, pico and text editor of which all displayed garbage data.

Guys some plist files are in binary mode, they are not messed up, Proteo there are hints on MacOSXHints to edit them directly or convert them to plain text files.


From binary to text (XML):


plutil -convert xml1 some_file.plist


From text or XML to binary:


plutil -convert binary1 some_other_file.plist

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Guys some plist files are in binary mode, they are not messed up, Proteo there are hints on MacOSXHints to edit them directly or convert them to plain text files.


Thanks a trill... I've noted this down for future reference.


** I love being 'educated' by a woman & that MacGirl is a compliment indeed :angel: **



EDIT: Just realized this is my 50th post & I'm finally a 90's eMac... Yeah baby! :happymac:

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